Its time to stop supporting Cain

We had a very different media in the 1980's than we have now.
I know because I was part of it.


Oh, I don't know. Back then you didn't have Fox News. You didn't have Talk Radio. You had the fairness doctrine still in place. If anything, it was probably worse back then.

Reagan's advantage was that he knew how to use television, having starred in it.

I do know. If a reporter in my day failed to adequately fact check, veryify and reverify EVERY fact printed in a news story, and printed something incorrectly that could compromise a person's reputation, he or she received a stern lecture from the city editor and was usually punished with getting crappy assignments for a few days.

To do that intentionally, which is the norm for too much of the media these days, would get us shown the door big time with a serious blight on our record following us for some time.

Now ethics and responsibility are out the window, and blatant partisanship is too often the policy.

Now it is encouraged to print what anybody says about anybody and don't bother to fact check much at all. Out of context quotations are fair game and even encouraged because laviscious headlines sell newspapers and attract what demographics they have to the evening news.

The only major television source that does NOT do that these days is Fox News who, while I still think they utilize more yellow journalism than would be allowed in my day, still do a much more credible job of fact checking and providing rebuttal to what they put out there. And because the American public can't be fooled all the time, that is why Fox enjoys ratings in all time slots that are greater than all their cable competitors put together and as often or not also beat the network news.
I personally like Cain and some of his ideas but it is clear that he is not only out of his league but his flip flops are epic in size.

He appears to really lack the principles that we need in our president. On no less than 3 issues he has changed his position at least twice. And two of those he changed his position 3 times in the same day. One or two changes over a long period could be overlooked. Fact is he tries to excuse his change of position by blaming it on "joking". A sense of humor is great but we got serious problems and we need a serious candidate.

Then their is the whole experience thing. I was willing to overlook a lack of govt experience for a sound economicly minded potus but.... The lack of experience is glaringly obvious when he can't seem to hold a position solid.

Which leads me to my final reason. Seemingly he has no core convictions worthy of standing up for. To change ones position so many times is a perfect example of not having a good set of core principles.

He is clearly different than Obama as far as govt intrusion goes but he is much to similar to him in the area of caving in. Compromise is one thing but abandoning your principles is unacceptable for me.

Obama had even less experience and still got elected, and is sworn by his followers to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. I will keep supporting Cain, and will vote for him in the primaries regardless of what smear campaigns are levied on him. He is the best candidate in the GOP primary right now, bar none.
Thats an endorsement coming from you

But he is unwilling to respond to the post by Foxfyre below. :)

Here's the problem and why EVERYTHING you see on television or hear on the radio needs to be put into context and fact checked.

Remember all those Obama gaffes and missteps? You probably don't so let's refresh the memories here:

1. His interview with George Stephanopolous in which he said that "It is absolutely true that John McCain has not mentioned my Muslim faith." Stephanopolous immediately prompted him to correct "Muslim faith" and repeat it as "My Christian faith." That is pretty much the only play that clip got except for the Youtube captures. None of the mainstream media bothered with it after that first day.

Do you think they would let it slide by with Sarah Palin? Or Hermain Cain? Nope, we would be hearing about it and seeing it repeated for days and days and days--out of context.

2. During an appearance on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," President Obama causes a stir by making an off-hand joke comparing his bowling prowess to the Special Olympics.
If that had been Palin or Cain, it would have been brought up again and again for weeks to demonstrate their insensitivity. With Obama it got one night's coverage.

3. In his first press conference after being elected, Obama says he already spoke with all the living presidents, and then clarifies that by adding, "I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances."
The MSM laughed. If it had been Palin or Cain, it would have been oft repeated as what they really said for real.

4. While campaigning in Ohio, Joe Biden says that "J-O-B-S" is a three-letter word. One mention in the MSM. If it was Palin or Cain, you would have seen it again and again and again to illustrate what idiots they are.

5. When Obama bumped his head on the helicopter when he turned to wave to the crowd – one night coverage compared to President Bush attempting to exit stage left via a locked door played again and again and again

6. Obama rewrote WWII history such that the allies liberated Auschwitz and claimed that his uncle was in the American brigade that helped to liberate Auschwitz.
Auschwitz of course is in Poland. It was liberated by the Red Army on Jan 27 1945.

Did you see that in the mainstream media? I thought not since it was barely mentioned. Had it been Bush or Palin or Cain, however, you would have seen it emblazoned in headlines and leading evening newscasts to illustrate how clueless (and dishonest) they were.

7. Obama got a pass from the MSM when he criticized the Bush administration for not removing Arabic translators from Iraq and sending them to Afghanistan (where no Arabic is spoken.) Do you think Palin or Cain would have been given a pass?

