It's TIME.for “The Lerner Rule”


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
IT'S your reps. and tell them to back this...
links in article at site


osted at 4:01 pm on June 22, 2013 by Jazz Shaw

Last month I seemed to anger some of my regular correspondents when I asked why IRS worker Lois Lerner was able to employ the 5th Amendment in the way she had. I was bothered by the way she seemed to be benefiting from the “best of both worlds” in terms of dancing around the law while apparently flaunting the national interests her job would require her to support. I suppose the lawyers in the crowd have made their case well enough for now, but rather than dragging her into court, how about if we just fire her? That could be the result if a new proposed rule is put in place.

Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks has sponsored legislation that would make refusing to testify in front of Congress a firable offense for federal workers, The Hill reported Thursday

The legislation is nicknamed the “Lerner” bill, after Director of IRS Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner, who plead the Fifth Amendment in front of a House committee on May 22 about her role in the IRS’s targeting of tax-exempt tea party groups.

Lerner infuriated GOP members of the House by first stating that “I have not done anything wrong,” before pleading the Fifth, leading South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy to argue that Lerner waived her rights by delivering that short statement. California Rep. Darrell Issa later agreed with Gowdy.

all of it here:
It?s time for ?The Lerner Rule? « Hot Air
These people need to be jailed, not fired.

probably, but how dare a federal worker who WE EMPLOYED refuse to answer to us..

that is how out of control this government is..I wish people would wake up in this country..
IT'S TIME PEOPLE!!!!!!! call your reps tell them to back the Learner Rule

Your elected government at work, FOR YOU, and that goes for the federal workers you pay to work for YOU...WAKE UP and stop making excuses for them...

IRS official apologizes for wasting funds on 'Star Trek' spoof video

Faris Fink, who heads the Internal Revenue Service’s small business division, offered his 'I'm sorry' before a House committee investigating a $4.1 million training conference where the video was shown. In it, Fink portrayed Dr. Spock, though his interpretation was blasted by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan).

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your Guberment always caring and thinking ABOUT YOU...wake the hell up people..
I'm surprised this slip through the NYslimes, see how long it stay up


Nuclear War Plan by I.R.S.

Published: March 28, 1989

It will take something more than a nuclear attack to wipe out taxpayers' obligations to the Internal Revenue Service.

An addition to the Internal Revenue Manual, which is supposed to guide the conduct of all I.R.S. employees, declares that if the bomb is dropped, ''operations will be concentrated on collecting the taxes which will produce the greater revenue yield.''

An I.R.S. spokesman, Johnell Hunter, said today that the new section -titled ''National Emergency Operations'' - had been added to the manual in response to a directive to Government departments from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Within 30 days of an attack emergency, the agency would expect to resume assessing and collecting taxes. At that time, the manual states, many employees might find themselves reassigned to carry out essential functions ''regardless of and without any effect on the current positions or grades of the employee.''

''On the premise that the collection of delinquent accounts would be most adversely affected, and in many cases would be impossible in a disaster area, the service will concentrate on the collection of current taxes,'' the manual says.

Nuclear War Plan by I.R.S. -
unreal, wheres the lefty outrage? oh wait they can get married now, so, its all good.....

and since Hagel skated on homophobic language...wth right? ;)

the article outlines the corruption in the IRS purchasing process too..

The Oversight report found that Castillo and Roseman became friends in 2003, after which they called or texted each other hundreds of times. Many of Roseman’s text messages, the report found, contained raunchy or homophobic language.

Read more: Report: Friendship may have greased wheels for IRS contracts - The Hill's On The Money
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My knee jerk reaction is, it's a good idea. However, I'm not sure if its a good idea to punish citizens who plead the 5th. It's every Americans right to not incriminate themselves.

:eusa_eh:where is that a question here?she declared she was taking the 5th, then made a statement speaking to the issue declaring her innocence, she opened the door.....

My knee jerk reaction is, it's a good idea. However, I'm not sure if its a good idea to punish citizens who plead the 5th. It's every Americans right to not incriminate themselves.

:eusa_eh:where is that a question here?she declared she was taking the 5th, then made a statement speaking to the issue declaring her innocence, she opened the door.....

She didn't refuse to testify, she pled the 5th. Every American has the right to plead the 5th and punishing someone who does so by firing them is IMO a violation of that protection.

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