Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent


Nope--- guess not.

You are far too young to be having these sorts of memory issues, little boy child.

Another look at "anti-semitism".

Oh I'm perfectly familiar with the thread. There's nothing I've posted on USMB in 5+ years that I don't remember or stand behind.

What I asked for a link to, if I really need to spell this out for the intellectually impoverished, is your claim, to wit: "proved wrong". Where is that?


Don't link me to the OP of the thread --- quote where your claim actually IS. If you can find such a thing.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:
My goodness.

You are not even capable of embarrassment, are you?

Nope--- guess not.

You are far too young to be having these sorts of memory issues, little boy child.

Another look at "anti-semitism".

Oh I'm perfectly familiar with the thread. There's nothing I've posted on USMB in 5+ years that I don't remember or stand behind.

What I asked for a link to, if I really need to spell this out for the intellectually impoverished, is your claim, to wit: "proved wrong". Where is that?


Don't link me to the OP of the thread --- quote where your claim actually IS. If you can find such a thing.

We sit, and we wait. :th_waiting:
My goodness.

You are not even capable of embarrassment, are you?

Oh my stars and little fishes.

You are not even capable of admitting you got nothin', are you.

Quelle surprise.
correct me if i am mistaken but muslim book says that any kid born from a muslim is muslim . That being said there is 'rape jihad' which some muslims practice DAngel .
You are missing the point.

It doesn't matter what the rape culture teaches. Get that thru your head.

Besides that, you CANNOT be born into a religion. You CHOOSE religion.

Tell that to a Jew.
Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent

when one Muslim in the north of England spoke out against the gang rape of white girls by members of his own community, he said he received death threats from fellow Muslims in Britain for saying so. we are indeed witnessing "The Strange Death Of Europe"

"Muslims" and "Europeans" are two different characterizations, Dumbass. One is a religion, the other is an inhabitant of a given continent. They are not mutually exclusive.

What a moron.

yeah ---culturally they are

No, they are not. Neither religion nor continent-of-origin tells us jack shit about a person's "culture".

Also curious when exactly we started consulting Italian psychiatrists for disjointed social readings. Why don't we just get a casserole recipe from a meteorologist while we're at it. Then we can swing by the tailor shop and have them fix the car.

You’re so full of shit. Islamic countries differ entirely from European-Christian countries. A Muslim refugee from any given Islamic shithole country tells us all we need to know.
Mark Steyn wrote about this over 10 years ago.
This was the first thing I thought about when I saw this thread. It was an interesting read. You might also want to check out "Hating America". There are two books by that name and they both have some rather interesting points also.
correct me if i am mistaken but muslim book says that any kid born from a muslim is muslim . That being said there is 'rape jihad' which some muslims practice DAngel .
You are missing the point.

It doesn't matter what the rape culture teaches. Get that thru your head.

Besides that, you CANNOT be born into a religion. You CHOOSE religion.

Tell that to a Jew.
A Jew is a descendant of Judah, one of the tribes of Israel.

There were 12 tribes. The RELIGION they tend to follow because of their CULTURE is Judaism.
There are other tribes of Israel that still exist today. They inhabit NW Europe and America.
The Brits and Americans are Joseph.

Joseph's CULTURAL religion is Christianity.

I was BORN into CULTURAL Christianity, but I did not CHOOSE my religion (beliefs) until a certain age. Pagan Catholics baptize BABIES. So they too believe the PAGAN concept of being born into a religion.

This is ENTIRELY a pagan concept.

My problem is with Americans and Brits who bend over and willingly accept what a FOREIGN culture tells them because they have such WEAK cultural beliefs of their own.

An AMERICAN girl, raped by a Muzzy, is in AMERICA. We are CULTURALLY CHRISTIAN.

The child will grow up CULTURALLY CHRISTIAN.

Hopefully, the Muzzy will be hanged, and the body left to feed the birds
Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent

when one Muslim in the north of England spoke out against the gang rape of white girls by members of his own community, he said he received death threats from fellow Muslims in Britain for saying so. we are indeed witnessing "The Strange Death Of Europe"

"Muslims" and "Europeans" are two different characterizations, Dumbass. One is a religion, the other is an inhabitant of a given continent. They are not mutually exclusive.

What a moron.

yeah ---culturally they are

No, they are not. Neither religion nor continent-of-origin tells us jack shit about a person's "culture".

Also curious when exactly we started consulting Italian psychiatrists for disjointed social readings. Why don't we just get a casserole recipe from a meteorologist while we're at it. Then we can swing by the tailor shop and have them fix the car.

