Can Trump Get a Jury Who Will Give Him a Fair Shake?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street

"Can Trump Get a Jury Who Will Give Him a Fair Shake? My Expert Opinion Is Yes, and Here’s Why."​

I too believe Mr. Trump can get a fair trial. Although I find his very person anathema, I believe in the justice system. I will not be upset if the jury finds Mr. Trump innocent. Why? The prosecution still has to prove it's case -- in a court of law: "Better that Ten Guilty Persons Go Free Than that One Innocent Person be Convicted."

Of course, Mr. Trump doesn’t want a fair trial. Like any other criminal defendant, he wants a jury that is biased in his favor. But can he get a jury that is able and willing to give him a fair shake?

My answer, based on my more than 40 years as a jury consultant for politicians, celebrities, Wall Street financiers and others accused of criminal wrongdoing, is that he can. Granted, Mr. Trump is as high-profile and polarizing as a defendant can be. But the adversarial nature of the selection process and the remarkable can-do attitude that jurors so often display result in a fair jury almost always.

For Mr. Trump, we’re about to find out

Keeper thread
It’s pretty simple. I think most of the Left will accept whatever the court finds. I think most of the right will call it a deep state hoax and fascist conspiracy if anything doesn’t go Trumps way. I don’t think the details of the case matter one bit to these people. And I do think it will be a majority on the right that feel this way
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It’s pretty simple. I think most of the Left will accept whatever the court finds. I think most of the right will call it a deep state hoax and fascist conspiracy if anything doesn’t go Trumps way. I don’t think the details of the case matter on bit to these people. And I do think it will be a majority on the right that feel this way

I'm not so sure about most everyone on the left. But I am sure that any true Liberal believes to their core:

Better that Ten Guilty Persons Go Free Than that One Innocent Person be Convicted​

What is leftwinger disagreeing with?

"Can Trump Get a Jury Who Will Give Him a Fair Shake? My Expert Opinion Is Yes, and Here’s Why."​

I too believe Mr. Trump can get a fair trial. Although I find his very person anathema, I believe in the justice system. I will not be upset if the jury finds Mr. Trump innocent. Why? The prosecution still has to prove it's case -- in a court of law: "Better that Ten Guilty Persons Go Free Than that One Innocent Person be Convicted."

Of course, Mr. Trump doesn’t want a fair trial. Like any other criminal defendant, he wants a jury that is biased in his favor. But can he get a jury that is able and willing to give him a fair shake?

My answer, based on my more than 40 years as a jury consultant for politicians, celebrities, Wall Street financiers and others accused of criminal wrongdoing, is that he can. Granted, Mr. Trump is as high-profile and polarizing as a defendant can be. But the adversarial nature of the selection process and the remarkable can-do attitude that jurors so often display result in a fair jury almost always.

For Mr. Trump, we’re about to find out

Keeper thread
It works like this…

If Trump is found guilty, it is a biased jury/judge/ prosecutor
If he is found innocent, it is a fair trial
There is no crime, no victim. All political harassment. The judge should be chained an dragged for NOT yet dismissing the bogus filing.
Charges for many many crimes have been made. It is up to the prosecution to prove it in court. Trump will have an opportunity to defend himself but it’s not looking good.

His bagman Cohen already got convicted and went to jail for his part… and they have evidence that Trump was at the head of operations. Sounds like game over
Other than a signed letter saying it never happened….

Menendez had stolen Gold bars hidden in his closet. Or hunter? Wow! This is a witch hunt.

"Can Trump Get a Jury Who Will Give Him a Fair Shake? My Expert Opinion Is Yes, and Here’s Why."​

I too believe Mr. Trump can get a fair trial. Although I find his very person anathema, I believe in the justice system. I will not be upset if the jury finds Mr. Trump innocent. Why? The prosecution still has to prove it's case -- in a court of law: "Better that Ten Guilty Persons Go Free Than that One Innocent Person be Convicted."

Of course, Mr. Trump doesn’t want a fair trial. Like any other criminal defendant, he wants a jury that is biased in his favor. But can he get a jury that is able and willing to give him a fair shake?

My answer, based on my more than 40 years as a jury consultant for politicians, celebrities, Wall Street financiers and others accused of criminal wrongdoing, is that he can. Granted, Mr. Trump is as high-profile and polarizing as a defendant can be. But the adversarial nature of the selection process and the remarkable can-do attitude that jurors so often display result in a fair jury almost always.

For Mr. Trump, we’re about to find out

Keeper thread
The left will buy and pay for any jury anywhere. You can always find leftwing nuts and sycophants.

"Can Trump Get a Jury Who Will Give Him a Fair Shake? My Expert Opinion Is Yes, and Here’s Why."​

I too believe Mr. Trump can get a fair trial. Although I find his very person anathema, I believe in the justice system. I will not be upset if the jury finds Mr. Trump innocent. Why? The prosecution still has to prove it's case -- in a court of law: "Better that Ten Guilty Persons Go Free Than that One Innocent Person be Convicted."

Of course, Mr. Trump doesn’t want a fair trial. Like any other criminal defendant, he wants a jury that is biased in his favor. But can he get a jury that is able and willing to give him a fair shake?

My answer, based on my more than 40 years as a jury consultant for politicians, celebrities, Wall Street financiers and others accused of criminal wrongdoing, is that he can. Granted, Mr. Trump is as high-profile and polarizing as a defendant can be. But the adversarial nature of the selection process and the remarkable can-do attitude that jurors so often display result in a fair jury almost always.

For Mr. Trump, we’re about to find out

Keeper thread

If blue city / state...probably not.

Bub...harken back to the Mondale era. He carried MN and DC, that is it. Now see what states the commie dems carry. The citizens aka 'the vote' were our last line of defense, once the government, courts and military have failed us. You know, in the last 12 presidential elections, a rep has NEVER won DC. A rep has never got more than 16.5% of the vote for DC. And recent presidential races are in the 4% - 7% area for the rep candidate. Does that tell you anything?

fafo getting tired.jpg

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