Madonna: Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People...Attagirl

Instead of banning guns we should ban humans.

Are you our first volunteer? Find the nearest cliff so we can begin.

banning to you means death?

Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People

* therefore guns need not be banned -

rather banning people from guns is the answer.

or all public firearms defined as: bolt or lever action per round without detachable magazines - to make it a little harder for people to kill more people .... than their limit.
so banning people accessing guns is a smart idea? Just trying to follow the logic here...
Are you our first volunteer? Find the nearest cliff so we can begin.

banning to you means death?

Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People

* therefore guns need not be banned -

rather banning people from guns is the answer.

or all public firearms defined as: bolt or lever action per round without detachable magazines - to make it a little harder for people to kill more people .... than their limit.

There is zero evidence that supposed assault weapons are much of a threat, less then 400 people a year are murdered by ALL makes of rifles. That is ALL rifles.
Madonna did use a gun alot in her role as 'Breathless' in the Dick Tracy movie. Guess she really enjoyed that.

In other unrelated news, check out my Madonna painting.

If people kill people, then background checks might be a good thing

I fully support backgrounds checks just as soon as we are being governed by angels:

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

Thomas Jefferson
If people kill people, then background checks might be a good thing

If people kill people, the background checks, not banning guns outright might be a good thing. Lets keep it in context here.

well stupid, from the last time we had this conversation, you would know i dont want to ban guns.

I think half the problem is you people have the memory of a fruit loop
Guns make killing people as easy as slicing through butter with a hot knife.

Try doing that with a hot knife.

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