It's official, only 9 years left.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
John Kerry, the White House’s special envoy on climate, warned Friday that the U.S. only has less than a decade left to avoid the worst of a climate catastrophe.

"There is no room for B.S. anymore. There's no faking it on this one," the climate czar said.

The Biden administration, determined to reinstate most of the 100 climate regulations former President Trump rolled back, is expected to release a new set of emissions reduction goals before Earth Day this year. The goal of the Biden administration is to get the U.S. to net-zero emissions by 2050.

2050? Without trying to sound racist using math and all, isn't that 21 years from now?

Kerry: The world has nine years to avoid climate catastrophe

John Kerry, the White House’s special envoy on climate, warned Friday that the U.S. only has less than a decade left to avoid the worst of a climate catastrophe.

"There is no room for B.S. anymore. There's no faking it on this one," the climate czar said.

The Biden administration, determined to reinstate most of the 100 climate regulations former President Trump rolled back, is expected to release a new set of emissions reduction goals before Earth Day this year. The goal of the Biden administration is to get the U.S. to net-zero emissions by 2050.

2050? Without trying to sound racist using math and all, isn't that 21 years from now?

Kerry: The world has nine years to avoid climate catastrophe

They bank on their supporters having short attention spans
According to the weather death cult we’ve only had ten years left to live since 1970.

But it makes them sound like they "Caaaaaaarrrrrreee"

Besides, "We Only Have Ten Years Left To Live" (W.O.H.T.Y.L.L.) is a much better political slogan than "Make America Great Again".

Much harder to put on a hat though!
According to the weather death cult we’ve only had ten years left to live since 1970.

We all died in 1980 and are living in the Matrix.
The only thing the left is worse at predicting than the weather is successful socialism.

Weather failures 50 years, socialism failures 100. Batting average .000.
John Kerry, the White House’s special envoy on climate, warned Friday that the U.S. only has less than a decade left to avoid the worst of a climate catastrophe.

"There is no room for B.S. anymore. There's no faking it on this one," the climate czar said.

The Biden administration, determined to reinstate most of the 100 climate regulations former President Trump rolled back, is expected to release a new set of emissions reduction goals before Earth Day this year. The goal of the Biden administration is to get the U.S. to net-zero emissions by 2050.

2050? Without trying to sound racist using math and all, isn't that 21 years from now?

Kerry: The world has nine years to avoid climate catastrophe

The disastrous effects have already begun, but the trump Nazis have been told it's a natural cycle, so their denial of facts "protects" them from the truth.

But, when all he11 finally breaks loose, the few trump Nazis still alive will be blaming the scientific community for failing to warn them.

John Kerry, the White House’s special envoy on climate, warned Friday that the U.S. only has less than a decade left to avoid the worst of a climate catastrophe.

"There is no room for B.S. anymore. There's no faking it on this one," the climate czar said.

The Biden administration, determined to reinstate most of the 100 climate regulations former President Trump rolled back, is expected to release a new set of emissions reduction goals before Earth Day this year. The goal of the Biden administration is to get the U.S. to net-zero emissions by 2050.

2050? Without trying to sound racist using math and all, isn't that 21 years from now?

Kerry: The world has nine years to avoid climate catastrophe

The disastrous effects have already begun, but the trump Nazis have been told it's a natural cycle, so their denial of facts "protects" them from the truth.

But, when all he11 finally breaks loose, the few trump Nazis still alive will be blaming the scientific community for failing to warn them.


Enlighten yourself and see:

Apparently Lurch slept during science class....

Study: Modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020 - 2053) leads to cooling, important implications for entire planet (

In a new study published recently in the journal Temperature, Prof. Valentina Zharkova demonstrates that the Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020 - 2053) that will lead to a significant reduction of the solar magnetic field and activity like during Maunder minimum leading to a noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature.

  • This can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both the northern and southern hemispheres during the next 30 years.
  • This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.
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Here's more on how the Democrats "cured" globull warming....

Can we sue Lurch, Gore, and the Democrats for causing the new Ice Age???

Global Cooling? NOAA Confirms ‘Full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum - 21st Century Wire

Despite loud claims in recent decades that man-made CO2 is somehow driving the Earth’s climate, history and science demonstrate that the largest and most influential driver of planetary climate is actually the Sun.

NASA data shows clearly that sunspot counts and solar flares are dropping which is a clear indicator that solar activity is receding slightly, which means that the Earth’s climate will change, only it won’t be getting warmer.

One known indicator of solar activity is the presence of sunspots. When they are high in number, the solar activity is stronger. When sunspots are few, then we’re more likely to see slightly less solar intensity. The last peak in sunspot activity was in 2014, and now we’ve reached a new low point in 2020.

A solar minimum does not mean that we’ll no longer have regular heat waves and warm weather, it simply means that solar activity will change, and this could translate into lower overall temperatures on Earth for the duration of this solar cycle – which could last beyond 2030.

For those paying attention, this is not breaking news as NASA had announced this trend many times before, albeit quietly. But as one would expect in the current political epoch, any talk of ‘global cooling’ is not likely to generate headlines.

It’s a fact that 2020 saw Europe having one of its coldest summers on record. Indeed, winter is coming.

NOAA is predicting a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum (GSM)

GSM’s have the potential to hold sunspots at ZERO for multiple decades. The most famous example is the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) which brought plummeting temperatures, crop loss, famine, and the deaths of hundreds of millions of people ACROSS the planet.

Unfortunately, history repeats — climate is cyclic, never linear. But unlike during the Maunder Minimum, there’s a twist this time around; we modern humans have another cosmological factor to contend with: Earth’s magnetosphere –a key line of defense against incoming Cosmic Rays– is waning at an increasing rate as north and south magnetic poles continue their wander.

The field is expected to be considerably weaker by 2040, and, as with previous magnetic excursions/reversals, these events can lead to an uptick in volcanic/seismic activity, solar outbursts, and even the onset of ice ages.

These two independent factors occurring simultaneously –-a Grand Solar Minimum AND a Pole Shift– are throwing us something of a curve-ball. Each factor alone results in a dramatic waning of earth’s magnetosphere, the upshot of which is more Cosmic Rays entering our atmosphere nucleating clouds, sending volcanoes a’poppin’, cooling the planet, and affecting biology.


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