It's official Biden started the war

First of all, "the right" refers to the European political spectrum, on which constitutional conservatism (limited govt, pro-Bill of Rights) does not exist. Thus, it is not an accurate label. Whereas the Democrat platform is very much representative of the left on that sprctrum. But just being diametrically opposed to the left does not make constitutional conservatism "the right" if you've ever looked at what the right represents on that spectrum.

Technical definitions aren't needed in the point I'm making. We all know what we're talking about when we say right or left. And unless you're getting into the differences of those on the right, then the right is just that and includes all those factions.

That said, many of us on this forum regularly criticize Republican politicians where criticism is due. Same occurs among conservative media. Something I have yet to see even one example of a leftist on this forum do about a Democrat politician. Even with factions within the Democrat congress fighting amongst themselves, the leftists on this forum and in the media remain completely silent about those conflicts, or simply deflect to Trump. It is not even remotely the same phenomenon.

When the left calls out their own, as in what Tulsi Gabbard does/did, they left's heads explodes. It reminds me of communist when they discover someone complaining about the state. The die hard Trump supporters do the same to those on the right who don't fully support Trump.

Party loyalism is like communism.
You have some valid points here.
Trump was absolutely right in saying the best thing was to develop a relationship with Putin/Russia and keep communication open. Trump is also right that China is a faaar greater threat to America than Russia, and less trustworthy.
China gave us the covid pandemic due to it's incompetence and cared more for protecting it's image than shutting it's borders and putting a hardened quarantine 100 miles around the lab. But instead, they lied and spread the pandemic all over the world.
I would rather America working with Russia than China.
And kick out all of the Mark Cuban's of the world for using China to destroy America.
By doing that we have to accept that there are other factions in the world. Progs are globalists. Russia and China re just in the way. We made Russia into an enemy and we made China into an economic monster that it is to get products cheaply and have large personal social justice and social programs at home.
ANYTHING to help the "I Hate Biden" agenda.
It doesn't need any help. Biden fans the flames personally almost daily. It's not hate, though, it's recognition of gross incompetence and a history of influence peddling.
Technical definitions aren't needed in the point I'm making. We all know what we're talking about when we say right or left. And unless you're getting into the differences of those on the right, then the right is just that and includes all those factions.

When the left calls out their own, as in what Tulsi Gabbard does/did, they left's heads explodes. It reminds me of communist when they discover someone complaining about the state. The die hard Trump supporters do the same to those on the right who don't fully support Trump.

Party loyalism is like communism.

Your understanding of political theory is incorrect, but that's neither here nor there. As to the point, I'm not talking about politicians fighting amongst each other. I'm asking when was the last time you heard a regular person on left (this forum is a good enough sample) criticize a Democrat leader they are on record supporting? I cannot remember a single example.

On the other hand, there are posts all the time by people who voted for Trump and generally support Trump expressing criticism when it's due. I'm not talking about never Trumpers, or saying that every conservative is objective in their criticisms at all times, I'm just saying I see a lot more objectivity and honest criticism among conservatives vs leftists (again, in terms of regular people, not policians)
By doing that we have to accept that there are other factions in the world. Progs are globalists. Russia and China re just in the way. We made Russia into an enemy and we made China into an economic monster that it is to get products cheaply and have large personal social justice and social programs at home.
No other country shits in their own backyard like America. No one.
The global elites and share holder class couldn't care less about how they make money, like Mark Cuban, they just want more money. And Americans? They just want shit cheap. And couldn't care less about what it does to the country, as long as the price is cheaper.
This has been going on since before Biden was in office. Although, Biden is 100% guilty of escalating this at this moment.

1. Ukraine owes Russia a TON of money. Hundreds of billions. They've been free loading off of Russia since Ukraine was created. They're reneging on their promise to pay.
2. They're also sucking up tons of money and weaponry from Russia's enemies. (Like the US, Obama, Trump and Biden)
3. NATO is surrounding them.
4. Ukraine's government is corrupted by far right wing nationalist.
5. Instead of repaying their debt to Russia, they run to their big brothers in NATO and plead innocent.

And since the US always has to have a boogey man, (that always being Russia). Our leadership has never really wanted Russia as an ally. The threat of Russia helps to keep our military industrial complex in business. Notice the lack of aggression in the middle east lately? I didn't notice either, because of the war drums beating for Russia.

