It's pretty clear it is the rightwing who is responsible for these ANTIFA hoaxes


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.
It's a hopeful sign that you too see the hipster wannabe Bolsheviks are also an embarrassment to your party.

I don't blame you for trying to disassociate with them.

But, you might want to make up something more original than 'vast right-wing conspiracy'

I believe Hillary owns the copyright on that particular theory.
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.

Left wing lunacy no matter what you want to call it.
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.
Yea, it’s all just BLM. There is no “Antifa”, just BLM Pro-Fascism.
I’m glad you guys stopped pretending to be “anti- fascist”.
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.
Yea, it’s all just BLM. There is no “Antifa”, just BLM Pro-Fascism.
I’m glad you guys stopped pretending to be “anti- fascist”.

Do you mean that it's Pro Fascist because you say it is? Funny, I posted the 14 steps to establishing a Fascist Country and Rump has been successful in 12 of them. He's tried to get the remaining two but there is something that keeps getting in his way, the United States Constitution which he tries to use for toilet paper.
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.
Will you provide the forum some evidence to back up your unsupported assertion?

Will you provide a logical reasoned argument to back up your unsupported assertion?

I predict that you will not.
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yeah. Well I guess you left-wingers are experts on hoaxes. Jussie Smollett, Trump Russia, Covington Kids, Brett Kavanough, and those peaceful protestors in New York, and let's not forget that tiny protest in Libya that killed an ambassador, which was absolutely NOT a organized planned attack.

Yeah... you would be knowledgeable about hoaxes and lies.

Funny how you lie and hoax endlessly, but the moment someone does a hoax on you, you act like it is a front page story.
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.
Will you provide the forum some evidence to back up your unsupported assertion?

Will you provide a logical reasoned argument to back up your unsupported assertion?
It’s stupid for me to try to prove a negative. How would I prove Antifa was NOT involved? See the burden of proof would have to be on Thinker to prove that they were.

Duh. I thought you knew how this logic stuff worked?
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A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yeah. Well I guess you left-wingers are experts on hoaxes. Jussie Smollett, Trump Russia, Covington Kids, Brett Kavanough, and those peaceful protestors in New York, and let's not forget that tiny protest in Libya that killed an ambassador, which was absolutely NOT a organized planned attack.

Yeah... you would be knowledgeable about hoaxes and lies.

Funny how you lie and hoax endlessly, but the moment someone does a hoax on you, you act like it is a front page story.
I mean....the Trump Russia connection is a thing whether you like it or not.

Smollett lied. Does this somehow have to be a reflection of racism accusations altogether? What broader point is even being tried to be made here?

Kavanaugh? No one knows for sure he’s a rapist, but him being confirmed doesn’t somehow exonerate him. How dumb are you?

I don’t know what that other shit you listed even is but I’m guessing it just doesn’t matter lol
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.
Will you provide the forum some evidence to back up your unsupported assertion?

Will you provide a logical reasoned argument to back up your unsupported assertion?
It’s stupid for me to try to prove a negative. How would I prove Antifa was NOT involved? See the burden of proof would have to be on Thinker to prove that they were.

Duh. I thought you knew how this logic stuff worked?
I certainly do.

The OP is yours. Thinker101 did not start this thread, you did.

Thus you put yourself in the unenviable position of having to prove a negative in order to support your position.

When you make a negative assertion and challenge others to prove you wrong, you are fallaciously switching the burden of proof.

For example, in post 4 you proclaim "Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way."

That's a negative assertion. The onus is on you to back up that assertion nonetheless, whether it is an impossible burden or not.
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A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.
Will you provide the forum some evidence to back up your unsupported assertion?

Will you provide a logical reasoned argument to back up your unsupported assertion?
It’s stupid for me to try to prove a negative. How would I prove Antifa was NOT involved? See the burden of proof would have to be on Thinker to prove that they were.

Duh. I thought you knew how this logic stuff worked?
I certainly do.

The OP is yours. Thinker101 did not start this thread,you did.

