“It’s not fair!” Trump sends 115 Tweets in 24 hours

It’s a new milestone for the whiniest of little bitches. He’s completely embarrassing himself and our nation’s standing around the world but oh well. Just another day in the White House.

Why would anyone try to justify this toddler whining?

‘This is Trump unleashed’ — These charts show that the president is tweeting and speaking more than ever

It's all this goofball trump's mind is capable of, but then look at his base.

Regular Americans? What about US?

I voted not FOR
Tactfully, we don't care. Trump was/IS a figurehead. I didn't choose Trump for my ideal representative. No... Hell, I would have voted for a old boot, just to send a message to democrats. And I used to BE a democrat, which begs the point. We get Trump, the Brits get Brexit. The Democrats/Labour parties have sold out and lost touch with their roots. Get it?
No one would have thought less of you if you voted for a boot instead of a democrat. The obvious error was voting for Trump.
What can I say? The sad fact is, there wasn't any alternative.
Oh there definitely were independents to vote for.
Yes, and they had like zero chances of being elected. You know that. Which doesn't resolve the ugly question of why we ex patriot democrats would vote for Trump. Well, lets just say the democrats have let us down a little. That would be a understatement. And we leave it at that.
Well, again, no one cares you didn’t vote Democrat. What matters is the error of voting for Trump or anyone in the GOP.
Don't take this personally. OK? I didn't vote FOR Trump. (I know people that vote for Obama because he was BLACK.) I voted AGAINST the current assholes pretending to be "Democrats". They are more in line with the so called international globalists than they are the people they supposedly represent locally in a democratic society. Hence Trump. It's complicated.
That you’re weird with your gay fantasies? LOL

Whatever floats your boat
Lol okay whatever dude.
You’re the one posting gay fantasies. You are a very odd person
Why would anyone at all have “gay fantasies” of you sucking off an orangutan? Definitely not gay people.
Keep digging that hole. You’re a very odd person and you post gay fantasies.
I mean you can think I’m gay if you want I guess. Your dick worship of Trump just can’t be denied.
I do not care what you are but I ask that you keep your perversions to yourself.
It’s a new milestone for the whiniest of little bitches. He’s completely embarrassing himself and our nation’s standing around the world but oh well. Just another day in the White House.

^^^ it drives the left insane that Trump can speak directly to the people and they can't control the narrative in the liberal media.
Actually what bothers us is that he attempts to speak to the people while sounding like a whiny child who is incapable of speaking in complete sentences.

Sure. THat is it. You are upset that your enemy is inarticulate. That is what fills you with rage and hate.

HInt. That was irony.
I would vote for democrats if it wasn't for the fact THEY DO whatever the fuck they want regardless.Like, Sanctuary cities? Nobody wanted, asked for or need it. (despite the American poor or homeless, I digress) The impeachment thing? Despite the portentous accusations, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein, "There Is no THERE there". I want my democratic party back!
I would vote for democrats if it wasn't for the fact THEY DO whatever the fuck they want regardless.Like, Sanctuary cities? Nobody wanted, asked for or need it. (despite the American poor or homeless, I digress) The impeachment thing? Despite the portentous accusations, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein, "There Is no THERE there". I want my democratic party back!

And now New York is going to give illegals drivers licenses.
It’s a new milestone for the whiniest of little bitches. He’s completely embarrassing himself and our nation’s standing around the world but oh well. Just another day in the White House.

Why would anyone try to justify this toddler whining?

‘This is Trump unleashed’ — These charts show that the president is tweeting and speaking more than ever
Tactfully, we don't care. Trump was/IS a figurehead. I didn't choose Trump for my ideal representative. No... Hell, I would have voted for a old boot, just to send a message to democrats. And I used to BE a democrat, which begs the point. We get Trump, the Brits get Brexit. The Democrats/Labour parties have sold out and lost touch with their roots. Get it?
No one would have thought less of you if you voted for a boot instead of a democrat. The obvious error was voting for Trump.

With all of Trump's accomplishments, I don't see how anybody who voted for him call that an error. The economy is great, stock market making our retirement more secure, lowest unemployment in 50 years, business confidence at high levels, record internet Christmas sales, it's hardly what any Trump voter would consider an error.
I would vote for democrats if it wasn't for the fact THEY DO whatever the fuck they want regardless.Like, Sanctuary cities? Nobody wanted, asked for or need it. (despite the American poor or homeless, I digress) The impeachment thing? Despite the portentous accusations, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein, "There Is no THERE there". I want my democratic party back!