8. The Saddleback interview: “Rick Warren: ...Now, let's deal with abortion; 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. As a pastor, I have to deal with this all of the time, all of the pain and all of the conflicts. I know this is a very complex issue. Forty million abortions, at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?"

Barack Obama: "Well, you know, I think that whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade."

One day's coverage by the MSM. With Bush or Cain or Palin, such a statement would have been blown up to monumental proportions.

9. "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..." Forgiven by the MSM. Had any of the others said anything similar about any race they would have been branded racist.

10. "Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go." Forgiven on the strength of he was 'tired' in the MSM. Do you think Palin or Cain would have been given a break that they were 'tired'?

These are just some of hundreds of examples we could use over the last four or five years. The MSM blows off the gaffes and misstatements and contradictions made by THEIR team and give it brief and cursory coverage if they cover it at all. Often they don't even mention it until it shows up on the internet and then they have to at least mention it to avoid being seen as 'biased' or 'partisan'.

It is time we on the right stop being passive gullible idiots and start being proactive in defending our own when they are unfairly attacked, represented, or lied about or taken out of context to make people believe their statements are much more questionable than they actually are.

So, with all that being said Jroc.

Why doesn't anyone from the Democratic side respond to the post by Foxfyre?

It takes a little effort to respond to factual points made, too many here don't want to take the time and would rather throw out stupid one liners or talking points.:eusa_eh:
I agree.

It's time to stop supporting Cain.

Thats an endorsement coming from you:cool:

^ And that's how you let people like me know who the 'game players' are.

It takes a little effort to respond to factual points made, too many here don't want to take the time and would rather throw out stupid one liners or talking points.

Then I will take them one by one. :)
Showing pictures of seals doesn't change the fact that your 'probably' is unknown.


The baby seal thing is meant to be a joke.

A Baby Seal walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "What will you have?"

The Seal replies "Anything but a Canadian Club!"

It was far better with regards to investigative journalism. Now they mostly follow blogger posts around (in order to determine events) because it's cheaper.

Now they respond to tweets in the moment and these tweets from single tweeters are suspect.

Do the reporters investigate? Not like they did twenty years ago. And there was better investigative journalism forty years ago.

And I was living through it then as well.

I think that is a separate issue that I would agree with you on. Jouralism has declined as an institution. Newspapers can't afford investigative reporters anymore, it's just easier to link than to write, and so on. Back in the 1970's, Networks ran news divisions at a loss because it was a public service. Today, News is entertainment, and that's how they treat it, unfortunately.

Ever see the movie Network? . Great film. But every year, the parody/satire nature of it becomes less sharp because the reality has become more ludicrous. Who needs Howard Beale when you have Olbermann and Beck?

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
I do know. If a reporter in my day failed to adequately fact check, veryify and reverify EVERY fact printed in a news story, and printed something incorrectly that could compromise a person's reputation, he or she received a stern lecture from the city editor and was usually punished with getting crappy assignments for a few days.

To do that intentionally, which is the norm for too much of the media these days, would get us shown the door big time with a serious blight on our record following us for some time.

Now ethics and responsibility are out the window, and blatant partisanship is too often the policy.

Now it is encouraged to print what anybody says about anybody and don't bother to fact check much at all. Out of context quotations are fair game and even encouraged because laviscious headlines sell newspapers and attract what demographics they have to the evening news.

The only major television source that does NOT do that these days is Fox News who, while I still think they utilize more yellow journalism than would be allowed in my day, still do a much more credible job of fact checking and providing rebuttal to what they put out there. And because the American public can't be fooled all the time, that is why Fox enjoys ratings in all time slots that are greater than all their cable competitors put together and as often or not also beat the network news.

I think what you are bemoaning, and rightfully so, is that news has become entertainment. And I think your praise of Fox is misplaced. They are as bad as any other.

Fox has it's audience. MSNBC has its audience. CNN doesn't have an audience, because it's still trying to maintain the illusion that it isn't partisan.

I stopped reading newspapers about four years ago after being an avid reader of them for 30 years, since I was in high school. (To give you a sense of perspective, when I was in High School, Disco was cool.) I get all that from the internet now. It's more work, but it's free.
Showing pictures of seals doesn't change the fact that your 'probably' is unknown.


The baby seal thing is meant to be a joke.

A Baby Seal walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "What will you have?"

The Seal replies "Anything but a Canadian Club!"

It was far better with regards to investigative journalism. Now they mostly follow blogger posts around (in order to determine events) because it's cheaper.

Now they respond to tweets in the moment and these tweets from single tweeters are suspect.