Thus you put yourself in the unenviable position of having to prove a negative in order to support your position.

When you make a negative assertion and challenge others to prove you wrong, you are fallaciously switching the burden of proof.

For example, in post 4 you proclaim "Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way."

That's a negative assertion. The onus is on you to back up that assertion nonetheless, whether it is an impossible burden or not.
Hey idiot my thread had nothing to do with whether or not Antifa had anything to do with the protests. This was about a fictional post about flag burning on 7/4. Thinker is the one who brought up the shit about Antifa and the Floyd rioting. I have good reason to think they had nothing to do with them because there is no evidence they organized any of the rioting. He brought it up so he must prove it.
A bunch of Trump supporters got together and decided to protest a social media post calling for ANTIFA's followers to burn an American flag, but the post was a hoax.

Republicans desperately want ANTIFA to be a thing because they need some kind of boogeyman to counter all of the violence and terrorism coming from the rightwing over the years.

Yep, who doesn't like a "peaceful" flag burning to go along with the "peaceful" business burnings, "peaceful" rioting, "peaceful" looting and a "peaceful" autonomous zone.
Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way.
Will you provide the forum some evidence to back up your unsupported assertion?

Will you provide a logical reasoned argument to back up your unsupported assertion?
It’s stupid for me to try to prove a negative. How would I prove Antifa was NOT involved? See the burden of proof would have to be on Thinker to prove that they were.

Duh. I thought you knew how this logic stuff worked?
I certainly do.

The OP is yours. Thinker101 did not start this thread,you did.

Thus you put yourself in the unenviable position of having to prove a negative in order to support your position.

When you make a negative assertion and challenge others to prove you wrong, you are fallaciously switching the burden of proof.

For example, in post 4 you proclaim "Well none of that has to do with ANTIFA either way."

That's a negative assertion. The onus is on you to back up that assertion nonetheless, whether it is an impossible burden or not.
Hey idiot my thread had nothing to do with whether or not Antifa had anything to do with the protests. This was about a fictional post about flag burning on 7/4. Thinker is the one who brought up the shit about Antifa and the Floyd rioting. I have good reason to think they had nothing to do with them because there is no evidence they organized any of the rioting. He brought it up so he must prove it.
The bold is a very common logical fallacy known as an argument from ignorance. (argumentum ad ignorantiam)

Logically, absence of known evidence does not constitute evidence of absence.

Logically, just because you are personally ignorant of any evidence that Antifa was involved in organizing the rioting, it does not necessarily follow that Antifa did not play any role in organizing the rioting. To say otherwise would be presenting non sequitur fallacy.

Are you intelligent enough to understand that, or not?

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There is no such thing as "antifa." It's a hoax; a false-flag operation. This "rioting" thing is also false. The vast majority of people protesting are doing just that, protesting, not "rioting."

I don't know why a person who pretends to be the president of the United States of America speaks so fondly about statues put up to honor those who fought against the United States. Are we Americans supposed to honor traitors? People like Robert E. Lee have no place in our history and do not represent our American values. Take their statues down. Put in their place statues of Harriet Tubman, Audie Murphy, or my Uncle Jack, who fought in North Africa and Anzio. The confederacy is NOT part of our American history or heritage.
There is no such thing as "antifa." It's a hoax; a false-flag operation. This "rioting" thing is also false. The vast majority of people protesting are doing just that, protesting, not "rioting."

I don't know why a person who pretends to be the president of the United States of America speaks so fondly about statues put up to honor those who fought against the United States. Are we Americans supposed to honor traitors? People like Robert E. Lee have no place in our history and do not represent our American values. Take their statues down. Put in their place statues of Harriet Tubman, Audie Murphy, or my Uncle Jack, who fought in North Africa and Anzio. The confederacy is NOT part of our American history or heritage.
It is the endless and mindless beliefs and propaganda that is spewed by people like yourself that eventually cuts out the middleman like lawyers and the such and outs bullets into heads as it is so much simpler. In our case the economy is not bad enough.

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