It’s the CIA!


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
So true...

Take off the revolutionary's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the terrorist's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the news man's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the filmmaker's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the whistleblower's mask, and it's the motherfucking CIA.

Caitlin Johnstone
So true...

Take off the revolutionary's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the terrorist's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the news man's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the filmmaker's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the whistleblower's mask, and it's the motherfucking CIA.

Caitlin Johnstone
This is what happens when governments become too powerful.

It may be time to dissolve 90% of the FedGov, including the DoD.

CIA has been working for Deep State for quite a while.

I posted this in the "Right To Bear Arms" thread, but it applies here too:

"A consciousness of those in power that their administration of the public affairs has been honest, may perhaps produce too great a degree of indignation: and those characters wherein fear predominates over hope may apprehend too much from these instances of irregularity. They may conclude too hastily that nature has formed man insusceptible of any other government but that of force, a conclusion not founded in truth, nor experience. Societies exist under three forms sufficiently distinguishable.

  1. Without government, as among our Indians.
  2. Under governments wherein the will of every one has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree, and in our states, in a great one.
  3. Under governments of force: as is the case in all other monarchies and in most of the other republics.
"To have an idea of the curse of existence under these last, they must be seen. It is a government of wolves over sheep. It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the 1st condition is not the best. But I believe it to be inconsistent with any great degree of population. The second state has a great deal of good in it. The mass of mankind under that enjoys a precious degree of liberty & happiness. It has it's evils too: the principal of which is the turbulence to which it is subject. But weigh this against the oppressions of monarchy, and it becomes nothing. Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietam servitutem. (Translation: [understood I] Prefer dangerous liberty to quiet slavery) Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, & as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions indeed generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison (1787)

To James Madison Paris, Jan. 30, 1787 < The Letters of Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 < Thomas Jefferson < Presidents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond
This would be the same CIA that was headed by Pompeo until fairly recently and is currently headed by Gina Haskell...another Trump appointee of course
This would be the same CIA that was headed by Pompeo until fairly recently and is currently headed by Gina Haskell...another Trump appointee of course
The deep stater's were placed there by Obama, Bush, and Clinton... Trump is rooting them out.. And they are scared.
So true...

Take off the revolutionary's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the terrorist's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the news man's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the filmmaker's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the whistleblower's mask, and it's the motherfucking CIA.

Caitlin Johnstone
Or the FBI....See the sig meme. :D
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This would be the same CIA that was headed by Pompeo until fairly recently and is currently headed by Gina Haskell...another Trump appointee of course
That's HASPELL, pinhead.....And she's a neocon Bushbot, just lie the scumbag Bolton.

But it is interesting to note that CIA spooks are no longer held in deep suspicion and contempt by the leftbats....Mighty conveeeeenient.
This would be the same CIA that was headed by Pompeo until fairly recently and is currently headed by Gina Haskell...another Trump appointee of course

Only an idiot would believe that every member of the Central Intelligence Agency is loyal to their Chief, the President, and even this country for that matter. Would you like to take a guess as to how many of them are actively involved in passing information to the Russians and Chinese?
So true...

Take off the revolutionary's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the terrorist's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the news man's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the filmmaker's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the whistleblower's mask, and it's the motherfucking CIA.

Caitlin Johnstone
This is what happens when governments become too powerful.

It may be time to dissolve 90% of the FedGov, including the DoD.

I agree with the sentiment but that would IMO be very disruptive on many fronts. There hasn't been a comprehensive top to bottom examination of all government departments EVER. It is so bloated and inefficient we could easily cut 5% across the board without any disruption.

This is decades overdue and is desperately needed in the intelligence agencies. They have been completely unmonitored and we all know what happens when you allow people to run free of oversight.
i dont get that part there about the whistleblowers mask being the CIA.
It Could be she believes whistle blowers are doing the CIA’s biding. Hence they aren’t really whistle blowers, but CIA propagandists.
So true...

Take off the revolutionary's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the terrorist's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the news man's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the filmmaker's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the whistleblower's mask, and it's the motherfucking CIA.

Caitlin Johnstone
This is what happens when governments become too powerful.

It may be time to dissolve 90% of the FedGov, including the DoD.

I agree with the sentiment but that would IMO be very disruptive on many fronts. There hasn't been a comprehensive top to bottom examination of all government departments EVER. It is so bloated and inefficient we could easily cut 5% across the board without any disruption.

This is decades overdue and is desperately needed in the intelligence agencies. They have been completely unmonitored and we all know what happens when you allow people to run free of oversight.
5%? The war department needs at least a 50% cut, if not more. Close the Pentagon and turn it into low income housing.

There are many huge government departments that need to be eliminated entirely.
So true...

Take off the revolutionary's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the terrorist's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the news man's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the filmmaker's mask, and it's the CIA.
Take off the whistleblower's mask, and it's the motherfucking CIA.

Caitlin Johnstone
Jfk tried to get rid of the CIA but they got rid of him and were paying for it now that they got away with it.things would be so much differerent today had jfk lived and served a second term.the country really went downhill after jfk was murdered and has been worse ever sense the CIA is always behind every major travesty including this virus.

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