You’re so full of shit. Islamic countries differ entirely from European-Christian countries. A Muslim refugee from any given Islamic shithole country tells us all we need to know.

There ain't nothing in the OP about "countries". There's only a false comparison between a religion and a continental residence.

And no, I don't take cues on anthropology from a psychiatrist any more than I go to a doctor for a burrito.
correct me if i am mistaken but muslim book says that any kid born from a muslim is muslim . That being said there is 'rape jihad' which some muslims practice DAngel .
You are missing the point.

It doesn't matter what the rape culture teaches. Get that thru your head.

Besides that, you CANNOT be born into a religion. You CHOOSE religion.

Tell that to a Jew.
A Jew is a descendant of Judah, one of the tribes of Israel.

There were 12 tribes. The RELIGION they tend to follow because of their CULTURE is Judaism.
There are other tribes of Israel that still exist today. They inhabit NW Europe and America.
The Brits and Americans are Joseph.

Joseph's CULTURAL religion is Christianity.

I was BORN into CULTURAL Christianity, but I did not CHOOSE my religion (beliefs) until a certain age. Pagan Catholics baptize BABIES. So they too believe the PAGAN concept of being born into a religion.

This is ENTIRELY a pagan concept.

My problem is with Americans and Brits who bend over and willingly accept what a FOREIGN culture tells them because they have such WEAK cultural beliefs of their own.

An AMERICAN girl, raped by a Muzzy, is in AMERICA. We are CULTURALLY CHRISTIAN.

The child will grow up CULTURALLY CHRISTIAN.

Hopefully, the Muzzy will be hanged, and the body left to feed the birds

wrong Death----a "JEW" is a descendant of JACOB (renamed ISRAEL with whom he contended on the LADDER.
Jacob (aka Israel had 12 sons-----all of the descendants of
those 12 sons are JOOOOS -----because Judah was named
by Jacob (Israel) as THE KING OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. feel free to ask questions
wrong Death----a "JEW" is a descendant of JACOB (renamed ISRAEL with whom he contended on the LADDER.
Jacob (aka Israel had 12 sons-----all of the descendants of
those 12 sons are JOOOOS -----because Judah was named
by Jacob (Israel) as THE KING OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. feel free to ask questions
Nope. Sorry.

Israel became DIVIDED. It became JUDAH and ISRAEL.
Israel was driven out and became the "LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL" (Though we know who they are -- well, not you of course)

Judah was driven out 130 yeas later.

Israel becomes two separate nations after Solomon.

Those who who came back are JUDAH. David was of JUDAH, as was Yeshua.

The "Lost Tribes", Joseph (Americans and Brits) and the other lost tribes will return to the Land AFTER Christ's return, at the end of this age.
BS-----the people MERGED under the KING----the royal line being JUDAH------David's tribe. I am a joooooo but I am NOT
of the tribe of JUDAH----(guess which one)------sheeeeesh you
fell into a pile of BS
BS-----the people MERGED under the KING----the royal line being JUDAH------David's tribe. I am a joooooo but I am NOT
of the tribe of JUDAH----(guess which one)------sheeeeesh you
fell into a pile of BS
Continue on in your ignorance

Bible Study - Judah At War With Israel

The Kingdom of ISRAEL was invaded by Assyria. Everyone was taken into captivity as slaves and removed from the Land because of their national sins.

The foreign Samaritans settled their land.

Only he Kingdom of Judah remained for the next 130 years.

Eventually Judah was invaded by Babylon. A REMNANT remained in the Land of JUDAH.


They went north west and eventually settled as independent nations.

Denmark is the Tribe of Dan.

Netherlands is Zebulun

GreatBritain and America is the Tribe of Joseph..
"I am Joseph, your brother."
Last edited:
BS-----the people MERGED under the KING----the royal line being JUDAH------David's tribe. I am a joooooo but I am NOT
of the tribe of JUDAH----(guess which one)------sheeeeesh you
fell into a pile of BS
Continue on in your ignorance

Bible Study - Judah At War With Israel

The Kingdom of ISRAEL was invaded by Assyria. Everyone was taken into captivity as slaves and removed from the Land because of their national sins.

The foreign Samaritans settled their land.

Only he Kingdom of Judah remained for the next 130 years.

Eventually Judah was invaded by Babylon. A REMNANT remained in the Land of JUDAH.


They went north west and eventually settled as independent nations.

Denmark is the Tribe of Dan.

