It's April 15 and we are Having a Major Snow Storm in MIlwaukee

So much for global warming.

The cult may as well throw in the towell. No one is buying the doomsday predictions anymore.
The incredible and astounding ignorance of the right wing blows my mind. Do they even know that rain and snow are made from the same material? Water?


I'm not arguing about this because it's so well known all over the earth. Even children in those countries Trump and Republicans call "sh!tholes" knows the water cycle.

Notice that drizzle, rain, snow and ice are all the same material but at different temperatures. And everyone on earth knows the higher you go the colder it is. That's why mountains have snow and ice.

And anyone who has boiled water for tea knows that if you don't watch it, it goes away. Heat plus water equals steam and water vapor which is what turns into rain, drizzle, snow and ice. The higher you heat the oceans, the more rain, drizzle, snow and ice.

So these dumb f@cks have just got to stop being dumb f@cks. The fact that the country that leads in science has this stunning amount of ignorance is beyond beyond. It's embarrassing and shameful.

And these are the same people who believe Trump is truthful. It's a disgrace and clearly shows the group BELOW average. Way, way below.
So much for global warming.

The cult may as well throw in the towell. No one is buying the doomsday predictions anymore.
The incredible and astounding ignorance of the right wing blows my mind. Do they even know that rain and snow are made from the same material? Water?


I'm not arguing about this because it's so well known all over the earth. Even children in those countries Trump and Republicans call "sh!tholes" knows the water cycle.

Notice that drizzle, rain, snow and ice are all the same material but at different temperatures. And everyone on earth knows the higher you go the colder it is. That's why mountains have snow and ice.

And anyone who has boiled water for tea knows that if you don't watch it, it goes away. Heat plus water equals steam and water vapor which is what turns into rain, drizzle, snow and ice. The higher you heat the oceans, the more rain, drizzle, snow and ice.

So these dumb f@cks have just got to stop being dumb f@cks. The fact that the country that leads in science has this stunning amount of ignorance is beyond beyond. It's embarrassing and shameful.

And these are the same people who believe Trump is truthful. It's a disgrace and clearly shows the group BELOW average. Way, way below.
Where does moisture come from away from the coasts?
So much for global warming.

The cult may as well throw in the towell. No one is buying the doomsday predictions anymore.

Just the sort of extreme weather that climate change models predict.
How much CO2 must be pulled out of the atmosphere to return to normal?

There is no normal. Where did you ever get such an idea?

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So the imaginary massive increase in CO2 is not causing temperature to deviate from the norm?
So much for global warming.

The cult may as well throw in the towell. No one is buying the doomsday predictions anymore.

Just the sort of extreme weather that climate change models predict.
See, you're a fucking snowflake. You believe all their horseshit delusions.

Look. Climate change is undeniable. In order to make the whole matter easier, The European Association of Climate Debunkers (EACD) has prepared this chart for us in answering all climate-related questions. Merely locate the local observed phenomena in question somewhere around the outer RED BELT, then follow it inward to locate the scientific climate mechanism behind it within the BLUE BELT. Finally, follow the line to whether or not the cause is man-made or climate related. Easy Peazy. :D Without a doubt, proof positive that out climate is warming and man is the sole cause of it all.

Climate Causes.jpg
So much for global warming.

The cult may as well throw in the towell. No one is buying the doomsday predictions anymore.
The incredible and astounding ignorance of the right wing blows my mind. Do they even know that rain and snow are made from the same material? Water?


I'm not arguing about this because it's so well known all over the earth. Even children in those countries Trump and Republicans call "sh!tholes" knows the water cycle.

Notice that drizzle, rain, snow and ice are all the same material but at different temperatures. And everyone on earth knows the higher you go the colder it is. That's why mountains have snow and ice.

And anyone who has boiled water for tea knows that if you don't watch it, it goes away. Heat plus water equals steam and water vapor which is what turns into rain, drizzle, snow and ice. The higher you heat the oceans, the more rain, drizzle, snow and ice.

So these dumb f@cks have just got to stop being dumb f@cks. The fact that the country that leads in science has this stunning amount of ignorance is beyond beyond. It's embarrassing and shameful.

And these are the same people who believe Trump is truthful. It's a disgrace and clearly shows the group BELOW average. Way, way below.

Yeah s0n..... but the dumb fucks are winning. Evidently the above-average group still has yet to make the case on climate change. IDK.... taking bows based on banners seems kinda ghey but we see progressives doing this on so many issues, from gun control to national anthem kneeling.

In 2018 nobody is caring about the consensus science.... but go right ahead taking bows!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I do believe in science. Furthermore, I understand it. That's how I know the theory of AGW is a con.

You don't even understand the difference between weather and climate.

Well s0n.... that certainly has been the billboard for progressives for 10 years now.... probably the least effective PR strategy in the history of the world. Outside of internet message boards that whole weather doesn't equal climate hasn't resonated for dick. In the real world, the science isn't mattering.

Show us where the science is mattering Einstein..... provide a couple of links please:113:.

Cause its perfectly normal for a snow storm in april in wi....
Yeah, it's normal when you have a bad winter. According to the global warming cult they should be a thing of the past.

Spoken like the fool who gets his science from FoxNews and Info Wars

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Where do you get yours from? Fox generally brings in experts. You don’t agree with the experts? How is that on fox?

It get mine from the actual science journals and reports.

That removes one of the extra layers of spin

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So does fox! What makes yours better?

I am not surprised that you do not see the difference between doing the reading the reports and results and and the analysis of the data for yourself and having some talking head on the TV news telling you what it says.

Why think for yourself when someone can tell you what to think, that seems to be your motto
Yeah, it's normal when you have a bad winter. According to the global warming cult they should be a thing of the past.

Spoken like the fool who gets his science from FoxNews and Info Wars

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Where do you get yours from? Fox generally brings in experts. You don’t agree with the experts? How is that on fox?

It get mine from the actual science journals and reports.

That removes one of the extra layers of spin

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So does fox! What makes yours better?

I am not surprised that you do not see the difference between doing the reading the reports and results and and the analysis of the data for yourself and having some talking head on the TV news telling you what it says.

Why think for yourself when someone can tell you what to think, that seems to be your motto
That makes absolutely no sense
So much for global warming.

The cult may as well throw in the towell. No one is buying the doomsday predictions anymore.
It's April 15th? Prove it! It's warm and dry here in Denver, has been for months. Snowpack records point to overall warming and drought in the west. This issue is about extremes in weather patterns overall, just because it snowed a little in Timbuktu a couple of times doesn't disprove the overall statistics. Just keep it real, kids.
Spoken like the fool who gets his science from FoxNews and Info Wars

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Where do you get yours from? Fox generally brings in experts. You don’t agree with the experts? How is that on fox?

It get mine from the actual science journals and reports.

That removes one of the extra layers of spin

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So does fox! What makes yours better?

I am not surprised that you do not see the difference between doing the reading the reports and results and and the analysis of the data for yourself and having some talking head on the TV news telling you what it says.

Why think for yourself when someone can tell you what to think, that seems to be your motto
That makes absolutely no sense

Ok, let me type it again, I will type slower this time.

I get my information about climate change by reading science journals and the scientific papers published on the topic. I have also as part of my Masters downloaded climate change data sets with over 1 million points of data and used SPSS to do an analysis of the raw data. I have also read what the DOD has published on the problems associated with climate change as well as the problems it will pose for the Ag industry.

You get your information on climate change by letting some talking head that is paid to present a single point of view by a news station.

One of us choose to think for ourselves and the other lets others tell them what to think...I am the one, you are the other.

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