It's official, Trump is the only President to be Impeached Twice

The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Biden will be impeached once a month starting January 21, 2021

Dream on.. That sounds like something Trump would say. Trump can't even get representation.

He ran out his shtick and destroyed his presidency, his reelection and his legacy.

Trump Struggles to Build Legal Team as Impeachment Trial Nears
2 hours ago · (Bloomberg) --President Donald Trump, on the eve of facing a historic second impeachment trial for inciting the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last week, is having trouble finding a legal team to defend him.Allies of the outgoing president have been canvassing Washington’s legal landscape looking for representation but so far are coming up short.
You make democrats sound like a hive minded Cult, are they? The Bidens comitted serious crimes and Joe should be impeached and removed from Office. I'm sure enough democrats will put aside their Pelosi blinders and vote to convict - for the good of America

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.

Who put us in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Bush, with the help of Democrats.

Last I checked Bush is a Republican.
He's not a conservative. Meanwhile, don't you dare criticize the Democrats who voted for the war. You'll burst into flames.

So now he is not a conservative, smfh. Right, so that is like saying that Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.
Lessee, Democrat Biden sponsored the bill, it passed both chambers of Congress -- both Democrat-controlled -- and signed into law by Democrat Clinton.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.

How many Republicans voted AGAINST the 94 crime bill?
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Biden will be impeached once a month starting January 21, 2021

Dream on.. That sounds like something Trump would say. Trump can't even get representation.

He ran out his shtick and destroyed his presidency, his reelection and his legacy.

Trump Struggles to Build Legal Team as Impeachment Trial Nears
2 hours ago · (Bloomberg) --President Donald Trump, on the eve of facing a historic second impeachment trial for inciting the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last week, is having trouble finding a legal team to defend him.Allies of the outgoing president have been canvassing Washington’s legal landscape looking for representation but so far are coming up short.
You make democrats sound like a hive minded Cult, are they? The Bidens comitted serious crimes and Joe should be impeached and removed from Office. I'm sure enough democrats will put aside their Pelosi blinders and vote to convict - for the good of America

Enough from you, Traitor. In the bitbucket you go.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.

The way it is right now, the John Birch Society Republicans are in serious trouble. The Koolaid is wearing off.
Regardless, you guys set a terrible precedent that hurts the nation.
So, fomenting a riot was OK. I get it.

You want unity, get the Republicans to quit lying about the election and call in the Senate & act now. Quit defending Trump.

So, fomenting a riot is suddenly bad, because it's not your political masters doing it. I get it.

Who said we wanted unity? YOU dipshits are the ones who keep gabbling about unity - at least since five minutes ago, because God knows you wanted nothing to do with unity when you weren't the ones in power. You want to have some sort of moral high ground from which to issue condemnations and make demands, I suggest you hold your breath waiting for it, scumbag. We don't unify with evil.

Demagogues always appeal to the mob. The lower the IQ and the less education the better.

Thank you for telling me something I already know about leftists.

Trump is the only demagogue on the political landscape since Hughey Long.

I'm sure you believe that, because I know you've been told to believe it. You should also believe that I'm laughing at you, and my respect for you - which was non-existent from the first word you said - is dropping with each post. I've had more intelligent conversation from my cat.

Your respect for me is of no consequence to me. Ethics are learned from childhood.

Your respect for yourself is of even less consequence to me; so, all things considered, perhaps you shouldn't be wasting time gabbling to me about it. And start substantiating your assertions of "fact", because no one here is looking at you and thinking, "Gosh, I should believe it because surada is SO definite about it!"

There is no evidence for voter fraud... Even judges that Trump put in place followed the Constitution and the law rather than Trump's desperate lies. It would be criminal to throw out the votes because of Trump or any other candidate.. That's a recipe for destroying our country.

* "No evidence!!" *squawk

I do hope your masters at least give you a cracker, Polly, for parroting their slogan.
That Trump has been impeached twice says more about Pelosi than Trump.

In the history of the United States of America Nancy Pelosi has targeted Trump twice, which is HALF of all
impeachment proceedings ever.

Trump is a criminal who tried to overthrow the election.. Do you realize how serious that is? Its treason.

"Ohmigod, it's a CRIME to ever oppose what I want!!!"

Yeah, whatever, twink. Show us the actual law he violated, and the actual violation, or shut the fuck up with that "My agenda IS the law!" bullshit.

Oh, and I do mean "show". I do not mean "Parrot the talking point headline I was told was the new truth and expect everyone to just believe it."
Prediction. In 2022 the Dems lose the House (because that is what Nancy does) and the Republicans ramp up the Ukrainian investigation and they impeach Biden (if he is still around). It would work great for the Dems which would be the only reason it wouldn't happen but I doubt the Republicans will be able to resist.
ZERO Chance. None. Zip. Zero.

We are going to start healing and uniting. Enough of this bickering. Biden may be a corpse but he is fairly benign and with Trump gone, Nancy will calm down as well.
Pedo Joe could have been a uniter and leader by telling the party he runs to grow up and move on.

He is neither.

