Philly Illegal Immigrant In Sanctuary In A Church Shld Be Deported!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Philadelphia Inquirer today ran a story where they reported on an illegal immigrant, Carmela Hernandez, who is holed up in The Germantown Mennonite Church to avoid being deported to her home country of Mexico who is embarking on a weekly "fasting on Wednesday" campaign to bring attention to her case in hopes of getting legal status to stay in this country. I am sorry that in her native country of Mexico the drug cartels are above the law and victimize people with impunity but that isn't justification to illegally emigrate to the United States for if that was the standard hundreds of millions of people from south of America's border would be able to illegally come to our country causing disastrous repercussions. The harm from illegal immigration is significant and intolerable; illegal immigrants take jobs from U.S. citizens and suppress wages for low and no skilled jobs in America (the fact that in many cases they take jobs Americans won't doesn't negate this harm it just calls for increasing the number of work visas), they use and are a strain on public services whether it be schools, hospitals, law enforcement and prisons and they add to the severe population density problem in an abundance of areas across America which takes away the quality of life from American citizens living in these communities.

Ms. Hernandez case is a common type of case where it pulls at one's emotions but if the American people are going to be optimally prudent they have to take a hard line on. Ms. Hernandez fled Mexica because her brother and nephew were killed because they would not pay extortion money or tribute to the local criminal organization and these criminals were focusing on her for a shakedown so in 2015 she took herself and her four kids and fled to America. In 2016 Ms. Hernandez's asylum claim was rejected and in 2018 her U visa application (visa for victims of crimes cooperating with authorities) was denied she has been in sanctuary in two local churches for two years to avoid deportation. Ms. Hernandez case is sad maybe she should move to a community in Mexico where criminal gangs don't prey on dirt poor people in any event she doesn't have principled grounds for getting legal permission to stay in America. ICE should make an example out of this lady and get the needed legal paperwork go into the church take custody of the women and her children and deport them! Not every sanctuary case should ICE do this in the case of Edith Espinal from Columbus Ohio an illegal immigrant who has been in America for over twenty years has two kids that are American citizens and has not committed a crime, in fact, ICE should permanently suspend deportation efforts against this women it is terrible public policy trying to deport this person in so far as a wasteful use of precious government resources for this really important problem.

America lacks leadership on this issue; anyone with a clue knows that in order to solve this illegal immigration problem America needs comprehensive immigration reform where the vast majority of illegal immigrants are legalized for no other reason is that the system cannot locate and deport the numbers that we have now. The scandalous lack of leadership has been that no one has put forth a plan to permanently end the illegal immigration, enough center right and right wing Americans on this issue would come along if such a bill was offered, the Bush era and the Obama era bill were a joke in this area Americans would be complete and total suckers to accept these bills. A good bill in this area would have to shut off the job spigot for illegal immigrants and the only way to reliable do this is to mandate the government track down every fraudulent use of social security numbers in work places across America and hold the violating illegal immigrants in custody throughout the deportation process. For practical reasons any viable meaning will succeed comprehensive immigration bill is going to have to legalize illegals that have been in this country for at least seven years with no felony criminal record, so why don't the Democrats and Republicans overcome the current budget bill impasse over border wall funding by giving President Trump his wall funding if he would for three years (enough time to negotiate such a bill in his second term) agree to suspend and not bring any deportation proceedings against illegal immigrants that have been in this country for seven or more years with no felony record!
Ewwww! Guilty as hell!

Deport the pig-faced woman!


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