it's innocent until proven guilty


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
2,300 America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven, the left has proven, again, to be like the nazis
..the left and blacks never want fair trials for WHITES
like the MBrown case and Stockley case---all the cases
..and don't try to say that dumbshit ''Floyd never got a trial'''......
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

The cop needs a trial to be made example of. Be serious. We are a nation of laws. The fact that there are bad cops does not change that. We should all be striving for law and order despite injustices that happen.
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

The cop needs a trial to be made example of. Be serious. We are a nation of laws. The fact that there are bad cops does not change that. We should all be striving for law and order despite injustices that happen.
Not to mention the media cannot be trusted anymore.
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

The cop needs a trial to be made example of. Be serious. We are a nation of laws. The fact that there are bad cops does not change that. We should all be striving for law and order despite injustices that happen.
Not to mention the media cannot be trusted anymore.

That was proven in Furguson Mo
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

The cop needs a trial to be made example of. Be serious. We are a nation of laws. The fact that there are bad cops does not change that. We should all be striving for law and order despite injustices that happen.
Not to mention the media cannot be trusted anymore.

That was proven in Furguson Mo
Also in the Treyvon case, nbc purposely edited the 911 tapes. To try to make Zimmerman a racist. That is dangerous. America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven, the left has proven, again, to be like the nazis
..the left and blacks never want fair trials for WHITES
like the MBrown case and Stockley case---all the cases
..and don't try to say that dumbshit ''Floyd never got a trial'''......
It is “Innocent until proven guilty” in the court of law.

In the court of public opinion, there is a lesser standard.
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

Lots of new video coming out today. CCTV footage as well as cell phone videos from individuals.
Video: a bad cop's worst nightmare.
Oh they long for the day before everybody had a cell phone.
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.
Wow, and to think, liberalism used to be for fairness when it came to blacks killing whites, they deserved their day in court, even with video showing the savages , ruthlessly beating up old people. So much for liberalism, it is now Fascism...... America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven, the left has proven, again, to be like the nazis
..the left and blacks never want fair trials for WHITES
like the MBrown case and Stockley case---all the cases
..and don't try to say that dumbshit ''Floyd never got a trial'''......
.in America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven guilty. it used to be that way but that went away as soon as the Patriot Act went into effect.
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

Lots of new video coming out today. CCTV footage as well as cell phone videos from individuals.
Video: a bad cop's worst nightmare.
Oh they long for the day before everybody had a cell phone.
this a celly / that’s a tool
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

Lots of new video coming out today. CCTV footage as well as cell phone videos from individuals.
Video: a bad cop's worst nightmare.
Oh they long for the day before everybody had a cell phone.
I will say that it was found out that the cop on the neck of George, was a very bad cop who had a checkered past. Problem is, this goes up to the Chief of Police and the Mayor for allowing this thrug to continue working at the PD. Fire them all, because America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven, the left has proven, again, to be like the nazis
..the left and blacks never want fair trials for WHITES
like the MBrown case and Stockley case---all the cases
..and don't try to say that dumbshit ''Floyd never got a trial'''......

" America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven, the left has proven, again, to be like the nazis "

Arbury got no trial

conservative christian trump supporters murdered him with NO TRIAL and they EXPECTED to just walk away from it

you are a typical conservative lying sack of human garbage
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video.
You saw a GLIMPSE of the incident on you really think that should be enough? are a perfect China style of really should think of relocating to China or would fit right in....
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

"we seen it on the video"....another highly educated democrat who believes videos not facts...why ask why? America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven, the left has proven, again, to be like the nazis
..the left and blacks never want fair trials for WHITES
like the MBrown case and Stockley case---all the cases
..and don't try to say that dumbshit ''Floyd never got a trial'''......

Ummm...does "lock her up" ring a bell. Seems Trump supporters and trump himself must be the left, and in your words Nazis. America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven, the left has proven, again, to be like the nazis
..the left and blacks never want fair trials for WHITES
like the MBrown case and Stockley case---all the cases
..and don't try to say that dumbshit ''Floyd never got a trial'''......
Save your righteous indignation. Trump went right to 'Lock her up' and skipped over the charges and the trial. I don't recall the Right standing up and saying innocent until proven guilty. America and all civil countries, it's innocent until proven, the left has proven, again, to be like the nazis
..the left and blacks never want fair trials for WHITES
like the MBrown case and Stockley case---all the cases
..and don't try to say that dumbshit ''Floyd never got a trial'''......
Save your righteous indignation. Trump went right to 'Lock her up' and skipped over the charges and the trial. I don't recall the Right standing up and saying innocent until proven guilty.
It was the people in the room, not the Candidate Trump that was chanting "lock her up". It was the video of the burning of the Benghazi Embassy and 4 dead US citizens that was shown on the video(sound familiar there Peabrain), that was enough to put the sick bitch Hitlery in jail. But because the justice system of the brown turd, was in the tank for that failed candidate of a female, they let her walk, again......
What do we need a trial for, we seen it on the video. They can have a trial but it won't do any good, the cops should plead guilty.

So you want to deny a person their civil rights because you have a video? This is more proof that you are a lefty with no principles and not a liberal who stands with a belief system. Thanks for proving you are for party over country.

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