And now New York is going to give illegals drivers licenses.
The infamous Motor voter thing. This is exactly why we get Trump or Brexit. The antidote to the liberal fascist dictatorship. When Labour or the Democrats stop representing the very people that created them, its time we took it back and make it clear what WE want. And that is what is happening.
It’s a new milestone for the whiniest of little bitches. He’s completely embarrassing himself and our nation’s standing around the world but oh well. Just another day in the White House.

Why would anyone try to justify this toddler whining?

‘This is Trump unleashed’ — These charts show that the president is tweeting and speaking more than ever

I'm not surprised, trump is totally coming unglued.

I can't wait to have a mature adult in our White House again.

Yeah, that's what we want. Somebody that makes decisions based on polls, somebody that you don't know what they think, only what their speech writers and aids think, a genuine phony that says he or she will do one thing, and then does the opposite.

Oh how I miss those days.
It’s a new milestone for the whiniest of little bitches. He’s completely embarrassing himself and our nation’s standing around the world but oh well. Just another day in the White House.

^^^ it drives the left insane that Trump can speak directly to the people and they can't control the narrative in the liberal media.
Actually what bothers us is that he attempts to speak to the people while sounding like a whiny child who is incapable of speaking in complete sentences.

Let me put this another way, president Trump has the power to call out the Dem's BS and ridicule lying Dem leaders and THAT'S what pisses off the left to no end. The so called 'news' media allows Dem's to lie with impunity, president Trump doesn't allow them to get away with it.
I would vote for democrats if it wasn't for the fact THEY DO whatever the fuck they want regardless.Like, Sanctuary cities? Nobody wanted, asked for or need it. (despite the American poor or homeless, I digress) The impeachment thing? Despite the portentous accusations, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein, "There Is no THERE there". I want my democratic party back!

You nailed it, what was the Democratic party was taken over by left wing radicals who are increasingly lawless in their behavior and dishonest to their core.
Trump. The guy ran originality as a Democrat, a friend of the Clintons and the Simpsons even had a episode foretelling him as president. He lost more money than he can ever regain. And here we are. And the democrats are trying to impeach him. It ain't happening, guys. Take your prozac and calm the hell down, Trump has gained 4 more years because of this fiasco.
Freedom of speech is a bitch, ain't it?





No doubt that had some sort of meaning in your defective mind.... :dunno:
Well just the obvious really: Trump thinks freedom of speech should have limitations. The penalty of which should be jail time. He’s a fascist.

Because he says his IQ is higher than yours?

Shit, my dog has a higher IQ than you...

AND you Communista are a bunch of frauds.

Man arrested in hate crime after burning rainbow flag and punching worker at Berkeley LGBTQ center, authorities say
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When I see Americans displaced and living in the streets suffering...When illegal aliens get those poor American's jobs and then our "elected' so called Democratically elected leaders give illegal aliens sanctuary from laws every other immigrant over the last 80-100 years followed, I know something isn't adding up. Is it me, or are Liberals becoming a NEW acceptable dictatorship? But maybe that's why we have Trump?
Another TDS thread...
Right no one should criticize Trump. We should all just suck his dick like you do.
Why do you Leftists always project homosexuality? You hiding something Billy?

You do not seem to pay attention much....the right on this forum at least, do it a shit ton more than the left.


No Goofball Goosestepper, you just excuse it from your Comrades. You're so consumed with your hatred of Trump that you reject rationality.
Another TDS thread...
Right no one should criticize Trump. We should all just suck his dick like you do.
Why do you Leftists always project homosexuality? You hiding something Billy?

You do not seem to pay attention much....the right on this forum at least, do it a shit ton more than the left.


No Goofball Goosestepper, you just excuse it from your Comrades. You're so consumed with your hatred of Trump that you reject rationality.

shit dude, you are one of the worst offenders. You post your fantasies about me on a regular basis.
It’s a new milestone for the whiniest of little bitches. He’s completely embarrassing himself and our nation’s standing around the world but oh well. Just another day in the White House.

Why would anyone try to justify this toddler whining?

‘This is Trump unleashed’ — These charts show that the president is tweeting and speaking more than ever

It's all this goofball trump's mind is capable of, but then look at his base.

I don't see Trump melting down.

You Communists on the other hand...


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