It's Official: Sarah Palin as President will DEPORT all Illegals

I hope Sarah gets the nomination, that would be funny shit.
How many colleges did she attend before she found the one that does social promotions?
McCoward deliberately threw the election. It was VERY important to the Cabal's ongoing Plan to de-nut Middle America that a prez ineligible for the Office be placed over us at this time. Had McCoward 'won' the flushing of America down the crapper would have varied only in minor details from what we have seen the past 18 months.

obama should be tried for warcrimes
Palin said one thing that I wanted to hear.

She will secure the border. Once thats done, then they can work on what to do about the 12 million illegals here. Until the border is secure you can't do anything else.

Wonder why no Reps or Dems are talking about securing our border??? Thats easy.

Hispanic votes. Jeeze.
Palin said one thing that I wanted to hear.

She will secure the border. Once thats done, then they can work on what to do about the 12 million illegals here. Until the border is secure you can't do anything else.

Wonder why no Reps or Dems are talking about securing our border??? Thats easy.

Hispanic votes. Jeeze.

Yeah? Bush said that too. Or have you forgotten how HE let you down already?
They have all let us down Yank.

None of these morons will secure the border. The hispanic vote is more important to them than the security of the counry.

They all suck.
McCain lost because of the political climate at the time.

Sarah Palin did a phenomenal job.

She would make a great president.
McCain lost because of the political climate at the time.

Sarah Palin did a phenomenal job.

She would make a great president.

Interesting that McCain's campaign wouldn't allow her to say what she really wanted to?

It's a shame.

I read her book, "Going Rogue" they really muzzled her.

Yep. And I think McCain chose her as a ploy to get Conservatives onboard seeing McCain's less-than-stellar record on so many issues where he went to the 'other side of the aisle' which garnered him the moniker 'Maverick' by the leftists.

It didn't work. McCain and the Republicans were further abandoned by Conservatives...and here we are in the result. I hope the Repubs have learned a lesson here...nah...I doubt it the way they're acting right now.
How will she pay for this?
She can for it by the revenue from her opening up oil and gas domestic drilling on federal lands here in the states and offshore. That's how Alaska pays for a lot of things. She can pay for it by cutting out entitlement programs to minorities as David Duke suggested when he was State House Representative of Louisiana.

So she is going to take away from those private companies to pay for it?? Based on right wing standards that seems kind of socialistic to me. LOL
Its seems to me drilling is not very cheap for America , look at the gulf pinhead
No drilling isn't cheap per well. I am in the business but the more you drill the more you become energy independent. Selling our oil would be profitable. Right now we are in the process of completing a well here in south Louisiana in Houma and Chevron will refine the crude. What we are talking about with Palin though is a common sense approach to things with common sense solutions. The illegals are breaking the law. Common sense dictates we militarize and close the borders for the sake of Americas future for our children and heritage. If illegals want to be a American and learn our language and American traditions and values they have 60 days to do so under Palin. If not then they will be deported. Simple and it's about time someone with American Pride who loves this country is willing to do so.

So are you talking about selling access to "our oil" so companies can drill for it or actually selling our oil instead of using it to curb our dependence on foreign oil??

Furthermore it is hardly common sense and lacks the detail necessary to say that it does.

American traditions and values?? Please describe this, considering the FACT that there are many different sets of traditions and values held by the many different ethnic groups that live in this country legally including hispanics who may not share YOUR views how do you define these America traditions and values.
You are not advocating a theocracy controlled by and based upon right wing religious ideals and traditions that uses the government to force and coerce people to assimilate or they deported are you??

What about native Americans?? Inuits in alaska? How does palin's plan deal with American citizens that don't fit into the nice neat little box that she and you use to define American in such a limited fashion??

Please explain your position in detail if you can because currently you seem very un-American.
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No drilling isn't cheap per well. I am in the business but the more you drill the more you become energy independent. Selling our oil would be profitable. Right now we are in the process of completing a well here in south Louisiana in Houma and Chevron will refine the crude. What we are talking about with Palin though is a common sense approach to things with common sense solutions. The illegals are breaking the law. Common sense dictates we militarize and close the borders for the sake of Americas future for our children and heritage. If illegals want to be a American and learn our language and American traditions and values they have 60 days to do so under Palin. If not then they will be deported. Simple and it's about time someone with American Pride who loves this country is willing to do so.

You seem to be unable to estimate the cost of such a program, give us some numbers on the cost?

Now your Concerned with Spending?

Tell me, How are we supposed to be pay for the Health Care Bill? and The Cap & Trade Bill If it ever passes?

Or does Spending Concern only come into account with things you don't like?

Which is worse??

Republicans who pretend to be concerned about spending except when it is something that they support and then they don't even care about how much it will actually cost.


someone trying to hold republicans to their own standard of being concerned about spending even as the republicans refuse to hold themselves to their own standards??
When it comes to anchor babies, I like the idea of denying them birth certificates. It is a bold move in the right direction to stop illegals from crossing the border into the USA to have kids in order to ride the benefits they get. Sarah Palin needs to activate Operation Wetback started by Ike on a grand scale. She could activate guard units from all over the country to be placed upon the border. Cutting welfare benefits to minorities could be used to fund the program. Denying citizenship to anchor babies is a good start along with the 60 day timeline to apply for citizenship.

WOW this whole thread seems like one unconstitutional step after another from the right. How would you legally deny them their rights as US citizens??

Or are you merely trying to go over the top NOW in an attempt to cover for and play off your earlier positions so you don't have to try and explain them??
When was the last time ANYBODY went to prison for hiring an illegal?

BOTH parties are allowing this to happen, folks.

BOTH parties.

Just like every other issue that can be used to gain politically. Why fix a problem and give up a political tool that you can use against your opponent.
SS, Medicare, immigration, republicans aas they made the taxcuts temporary so they can claim letting them expire is tantamount to increasing taxes.
Pick your major issue and both sides COULD more than likely do something real about it but why bother when you can use these issues to manipulate the masses into voting for you by not ever actually fixing the problem?

Unfortunately, it's all part of the game.

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