Why in the world would we even need Joe to be a “uniter”? It's not like the guy we have in there now is a divider, is it?
No the one before him, that jack ass divided this country like no one ever has.

Sure he did. He left office with a 60% approval rating and conducted himself with dignity and competence. You freaks couldn't handle the black dude being in charge. That's your division.
Again you bring race, I bring facts. That boy divided this country like no one before. Heck 60% of Americans were afraid of being called a racist is the only reason he had that approval rating.

Really? Do you think Ben Carson or Candace Owens can boast of a 60% approval rating?
Lol, if the media praised them like they did Obama of course they would.

So Obama was popular because the media praised him, not because he was black.

You're a fucking moron.
The only reason he was elected is because he was black. The only good thing he did was to get Trump elected.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.

The way it is right now, the John Birch Society Republicans are in serious trouble. The Koolaid is wearing off.
Regardless, you guys set a terrible precedent that hurts the nation.
So, fomenting a riot was OK. I get it.

You want unity, get the Republicans to quit lying about the election and call in the Senate & act now. Quit defending Trump.

So, fomenting a riot is suddenly bad, because it's not your political masters doing it. I get it.

Who said we wanted unity? YOU dipshits are the ones who keep gabbling about unity - at least since five minutes ago, because God knows you wanted nothing to do with unity when you weren't the ones in power. You want to have some sort of moral high ground from which to issue condemnations and make demands, I suggest you hold your breath waiting for it, scumbag. We don't unify with evil.

Demagogues always appeal to the mob. The lower the IQ and the less education the better.

Thank you for telling me something I already know about leftists.

Trump is the only demagogue on the political landscape since Hughey Long.

I'm sure you believe that, because I know you've been told to believe it. You should also believe that I'm laughing at you, and my respect for you - which was non-existent from the first word you said - is dropping with each post. I've had more intelligent conversation from my cat.

Your respect for me is of no consequence to me. Ethics are learned from childhood.

Your respect for yourself is of even less consequence to me; so, all things considered, perhaps you shouldn't be wasting time gabbling to me about it. And start substantiating your assertions of "fact", because no one here is looking at you and thinking, "Gosh, I should believe it because surada is SO definite about it!"

There is no evidence for voter fraud... Even judges that Trump put in place followed the Constitution and the law rather than Trump's desperate lies. It would be criminal to throw out the votes because of Trump or any other candidate.. That's a recipe for destroying our country.
Of course there was voter fraud and there is evidence of it. There are no elections that have zero voter fraud. There is always some. The question is, how much voter fraud was there? Democrats are fighting extremely hard to avoid voter fraud investigations though, which tells me they know that many democrats cheated.

The Republicans want to investigate only States where Trump lost. Must mean they cheated in the States Trump won and don't want to get caught.. Your logic at work.
Im a republican and i want every state investigated. There should never be concerns by anyone about our election process.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
The Senate found Trump not guilty the first time and they will do it again.
In other words Trump was NOT impeached!
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.

The way it is right now, the John Birch Society Republicans are in serious trouble. The Koolaid is wearing off.
Regardless, you guys set a terrible precedent that hurts the nation.
So, fomenting a riot was OK. I get it.

You want unity, get the Republicans to quit lying about the election and call in the Senate & act now. Quit defending Trump.

So, fomenting a riot is suddenly bad, because it's not your political masters doing it. I get it.

Who said we wanted unity? YOU dipshits are the ones who keep gabbling about unity - at least since five minutes ago, because God knows you wanted nothing to do with unity when you weren't the ones in power. You want to have some sort of moral high ground from which to issue condemnations and make demands, I suggest you hold your breath waiting for it, scumbag. We don't unify with evil.

Demagogues always appeal to the mob. The lower the IQ and the less education the better.

Thank you for telling me something I already know about leftists.

Trump is the only demagogue on the political landscape since Hughey Long.

I'm sure you believe that, because I know you've been told to believe it. You should also believe that I'm laughing at you, and my respect for you - which was non-existent from the first word you said - is dropping with each post. I've had more intelligent conversation from my cat.

Your respect for me is of no consequence to me. Ethics are learned from childhood.

Your respect for yourself is of even less consequence to me; so, all things considered, perhaps you shouldn't be wasting time gabbling to me about it. And start substantiating your assertions of "fact", because no one here is looking at you and thinking, "Gosh, I should believe it because surada is SO definite about it!"

There is no evidence for voter fraud... Even judges that Trump put in place followed the Constitution and the law rather than Trump's desperate lies. It would be criminal to throw out the votes because of Trump or any other candidate.. That's a recipe for destroying our country.
Of course there was voter fraud and there is evidence of it. There are no elections that have zero voter fraud. There is always some. The question is, how much voter fraud was there? Democrats are fighting extremely hard to avoid voter fraud investigations though, which tells me they know that many democrats cheated.

The Republicans want to investigate only States where Trump lost. Must mean they cheated in the States Trump won and don't want to get caught.. Your logic at work.
Im a republican and i want every state investigated. There should never be concerns by anyone about our election process.
Good for you. Tell your party.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
The Senate found Trump not guilty the first time and they will do it again.
In other words Trump was NOT impeached!
Not the way it works.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
The Senate found Trump not guilty the first time and they will do it again.
In other words Trump was NOT impeached!