With NATO on Russia's door. Ukraine screwing Russia over. This has left Russia on the defense.
So stealing large swathes of Ukraine does not count as some sort of payment in kind for all the debt
Ukraine owes to Russia (if your comment is correct)?
I would think it of course would though I'm certain Ukraine would like the Crimea back at the least.

And Ukraine has a corrupt government? What would you call Russia's authoritarian rule by Putin?
For that matter, so does the US have a corrupt government with the Justice Department, IRS, State
Department, FBI and the NSA plus several other branches of the rotten tree of government filled with Deep State spies and plotters.

And if Russia does not fulfill the role of "boogie man" with former KGB man Vlad Putin trying to
snatch up his neighbors to complete some sort of sad dream of former Soviet Union glory (if the USSR
could ever be called "glorious" with it's laundry list of bad actor-ism) then what should we call Russia
as it, at this very moment, is in it's war of aggression on it's neighbor to fulfill the psychotic
dreams of glory by an authoritarian monster that leads the nation?
Not even close. What we see happening is the same thing that happened with Covid a couple of years ago--this is all GOOD, and this is all BAD. Wear the mask GOOD, stay home GOOD, not wear a mask BAD.

Eastern Europe is a hot mess and has been a hot mess for generations. That doesn't mean Putin is a "good guy" (he's not) and that doesn't mean I'm a defender of Putin (I'm not). But there are plenty of people now making Ukraine to be this slice of Utopia where sunflowers burst out spontaneously and people all live in peace, because that's what we have to do now I guess. It's all so exhausting and stupid.

Putin was an evil actor to begin with and this seems to have escalated. HE WAS AND IS WRONG to have done what he did to attack Ukraine. But let's not pretend that Ukraine has a pure-as-the-driven-snow government that is not just Eastern European to the core. And that the Bidens didn't dip their hands into that honeypot, cause they did.
Who is pretending Ukraine is a Utopia, I don’t see that at all. They are in FACT being tormented, attacked and victimized by a nuclear power and a dictator who is trying to kill their leader and take over their land. I don’t really care what corruption was going on in the Ukraine government, nothing justifies this type of an aggression by Russia. It should be condemned, stopped and punished
If this country wasn't so divided, he would've been. GW would've been fired for the WMD lies. Obama and Hillary both fired for getting us into Syria. And all the others who kept US officials in Benghazi. (R & D's)
But we're too busy fighting amongst ourselves to do the right thing. We've been this way for so long now it's probably part of our genetics. I'm as guilty as the next man.

Eisenhower's warning of the MIC has come true so many times.
Not really a chance in hell. Perhaps in the future a terrorist attack against our military on foreign soil would be the basis for and impeachment, conviction and removal. Besides one of the conditions of the Surrender Accords Trump let slide was to put an end to the terrorist like al Qeada and ISIS operating in Afghanistan. Throughout the 135 days while we implemented our conditions, ISIS terrors were regularly using suicide bombers to attack Civilians in Kabul. Bottom line ISIS is responsible for the suicide bomber that killed hundreds that day including 13 Marines. Not Trump or Biden.
I don't disagree but still we come back to the fact that this didn't happen while Trump was in office...something has changed to set the stage for Putin to go for his one Russia aspirations now...and that's a change in leadership here at home...the Afghanistan debacle showed Putin all he needed to know about Biden...
Its laughable how you think everything in the word revolves around R or D being in the WH
He told China that Ukraine was entering into NATO knowing that China would immediately tell Putin.

All those deaths, destruction, are his fault.

That was 8 months after Putin had already sent 100,000 troops to the Ukraine border.
I don't know how long Ukraine can hold out, but I do know that Xiden's war on energy is helping Putin fund his war. The US buys oil from Russia instead of selling oil to the EU. Xiden is a POS.
Who is pretending Ukraine is a Utopia, I don’t see that at all. They are in FACT being tormented, attacked and victimized by a nuclear power and a dictator who is trying to kill their leader and take over their land. I don’t really care what corruption was going on in the Ukraine government, nothing justifies this type of an aggression by Russia. It should be condemned, stopped and punished

Condemned, yes.

Stopped and punished by whom?
Condemned, yes.

Stopped and punished by whom?
By the rest of the world… if you’re walking down the street and you see your neighbor kicking their barely conscious child in their front yard do you keep walking or do you go stop them?

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