J6 Capitol Police Failures on Pelosi's Watch

You should read up on Pelosi and the democrats cuts to the USCP budget and how it left them short handed and easily overwhelmed.
So you admit the Capitol Building was easily overwhelmed! That part is credible, what is not credible is that you haven't linked the bill; nor if any such bill was put before the Senate, McConnell didn't put the bill up for a vote.

Read Article I, Sec. 7 and Sec. 8 clause 1 and admit you haven't read the Constitution.

Much like everyone who makes such judgments, that The Speaker is all powerful and is irresponsible is nothing more than BULLSHIT. Of course it is a defense councils effort to toss culpability to everyone but the singular person they want to protect.

In the matter of the vandalism, violence on Law Enforcement and denial of those who stormed the Capitol Building, more than a few are culpable. Had trump supporters watched last night and came away with a different malefactor they are not worth reading, for they are stupid, dishonest or both.
So now you have reduced yourself to blaming budget cuts?? bawahahahahahahhahahahahaha

A so-called "fiscal conservative" is whining about budget cuts??? Bawahahahaha

But hey, since you are now so in favor of boosting the budget of the capitol police...
Then you should have a problem with Republicans stalling it in the Senate huh??

Not blaming Pelosi and the dems budget cuts for causing the riots. Although it is quite obvious their budget cuts bit them in the ass with all the mismanaged security responses.

What's even funnier is you just proved my point with your Politico article high lighting the dems frantic 1.98 Billion expenditure on capitol security.

Your article:

House Democrats on Thursday passed a $1.9 billion emergency funding bill intended to fortify the U.S. Capitol, overcoming last-minute resistance from a group of progressive members who objected to more cash for Capitol Police that did not include new accountability measures.

The tight 213-212 vote came after an eleventh-hour scramble on the floor, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her top leadership huddling with their members to resolve issues from the caucus’ far left. The group of liberal lawmakers, known as “the squad,” had objected to spending millions more dollars on the Capitol Police budget without more knowledge about whether some officers were indirectly complicit in the Jan. 6 riot.

After intense conversations with Democratic leaders on the floor, three progressives registered their discontent by voting present — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Jamaal Bowman of New York. Three voted no: Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Cori Bush of Missouri and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.

“I am frankly tired of any time where there is a failure in our system of policing, the first response is for us to give them more money,” Omar said in an interview.

Yea, why were so many of them asking for pardons??

Is that normal??

I don't recall that happening, ever.....but to be fair, this is the first time in US History that there was not a peaceful transfer of power...
Liz Cheney said......any list from Lizzie yet?
Are you saying you believe incest Joe got 81 million votes and that a sitting president got 10 million more votes than his first election and lost? That makes you beyond stupid and gullible, it makes you a dishonest fool who does not give one fuck about this country.
In his basement and with rally's with 25 people.
The bold type does not impress me from someone who believes this is nothing more than a dying debunked cover up. That idiot would be you.
Too bad you couldn't graduate from high school (?!!), and failed bone head English (!!!). There is a purpose to bold comments, but don't criticize me, I passed English 101 and 102 plus creative writing in lower division.

Bold is used to highlight the text and capture the readers’ attention. That you don't read and comprehend, I'm sure you cannot understand the purpose.
Too bad you couldn't graduate from high school (?!!), and failed bone head English (!!!). There is a purpose to bold comments, but don't criticize me, I passed English 101 and 102 plus creative writing in lower division.

Bold is used to highlight the text and capture the readers’ attention. That you don't read and comprehend, I'm sure you cannot understand the purpose.
No matter what font you use it is total bullshit.
Ms. Cheney spoke and spoke clearly and purposeful in last nights broadcast. Your question strongly suggests (proves!) you didn't watch any of the broadcast.
Oh really?

Several Republican members of Congress asked for a pardon from then-President Donald Trump after the Capitol riot, Rep. Liz Cheney, the vice chair of the House January 6 committee said Thursday.

Cheney made the comments at the committee's first public hearing into the Capitol riot on Thursday night.

She called out Rep. Scott Perry in particular, saying: "Representative Perry contacted the White House in the weeks after January 6 to seek a presidential pardon."

"Multiple other Republican congressmen also sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election," she added.

She neither offered evidence nor named the other lawmakers, saying that people watching the hearings "will see" how the requests unfolded in upcoming ones.
Breitbart? LOL, -
The article:

Quested is a British filmmaker who followed the Proud Boys in the days leading up to and on January 6, 2021. Quested confirmed reports that the January 6 Committee would call him to testify as a witness during the committee’s first of six primetime televised hearings.

However, in a since-deleted Instagram post, Quested speculated that someone “in authority” opened the door for the protesters to come inside in a “deliberate act.”

Quested wrote:
The proud boys were organized and together. How many police were there at 11.22am on the steps of the capital. I count 1. This is a a deliberate act. Someone in authority left the door open and the mob walked in. #maga #riot #capitol #sedition, #senate #congress this is the first time I hear #fightfortrump. Where does it go now?
Refute a single thing I said..

Trump's own chairman of the joint chiefs of staff TESTIFIED UNDER OATH that what you talking about is bullshit....

Mike Pence had to order the national guard..Trump didn't do jack shit...

You are a fucking clown
Serious Grownups do not rely on " things ".They rely on
Facts.Hard facts.You obvioulsy have a Netflix little boys mindset.
Where we learned decades ago ... Don't watch too much TV.
Because it was studied and the experts determined it led to a
psychological disposition.Kids { youngsters } tend to identify sometimes
heavily with what they watch.The most obvious proof is the Harry Potter
series.Or in adults ... Stephen King novels.
- Needful Things - { 1993 } anyone !
"Oh really" is a question and not a response. You can lie, and I'd still not believe you, sense nothing you've posted has been credible.
MSN News is not credible?
USCP documents are not credible?

Here, Dude......this is as credible as you'll ever get:

False...but I tell you what...

Link us to the story that this happened...preferably one that has a copy of this "order"

Because what we know is that when someone TESTIFIED UNDER OATH, they said this...

'Vice President Pence – there were two or three calls with Vice President Pence. He was very animated, and he issued very explicit, very direct, unambiguous orders. There was no question about that,' Milley said."


"In video taped testimony played during Thursday's prime time hearing, Milley described a public relations strategy that Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told him was needed in the aftermath of the riot. 'He said we have to kill the narrative that the Vice President is making all of the decisions, we need to establish the narrative that the president is still in charge,' Milley, the nation's top military officer, said.

And furthermore, under oath...we have this....

'President Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day, and he made no effort to work with the Department of Justice to coordinate and display and deploy law enforcement assets. Vice President Pence did each of those things,'

Why does it take all of this when Mark Meadows and others can just testify under oath and say that Mark Milley and Mike Pence are lying??

Sorry, it was 10,000 Troops. Democrats, liberal media and GOP Rhinos are sick bastards!
Refute a single thing I said..

Trump's own chairman of the joint chiefs of staff TESTIFIED UNDER OATH that what you talking about is bullshit....

Mike Pence had to order the national guard..Trump didn't do jack shit...

You are a fucking clown
You missed the part where Trump delegated authority for activating troops, if needed, through DOD....in a meeting in the oval January 2nd.
MSN News is not credible?
USCP documents are not credible?

Here, Dude......this is as credible as you'll ever get:

One more fact that puts you into the ditto head set. The MSM is News and Editorial. That I suppose you have been told by Limbaugh or others whose education has been with other talking heads on Fox and AM Radio that the MSM was all editorial and thus fake news.

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