In the last few months, just how many times has your enthusiasm been bashed against those rocks? Rump can't win anymore on anything. And you will blindly follow him right into whatever hole he ends up in. You really need to cut out the middle man and start sending your money and support to the REAL political group behind all this. John Birch Society . Meanwhile, as more and more Republicans learn the truth, they all end up taking the "Walk of Shame".


Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.

Who put us in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Bush, with the help of Democrats.

Last I checked Bush is a Republican.
He's not a conservative. Meanwhile, don't you dare criticize the Democrats who voted for the war. You'll burst into flames.

So now he is not a conservative, smfh. Right, so that is like saying that Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.
Lessee, Democrat Biden sponsored the bill, it passed both chambers of Congress -- both Democrat-controlled -- and signed into law by Democrat Clinton.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.

How many Republicans voted AGAINST the 94 crime bill?
It's okay, you can criticize your fellow Democrats. You won't burst into flame. Really. At least try to think for yourself for once.

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.

Who put us in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Bush, with the help of Democrats.

Last I checked Bush is a Republican.
He's not a conservative. Meanwhile, don't you dare criticize the Democrats who voted for the war. You'll burst into flames.

So now he is not a conservative, smfh. Right, so that is like saying that Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.
Lessee, Democrat Biden sponsored the bill, it passed both chambers of Congress -- both Democrat-controlled -- and signed into law by Democrat Clinton.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.

How many Republicans voted AGAINST the 94 crime bill?
It's okay, you can criticize your fellow Democrats. You won't burst into flame. Really. At least try to think for yourself for once.

Damn a Trump Humper telling someone to think for themselves.


Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.

Who put us in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Bush, with the help of Democrats.

Last I checked Bush is a Republican.
He's not a conservative. Meanwhile, don't you dare criticize the Democrats who voted for the war. You'll burst into flames.

So now he is not a conservative, smfh. Right, so that is like saying that Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.
Lessee, Democrat Biden sponsored the bill, it passed both chambers of Congress -- both Democrat-controlled -- and signed into law by Democrat Clinton.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.

How many Republicans voted AGAINST the 94 crime bill?
It's okay, you can criticize your fellow Democrats. You won't burst into flame. Really. At least try to think for yourself for once.

Damn a Trump Humper telling someone to think for themselves.

View attachment 443434
People laugh at things they don't understand.

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.

Who put us in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Bush, with the help of Democrats.

Last I checked Bush is a Republican.
He's not a conservative. Meanwhile, don't you dare criticize the Democrats who voted for the war. You'll burst into flames.

So now he is not a conservative, smfh. Right, so that is like saying that Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.
Lessee, Democrat Biden sponsored the bill, it passed both chambers of Congress -- both Democrat-controlled -- and signed into law by Democrat Clinton.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.

How many Republicans voted AGAINST the 94 crime bill?
It's okay, you can criticize your fellow Democrats. You won't burst into flame. Really. At least try to think for yourself for once.

Damn a Trump Humper telling someone to think for themselves.

View attachment 443434
People laugh at things they don't understand.

Like stupidity.

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.

Who put us in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Bush, with the help of Democrats.

Last I checked Bush is a Republican.
He's not a conservative. Meanwhile, don't you dare criticize the Democrats who voted for the war. You'll burst into flames.

So now he is not a conservative, smfh. Right, so that is like saying that Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.
Lessee, Democrat Biden sponsored the bill, it passed both chambers of Congress -- both Democrat-controlled -- and signed into law by Democrat Clinton.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.

How many Republicans voted AGAINST the 94 crime bill?
It's okay, you can criticize your fellow Democrats. You won't burst into flame. Really. At least try to think for yourself for once.

Damn a Trump Humper telling someone to think for themselves.

View attachment 443434
People laugh at things they don't understand.

Like stupidity.
Or, in your case, the idea of thinking for oneself.

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.

Who put us in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Bush, with the help of Democrats.

Last I checked Bush is a Republican.
He's not a conservative. Meanwhile, don't you dare criticize the Democrats who voted for the war. You'll burst into flames.

So now he is not a conservative, smfh. Right, so that is like saying that Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.
Lessee, Democrat Biden sponsored the bill, it passed both chambers of Congress -- both Democrat-controlled -- and signed into law by Democrat Clinton.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.

How many Republicans voted AGAINST the 94 crime bill?
It's okay, you can criticize your fellow Democrats. You won't burst into flame. Really. At least try to think for yourself for once.

Damn a Trump Humper telling someone to think for themselves.

View attachment 443434
People laugh at things they don't understand.

Like stupidity.
Or, in your case, the idea of thinking for oneself.

Come on Trump Humper, when did you ever think for yourself.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Hell, impeach him some more. Impeach Trump every day including the morning of Inauguration. The Democrats have watered down Impeachment to the point it is a joke. Arguably, the my weaponized Impeachment to go after Presidents they don’t like. Trump was under Impeachment before he ever set foot in office.

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