It’s Thanksgiving At SCOTUS, And Mike Lindell Is Bringing Word Salad With Crazy Dressing

You're actually saying your post made sense? Ok if you say so.
The trouble is far from being in me because my first loyalty is to the precepts in the Good Book that require human beings to do right and never do anything wrong.

Democrats instruct their spokespersons to follow a protocol that will get no one to the Kingdom of God. And you havent't been here long but already I have seen you do the Marxist march: project your faults on others right after you marginalize them with popular character assassination techniques to thrill the Democrat base.
LOL you think the my pillow guy is someone worth estimating. He's a nobody just like you're a nobody worth paying attention to. With all the butt talk though it's probably time you came out of the closet.
You hopped off your girlfriend's dick for that???

That's really sad, little bitch. Quit sniveling and do something.... other than lay around like dog shit on the rug.
The trouble is far from being in me because my first loyalty is to the precepts in the Good Book that require human beings to do right and never do anything wrong.

Democrats instruct their spokespersons to follow a protocol that will get no one to the Kingdom of God. And you havent't been here long but already I have seen you do the Marxist march: project your faults on others right after you marginalize them with popular character assassination techniques to thrill the Democrat base.
So Mike is a Christian now? :lol:


Dubbed information to tickle the fancy of
the Democrat base rather than own the collossal failure of sick Joe Biden who has no business out of a nursery ward specializing in dementia wanderers. And harshness on an American businessman success story who has exposed the Marxist march folk who didn't pay attention to movies that show a fraction of life under a Sociocommunist system. * yawn* Evening, everyone.
Dubbed information to tickle the fancy of
the Democrat base rather than own the collossal failure of sick Joe Biden who has no business out of a nursery ward specializing in dementia wanderers. And harshness on an American businessman success story who has exposed the Marxist march folk who didn't pay attention to movies that show a fraction of life under a Sociocommunist system. * yawn* Evening, everyone.

Mike’s days are numbered. :)

Boy, Mike is really priming the pump for a billion dollar loss to Dominion! :lol:

Happy Thanksgiving, Chief Justice Roberts! The Pillow Man is promising to pay you a personal visit on November 23, after he meets with whichever state attorneys general are craven enough to sign onto a batshit crazy lawsuit claiming the China stole the election for Biden. So get ready for some extra holiday cheer.​
For months, the Pillow Pumper has been promising to come up with one or more state AGs willing to appear as plaintiff, triggering the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction for his Chinese routerpacket capturenon-existent IP addresscomplaint. And now, Lindell has “tons” of takers for his supposedly interstate lawsuit, although he can’t say who for fear of “attacks” by the media.​
“I’m not going to give you their names! Are you kidding?” he said.​
But never fear, because we’ll find out who (cough, cough Ken Paxton) soon enough. Lindell and the state lawyers will meet for a signing party in DC on the morning of the 23rd, after which Lindell will personally march it down to the Supreme Court to be docketed at 9am. No, Lindell is not a member of the Supreme Court bar, or any bar, but surely this will all work out fine.​
“I really think they’re going to accept it 9-0,” he told journalist S.V. Date. “It will require a new election across the board…. Declare the 2020 vote void and order new elections across the board.”​
In addition to his field trip to SCOTUS, He’s also programming a 72- or possibly 96-hour broadcast, starting the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to gin up support for his efforts, during which he will not be sleeping. Buy a pillow on Black Friday, patriots!​
And you thought your holiday table was crazy.​

But on the off chance that SCOTUS doesn’t accept this petition, Mike Lindell has a Plan B.​

Thread bump....tomorrow is the big day that the pillow guy brings down the corrupt system .

I will be glued to my TV :cool:

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