The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
To Paraphrase Nancy Pelosi's Soviet Union styled Quote:

"It's not about Truth, or Proof, It's about The Accusations!".....

I'd say I have to agree. But I will take it one step further.

It's not about The Accusations or even Impeachment.

It's about more than just President Trump!

It's about The Usurpation of Power.

It's about "Fundamentally Transforming America."

It's about the current "Structural Change" that Democrats Assure us is needed.

Structural Change?

You mean like ripping the roof off of my house or demolishing a structure and building something entirely Different?

If this thought crossed your mind when you hear about "Fundamentally Transforming America" and "Structural Change" you might be a walking talking and thinking human being with a mind of your own.

The Democrats want to divide America, break down the wall of separation of powers for the three co-equal branches of government, destroy the electoral college, undermine the power of The Executive Branch, and usher in Socialism-Globalism, diminish the power of The Constitution, erase the bulwark of National Sovereignty, make null and void our immigration policy, usurp executive authority over foreign policy, and set themselves up as Lords over us as they lay Siege to The White House.

The President and The GOP (most of them) are the only thing stopping The Democrats from outright seizing power for themselves. So we are in a COUP, and Civil War without bullets, but make no mistake, America is under siege by Socialists and Globalists and Usurpers.

The Workers of Iniquity Abound.

Democratic Socialism? Where have we heard that before? Why Nazi Germany, that's where right before they destroyed The Democratic Weimar Republic and installed Democratic Socialism.

Full article at the below link

Democrats embracing socialism is dangerous for America

Their latest clarion call is the idea of "Democratic Socialism." Socialism by any other name is still socialism, and trying to infiltrate it into our modern political process and system of government is dangerous.

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It's about ensuring Trump gets two terms- it's the way the game is played- two for me, two for you, wash, rinse, repeat.
This entire sham is outrageous...why McConnell is allowing this side show is the question I want answered....why is he allowing the house Trump haters to run the senate?....time to give the senate leader a call....601 W. Broadway
Room 630
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (502) 582-6304
It's about ensuring Trump gets two terms- it's the way the game is played- two for me, two for you, wash, rinse, repeat.
Maybe this is the result, but looking deeper they are trying to set precedents to breach The Separations of Powers gap, and make The Executive Branch beholden to The House. It is also about challenging an individual's Due Process Rights, Civil Rights, and they are getting away with it thus far.
It’s a public display of insanity
Is it insane? If Trump was cutting you off from the gravy train you enriched yourself from at The People’s Expense then everything they are doing is a Counter Strike against draining The Swamp!

These people are generally in fear of being perp walked the next 4 years. Look at Joe Biden recent rly saying he was afraid to testify in The Senate. The whistleblowers are in hiding. The FBI lies to FISA, Schiff is hiding exculpatory evidence...on and on.
Look deeper. Look at how they had to give The entire Clinton Campaign & Podesta Group to hide what they were doing in The Ukraine with Russia and during our elections.

This entire sham is outrageous...why McConnell is allowing this side show is the question I want answered....why is he allowing the house Trump haters to run the senate?....time to give the senate leader a call....601 W. Broadway
Room 630
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (502) 582-6304
Trump's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won, my friends
Proof of how you want to stop out elections and overthrow our Democracy.

Communists, Globalist and Nazis do not have any friends but within their Own Evil Ranks, so you aren’t addressing any Actual American that loves this country like most of us do, and most of you don’t.

That won’t stop you from Preaching the gospel of hate to Your Comrades in The Axis of Evil.

Trump's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won, my friends
Nadler says they have overwhelming evidence but they need more evidence.

I think when this is all over, all of the Hyperbole, Histrionics, and Flat Out Lies and Criminal Acts and Denial of Due Process by The Democrat Party is going to completely sickening to be The American People.

And they are going to show their disgust November 2020.
Geez, this is hard to listen to. Nadler has repeated himself about 10 times already, and he is not offering evidence, just making speeches falsely wrapping himself in The Flag, the Fore Fathers, all while defiling those sacred and unique American Monuments to Freedom.

He's used the word "corrupt" about 50 times already. Then goes on talking about Treason and Bribery and neither of those appear in The Articles.
Since The Dems are still talking about witnesses:

Wouldn't America like to know why Obama spent so much money in The Ukraine to stop an Anti Corruption Government from being elected?

I bet they'd also like to know why The Ukraine Embassy was working with The Clinton Campaign & Obama on this, and why John Brennan, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Manafort, Gage and Podesta worked on stopping The Anti Corruption Government from being elected in the Ukraine.

They would probably also like to know why Obama ordered Joe Biden to extort Ukraine to get The Ukraine Prosecutor fired, before he could uncover a money laundering and bribery scheme at Burisma which lead right back to Vladimir Putin.

Don't you now want to know why Joe Biden says he is refusing to testify even if subpoenaed, and why Hunter Biden is being Ordered to Appear in Front of a Judge to answer for his Refusing to Comply with Court Orders to Submit his Financial Records in his child support case? Especially since Hunter is refusing to turn over records of his Burisma income?

Nah, Nothing Fishy There.....AT ALL.
Geez, this is hard to listen to. Nadler has repeated himself about 10 times already, and he is not offering evidence, just making speeches falsely wrapping himself in The Flag, the Fore Fathers, all while defiling those sacred and unique American Monuments to Freedom.

He's used the word "corrupt" about 50 times already. Then goes on talking about Treason and Bribery and neither of those appear in The Articles.

They have nothing and they know it.
Post Number 7 should read:

Look deeper. Look at how they had to give The entire Clinton Campaign & Podesta Group IMMUNITY to hide what they were doing in The Ukraine with Russia and during our elections.
Geez, this is hard to listen to. Nadler has repeated himself about 10 times already, and he is not offering evidence, just making speeches falsely wrapping himself in The Flag, the Fore Fathers, all while defiling those sacred and unique American Monuments to Freedom.

He's used the word "corrupt" about 50 times already. Then goes on talking about Treason and Bribery and neither of those appear in The Articles.

They have nothing and they know it.
And if anyone actually looked in to The Facts, The Democrats would have a bunch of felonies laid on them, not The President.
Geez, this is hard to listen to. Nadler has repeated himself about 10 times already, and he is not offering evidence, just making speeches falsely wrapping himself in The Flag, the Fore Fathers, all while defiling those sacred and unique American Monuments to Freedom.

He's used the word "corrupt" about 50 times already. Then goes on talking about Treason and Bribery and neither of those appear in The Articles.

They have nothing and they know it.
And if anyone actually looked in to The Facts, The Democrats would have a bunch of felonies laid on them, not The President.

One thing at a time...
Geez, this is hard to listen to. Nadler has repeated himself about 10 times already, and he is not offering evidence, just making speeches falsely wrapping himself in The Flag, the Fore Fathers, all while defiling those sacred and unique American Monuments to Freedom.

He's used the word "corrupt" about 50 times already. Then goes on talking about Treason and Bribery and neither of those appear in The Articles.

They have nothing and they know it.
And if anyone actually looked in to The Facts, The Democrats would have a bunch of felonies laid on them, not The President.

One thing at a time...
One thing I am learning from Sham Peachment is that THE Democrats Do not Want ANYONE to look at what they were doing and Obama, Clinton and Biden were doing in The Ukraine between 2012-2016

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