Itchy puppy redux

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
Well, I read the suggestions on the original Itchy Puppy thread. I tinkered with her diet. I tried different shampoos and balms.

I finally gave in and had her blood tested for allergies.

Guess what? She is allergic to 19 different things including cotton and grasses!

Two weeks ago, the vet's office called and said her medication was in. She now takes...get this...two (2) shots (administered by me!) every four days for the next twenty days. then we move on to vial series two. That's two shots every five (5) days for thirty days.'s vial series three with two (2) shots every eight days for forty days until we get to give her two (20 shots every eight days for the next sixteen days and then a shot every three (3) weeks for six weeks and then two shots every thirty days for ever!

This poor dog is a pin cushion!

Anybody want a papered Miniature Poodle? Cheap!:eusa_pray:
My dog has allergies, too.
It's great.
She's only allergic to wheat and beef, though (as far as I know).

We do best when I feed her food that we eat that I know she isn't allergic to....cooked pork, lamb, chicken and oatmeal. When I feed her dog food, even lamb and rice, her skin turns red and she's an itching fool (she's neurotic anyway, allergies make her even worse). I think there is stuff in that dog food besides lamb and rice, and whatever it is, she's allergic to it. There just isn't very much of it, it doesn't have the same effect on her that regular food does.

BTW, mine is a terrier. But I LOVE poodles. My mom and I have always had poodles. She has two now, they spent Easter with us, I love them to death. In fact, I tried to get her to give me the female (red) poodle before I moved to my current location, when we were able to get a dog, and she refused! Hence the acquisition of Mylo the Wonder Dog.

Things would have been so much easier with little Scarlett. She's such a sweetie, so calm, no food allergies, no obsessive/compulsive disorder shit, no attack mode.
Mylo would say hi but she's busy chewing her hind leg and toes right now.
i will trade can have thor....right now i am not too damned happy with his ass....

poor little baby poodle...good luck with that...
The blood testing was $240. The antigens were another $200. That's the three vials. The syringes were $5 for 20 of them.

I had been getting her a cortisone shot that was effective for three weeks at $60 a shot.

I didn't think the cortisone was doing her liver much good. In the long run, the allergy shots are cheaper, but so far, less effective.
Seems it would be less expensive just to eliminate the allergens from the diet?

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