It's official Biden started the war

Well if you were here last week you would have seen an MSNBC link from 2016 that was chastising Trump for saying it...calling him a crazy war monger and WW3 starter....too bad you too have a very selective memory....


How do you view something I didn't see as "selective memory?" :cuckoo:

Regardless, where can I find that? Was it in this thread?
How do you view something I didn't see as "selective memory?
Yeah I guess that wasn't fair....since we all know how limited your knowledge is....

Yeah I guess that wasn't fair....since we all know how limited your knowledge is....

Your links are from today and a few days ago.

Thanks for affirming what I said ... that the claims Trump threatened Putin he would bomb Moscow have only very recently surfaced. Nothing shows up from years ago about that.

In layman's terms, means this claim is bullshit.
Your links are from today and a few days ago.

Thanks for affirming what I said ... that the claims Trump threatened Putin he would bomb Moscow have only very recently surfaced. Nothing shows up from years ago about that.

In layman's terms, means this claim is bullshit.
No..... nice try faun....I remember this from 2016...I remember the left wing going crazy saying Trump wants to start WW3....
No..... nice try faun....I remember this from 2016...I remember the left wing going crazy saying Trump wants to start WW3....

Then post a link from back then to it. There would be thousands of such links had he actually said that. Funny how the only links you have are from this month.
Then post a link from back then to it. There would be thousands of such links had he actually said that. Funny how the only links you have are from this month.
You are asking me to find a positive link for Trump on the censored web?....Look back to the posts from last week someone found one from 2016...I don't have the time nor the patients....
Does Biden even know the Russians invaded Ukraine? Did his handlers bother to tell him?

Instead of being concerned about Europe being at war and the Russian threats of nuclear the shithead is out kissing the ass of the goddamn filthy ass Negroes.

Biden celebrates Black History Month at White House event

You are asking me to find a positive link for Trump on the censored web?....Look back to the posts from last week someone found one from 2016...I don't have the time nor the patients....


Why on Earth would the web censor a crazy comment like that? Or are you claiming the web is now protecting Trump by scrubbing that comment? But wait, if they're protecting Trump, then how is it getting through now that he purportedly said that?

You didn't think this one through. Just like everything you post.

He never said that. Google has a feature which allows you to search by date. When I search on [trump "I will hit Moscow" "All those beautiful golden turrets will be blown up"] I get 314 hits. I miniscule number which are all recent hits. If I put an ending date range up until Biden became president, I get only 3 hits and none of them actually go to a verifiable link.

And the buzz going around now goes back to Michael Goodwin at the NY Post. And even he doesn't actually claim Trump said that. He says "allegedly" and "purportedly."
He told China that Ukraine was entering into NATO knowing that China would immediately tell Putin.

All those deaths, destruction, are his fault.
There it is! Dammit I knew there was something we weren't seeing. That son of a bitch started this. Probably figures on all the rebuilding contracts later on. I was wondering why the flash point happened seemingly out of nowhere
The Truth: Our government wanted to enter the war, so they cut off Japan's oil supply trying to provoke them.

Your historical perspective is bad

FDR cut off oil to Japan because they were a barbaric war machine

look up the Rape of Nanking to find what really happened

yes FDR wanted to enter WWII and the japanese and hitler accommodated him by declaring war on the US
The US spent years trying to rein in Japanese aggression in Asia. It started with diplomatic action, escalated to embargoing raw materials, then to freezing Japanese assets in the USAAnd finally ended in an oil embargo. This process lasted years. At any point the Japanese could have had the sanctions removed by simply removing their troops from China and Manchuria.but Japan decided to go to war instead.
The citizens aren't being tormented. And wasn't being attacked by Russia. NATO is pushing Russia back against the wall. All Russia wanted was for Ukraine to start paying them back some of the hundreds of billions in money and aid Russia has given them over the last decade or more. Ukraine government officials tends to put Russia's money in their personal bank accounts, instead of what it's for. They did the same thing with the money that Obama and Trump gave them.
And so Russia starts demanding their money back, Ukraine begs NATO for help because they've squandered the money. Ukraine allows weapon systems on their border with Russia, as a big "F U, I don't have to pay you back now."
Of course NATO is going to help Ukraine, because the MIC will make a shit ton of money. And Russia's threat to stop trading their oil in USD's scares the shit out of our Federal Reserve. Remember why we invaded Iraq? The real reason? It wasn't WMD. It was because the sanctions on Iraq were about to be lifted and Saddam had promised to stop trading his oil in USD.

It's the same thing. All this propaganda about how bad Russia is, is a lie riddled with just enough truth to make it all seem true.
Citizens aren't being tormented? The Russians are indescriminantly shelling residential neighborhoods, they are shelling a nuclear power plant, they have invaded a peaceful neighbor. You are an idiot.
He told China that Ukraine was entering into NATO knowing that China would immediately tell Putin.

All those deaths, destruction, are his fault.
Grow up you brain dead idiot. You know nothing.
Oh lovely. You have no argument so resort to that shit attempting to intimidate me.
Youre brain dead.
Oh please. You can't be intimidated any more than I can be moved by your insipid nonsense.
Know your place. You don't exist. Rather, you exist at my sufferance. With a click. I can make you disappear. Watch.
Oh please. You can't be intimidated any more than I can be moved by your insipid nonsense.
Know your place. You don't exist. Rather, you exist at my sufferance. With a click. I can make you disappear. Watch.
Now whose intimidated tough guy?
The only person who will miss you is your mother.
Click away big boy.
Oh please. You can't be intimidated any more than I can be moved by your insipid nonsense.
Know your place. You don't exist. Rather, you exist at my sufferance. With a click. I can make you disappear. Watch.

Umm, you didn't make him disappear, he's still there. Don't quit your day job -- magic is not in your future.

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