It's official Biden started the war

NATO is deliberately pushing Russia's back to the wall. There's too much money at stake here. The MIC is already getting filthy rich on this. Oil companies are drooling over this. All the things the left hates about massive corporations, is about to make twice as wealthy as they are now. And the left (voters) don't even realize it. They still believe Russia is the enemy because that's what they've been told for so long by Hillary and people like her. (including many on the right, who have their hands in the MIC and oil lobbyist pockets.)
This is something that stretches way across party lines here. This is part of a corruption at the highest levels of our government and NATO.

And it's also an issue that voters on both sides should come together and protest. But that's not likely to happen. We are too divided to see the truths.

"Every time we tell a lie, and debt is incurred to the truth. And someday, that debt will be paid."

Pearl Harbor:
The lie: We were attacked without provocation.
The Truth: Our government wanted to enter the war, so they cut off Japan's oil supply trying to provoke them.

Gulf of Tonkin
WMD's in Iraq
And probably a 1000 other lies so the very few can profit beyond our wildest dreams.
The Truth: Our government wanted to enter the war, so they cut off Japan's oil supply trying to provoke them.

Your historical perspective is bad

FDR cut off oil to Japan because they were a barbaric war machine

look up the Rape of Nanking to find what really happened

yes FDR wanted to enter WWII and the japanese and hitler accommodated him by declaring war on the US
No surprise, of course. It's all they know: Everything is always 100% the other tribe's fault, 100% of the time, no matter what, period.

No thought required.

The Truth: Our government wanted to enter the war, so they cut off Japan's oil supply trying to provoke them.

Your historical perspective is bad

FDR cut off oil to Japan because they were a barbaric war machine

look up the Rape of Nanking to find what really happened

yes FDR wanted to enter WWII and the japanese and hitler accommodated him by declaring war on the US

Hitler was a barbaric war machine but we still didn't get into the war. Americans didn't want to. Roosevelt did.
It's not a stretch. It's a historical fact.
Hitler was a barbaric war machine but we still didn't get into the war. Americans didn't want to. Roosevelt did.
It's not a stretch. It's a historical fact.
Of course FDR wanted to enter the war because he was not a fool

but till tojo and hitler screwed up and declared war on his there was nothing he could do
This has been going on since before Biden was in office. Although, Biden is 100% guilty of escalating this at this moment.

1. Ukraine owes Russia a TON of money. Hundreds of billions. They've been free loading off of Russia since Ukraine was created. They're reneging on their promise to pay.
2. They're also sucking up tons of money and weaponry from Russia's enemies. (Like the US, Obama, Trump and Biden)
3. NATO is surrounding them.
4. Ukraine's government is corrupted by far right wing nationalist.
5. Instead of repaying their debt to Russia, they run to their big brothers in NATO and plead innocent.

And since the US always has to have a boogey man, (that always being Russia). Our leadership has never really wanted Russia as an ally. The threat of Russia helps to keep our military industrial complex in business. Notice the lack of aggression in the middle east lately? I didn't notice either, because of the war drums beating for Russia.

With NATO on Russia's door. Ukraine screwing Russia over. This has left Russia on the defense.
Russia has been an ally before, Could be again if it had leadership that cared about the people. Average Russians are in the street protesting, war costs money. they want food & shelter not killing their neighbors. Putin is one of the richest people in the world.
Russia has been an ally before, Could be again if it had leadership that cared about the people. Average Russians are in the street protesting, war costs money. they want food & shelter not killing their neighbors. Putin is one of the richest people in the world.
True. Putin is very rich and Russia is very poor. Now he's killed an important revenue stream for Russia and the Stans.
Russia has been an ally before, Could be again if it had leadership that cared about the people. Average Russians are in the street protesting, war costs money. they want food & shelter not killing their neighbors. Putin is one of the richest people in the world.

What do the EU, NATO and the US expect when you violate treaties. There’s that little detail about no eastward expansion of NATO after the USSR flew apart. And the US missile systems plopped down in the brand new NATO states on Russia's border, that aren’t supposed to be there. Is it coincidence that the “anti-ballistic missile defense system installed there uses the MK41 launcher? You know, the one designed to launch Tomahawks. If I know that, I’m pretty sure Vlad does too. Biden telling China they were about to sign Ukraine up in NATO was just the last straw for Vlad. He’s in the same position a guy named Kennedy was, “enemy” missiles on his borders. You should’ve expected the guy to throw a fit.

Add all that up and include the fact that Russia has given Ukraine billions of $$$, only to have Ukraine run to NATO and snub their nose at Russia. If it wasn't for Russia, and other countries, Ukraine would've been bankrupt a long time ago. Simply because their government is corrupt. The leadership of their country takes a lot of the financial aid they get and stick it in their own bank accounts.
You're right. Sadly, you are right. There are those of us on the right, who turn a blind eye to what the right does, that's corrupt, dishonest and out right wrong. But zoom in on everything the left does that's wrong.

Sadly, both sides are guilty of the same thing. And until that stops, things like what's going on within our own government will continue.

First of all, "the right" refers to the European political spectrum, on which constitutional conservatism (limited govt, pro-Bill of Rights) does not exist. Thus, it is not really an accurate application of that term. Whereas the modern Democrat platform is very much representative of the left on that sprctrum. But just being diametrically opposed to the left does not make constitutional conservatism "the right" if you've ever looked at what the right represents on that spectrum.

That said, many of us on this forum regularly criticize Republican politicians where criticism is due. Same occurs among conservative media. Something I have yet to see even one example of a leftist on this forum do about a Democrat politician. Even with factions within the Democrat congress fighting amongst themselves, the leftists on this forum and in the media remain completely silent about those conflicts, or simply deflect to Trump. It is not even remotely the same phenomenon.
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NATO is deliberately pushing Russia's back to the wall. There's too much money at stake here. The MIC is already getting filthy rich on this. Oil companies are drooling over this. All the things the left hates about massive corporations, is about to make twice as wealthy as they are now. And the left (voters) don't even realize it. They still believe Russia is the enemy because that's what they've been told for so long by Hillary and people like her. (including many on the right, who have their hands in the MIC and oil lobbyist pockets.)
This is something that stretches way across party lines here. This is part of a corruption at the highest levels of our government and NATO.

And it's also an issue that voters on both sides should come together and protest. But that's not likely to happen. We are too divided to see the truths.

"Every time we tell a lie, and debt is incurred to the truth. And someday, that debt will be paid."

Pearl Harbor:
The lie: We were attacked without provocation.
The Truth: Our government wanted to enter the war, so they cut off Japan's oil supply trying to provoke them.

Gulf of Tonkin
WMD's in Iraq
And probably a 1000 other lies so the very few can profit beyond our wildest dreams.
You have some valid points here.
Trump was absolutely right in saying the best thing was to develop a relationship with Putin/Russia and keep communication open. Trump is also right that China is a faaar greater threat to America than Russia, and less trustworthy.
China gave us the covid pandemic due to it's incompetence and cared more for protecting it's image than shutting it's borders and putting a hardened quarantine 100 miles around the lab. But instead, they lied and spread the pandemic all over the world.
I would rather America working with Russia than China.
And kick out all of the Mark Cuban's of the world for using China to destroy America.

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