From CNN's Jack Cafferty
Was Governor Sarah Palin properly vetted?
There's a growing sense that John McCain may not have done all his homework before making his V.P. pick.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is now grabbing headlines for all the wrong reasons: her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant. Palin has hired a private lawyer in the "trooper gate" ethics investigation. She was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it. Palin appeared at a convention of the Alaska Independence Party which tried to get votes on whether the state should secede from the union. Her husband was arrested 22 years ago on a DUI. And, although Palin is now railing against earmarks, she got hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding for local projects as both governor and as mayor of Wasilla.
There's more. What about her foreign policy credentials? CNN's Campbell Brown repeatedly asked McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds last night why Palin is ready to be commander-in-chief, what qualifications she has, and to name one foreign policy decision Palin has made Campbell never got an answer. It's reported that Palin may have only traveled overseas once, last year to Germany and Kuwait.
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Cafferty: Was Palin properly vetted to be McCain?s V.P.? - Blogs from
Was Governor Sarah Palin properly vetted?
There's a growing sense that John McCain may not have done all his homework before making his V.P. pick.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is now grabbing headlines for all the wrong reasons: her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant. Palin has hired a private lawyer in the "trooper gate" ethics investigation. She was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it. Palin appeared at a convention of the Alaska Independence Party which tried to get votes on whether the state should secede from the union. Her husband was arrested 22 years ago on a DUI. And, although Palin is now railing against earmarks, she got hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding for local projects as both governor and as mayor of Wasilla.
There's more. What about her foreign policy credentials? CNN's Campbell Brown repeatedly asked McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds last night why Palin is ready to be commander-in-chief, what qualifications she has, and to name one foreign policy decision Palin has made Campbell never got an answer. It's reported that Palin may have only traveled overseas once, last year to Germany and Kuwait.
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Cafferty: Was Palin properly vetted to be McCain?s V.P.? - Blogs from