Do the reporters investigate? Not like they did twenty years ago. And there was better investigative journalism forty years ago.

And I was living through it then as well.

I think that is a separate issue that I would agree with you on. Jouralism has declined as an institution. Newspapers can't afford investigative reporters anymore, it's just easier to link than to write, and so on. Back in the 1970's, Networks ran news divisions at a loss because it was a public service. Today, News is entertainment, and that's how they treat it, unfortunately.

Ever see the movie Network? . Great film. But every year, the parody/satire nature of it becomes less sharp because the reality has become more ludicrous. Who needs Howard Beale when you have Olbermann and Beck?

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

Showing pictures of seals doesn't change the fact that your 'probably' is unknown.


The baby seal thing is meant to be a joke.

A Baby Seal walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "What will you have?"

The Seal replies "Anything but a Canadian Club!"

It was far better with regards to investigative journalism. Now they mostly follow blogger posts around (in order to determine events) because it's cheaper.

Now they respond to tweets in the moment and these tweets from single tweeters are suspect.

Do the reporters investigate? Not like they did twenty years ago. And there was better investigative journalism forty years ago.

And I was living through it then as well.

I think that is a separate issue that I would agree with you on. Jouralism has declined as an institution. Newspapers can't afford investigative reporters anymore, it's just easier to link than to write, and so on. Back in the 1970's, Networks ran news divisions at a loss because it was a public service. Today, News is entertainment, and that's how they treat it, unfortunately.

Ever see the movie Network? . Great film. But every year, the parody/satire nature of it becomes less sharp because the reality has become more ludicrous. Who needs Howard Beale when you have Olbermann and Beck?

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

I've seen this somewhere...:eusa_think::lol:
The baby seal thing is meant to be a joke.

A Baby Seal walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "What will you have?"

The Seal replies "Anything but a Canadian Club!"

I think that is a separate issue that I would agree with you on. Jouralism has declined as an institution. Newspapers can't afford investigative reporters anymore, it's just easier to link than to write, and so on. Back in the 1970's, Networks ran news divisions at a loss because it was a public service. Today, News is entertainment, and that's how they treat it, unfortunately.

Ever see the movie Network? . Great film. But every year, the parody/satire nature of it becomes less sharp because the reality has become more ludicrous. Who needs Howard Beale when you have Olbermann and Beck?

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

I've seen this somewhere...:eusa_think::lol:


Lemme think.


Showing pictures of seals doesn't change the fact that your 'probably' is unknown.


The baby seal thing is meant to be a joke.

A Baby Seal walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "What will you have?"

The Seal replies "Anything but a Canadian Club!"


It was far better with regards to investigative journalism. Now they mostly follow blogger posts around (in order to determine events) because it's cheaper.

Now they respond to tweets in the moment and these tweets from single tweeters are suspect.

Do the reporters investigate? Not like they did twenty years ago. And there was better investigative journalism forty years ago.

And I was living through it then as well.

I think that is a separate issue that I would agree with you on. Jouralism has declined as an institution. Newspapers can't afford investigative reporters anymore, it's just easier to link than to write, and so on. Back in the 1970's, Networks ran news divisions at a loss because it was a public service. Today, News is entertainment, and that's how they treat it, unfortunately.

Ever see the movie Network? . Great film. But every year, the parody/satire nature of it becomes less sharp because the reality has become more ludicrous. Who needs Howard Beale when you have Olbermann and Beck?

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

I do not see it as a separate issue Joe. Please define the demarcation line so that I can.
I do not see it as a separate issue Joe. Please define the demarcation line so that I can.

Well, I see it as two different issues. One is that news has become entertainment. Which means that they don't want to do boring stories about the history of Libya and what is at stake, they want to just show shit being blown up. That isn't a right or left issue, that's just a problem of journalism's decline as a science.

The fact that journalists are liberals, and were liberals even back in the Reagan days is another issue. Journalism has always been a liberal purusit. From the journalism classes that weed out conservative thinkers at the college level, to the group think that thinks you become a journalist to "change the world".

Journalists shouldn't be about changing the world, just reporting it. You want to change the world, run for office, become a doctor or a lawyer or a businessman.

Now, I think that liberalism has been tempered in recent years by the fact that most journalism outlets are owned by a few corporations. Disney, Viacom, Comcast, Clear Channel, NewsCorp, Time-Warner. So they won't overturn the corporate apple cart. For instance, GE (which owned NBC before Comcast did) pulled back Olberman and Fox pulled back O'Reilly when their fued got too personal.

And I'm not sure what the answer is, becasue I don't have one.

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