Netherlands is Zebulun

GreatBritain and America is the Tribe of Joseph..
"I am Joseph, your brother."

you are parroting a FANTASY------we JOOOS is ALL "children of Israel" Israel is the alternate name of JACOB--------YOU
are engaging in WISHFUL thinking of NUTS who try to
tie themselves to DA JOOOOS-----just like Muhammad tried
to tie himself to DA JOOOOS by claiming to be descended
from ISHMAEL. Give up------arabs is desert trash and you is Europe trash.

I am A JOOOO-----not of the tribe of Judah like most of the people called JOOOOS------the royal line is supposed to be
JUDAH----which is why the writers of the New Testament fixed up a story putting pregnant mary in a stable in
BETHLEHEM-----the hereditary land of the tribe of JUDAH.
------a really transparently idiotic ploy. Nazareth is not
JUDAH TRIBAL LAND-----so they fixed that problem with a silly story and a MOVING STAR. I was not born on my
"tribal land" either------and there was no star marking the place-----
Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent

when one Muslim in the north of England spoke out against the gang rape of white girls by members of his own community, he said he received death threats from fellow Muslims in Britain for saying so. we are indeed witnessing "The Strange Death Of Europe"

"Muslims" and "Europeans" are two different characterizations, Dumbass. One is a religion, the other is an inhabitant of a given continent. They are not mutually exclusive.

What a moron.

yeah ---culturally they are

No, they are not. Neither religion nor continent-of-origin tells us jack shit about a person's "culture".

Also curious when exactly we started consulting Italian psychiatrists for disjointed social readings. Why don't we just get a casserole recipe from a meteorologist while we're at it. Then we can swing by the tailor shop and have them fix the car.

You’re so full of shit. Islamic countries differ entirely from European-Christian countries. A Muslim refugee from any given Islamic shithole country tells us all we need to know.

There ain't nothing in the OP about "countries". There's only a false comparison between a religion and a continental residence.

And no, I don't take cues on anthropology from a psychiatrist any more than I go to a doctor for a burrito.

I think I COULD do a burrito------never actually tried----I am also not a psychiatrist-----but was often called up to act like a
psychiatrist because most of my colleagues HATE that
branch of our profession
"Muslims" and "Europeans" are two different characterizations, Dumbass. One is a religion, the other is an inhabitant of a given continent. They are not mutually exclusive.

What a moron.

yeah ---culturally they are

No, they are not. Neither religion nor continent-of-origin tells us jack shit about a person's "culture".

Also curious when exactly we started consulting Italian psychiatrists for disjointed social readings. Why don't we just get a casserole recipe from a meteorologist while we're at it. Then we can swing by the tailor shop and have them fix the car.

You’re so full of shit. Islamic countries differ entirely from European-Christian countries. A Muslim refugee from any given Islamic shithole country tells us all we need to know.

There ain't nothing in the OP about "countries". There's only a false comparison between a religion and a continental residence.

And no, I don't take cues on anthropology from a psychiatrist any more than I go to a doctor for a burrito.

I think I COULD do a burrito------never actually tried----I am also not a psychiatrist-----but was often called up to act like a
psychiatrist because most of my colleagues HATE that
branch of our profession

Why do they hate psychiatrists, Irosie? Just curious.
yeah ---culturally they are

No, they are not. Neither religion nor continent-of-origin tells us jack shit about a person's "culture".

Also curious when exactly we started consulting Italian psychiatrists for disjointed social readings. Why don't we just get a casserole recipe from a meteorologist while we're at it. Then we can swing by the tailor shop and have them fix the car.

You’re so full of shit. Islamic countries differ entirely from European-Christian countries. A Muslim refugee from any given Islamic shithole country tells us all we need to know.

There ain't nothing in the OP about "countries". There's only a false comparison between a religion and a continental residence.

And no, I don't take cues on anthropology from a psychiatrist any more than I go to a doctor for a burrito.

I think I COULD do a burrito------never actually tried----I am also not a psychiatrist-----but was often called up to act like a
psychiatrist because most of my colleagues HATE that
branch of our profession

Why do they hate psychiatrists, Irosie? Just curious.

It's not psychiatrists they hate-----it's PSYCHIATRY---especially when asked to evaluate "nuts" being held
in the padded room in the emergency room. No orthopedic
surgeon WANTS TO KNOW-----I am short, left handed----
a bit taciturn-----and shit rolls down hill. If an orthopedic
surgeon cannot SCREW IT TOGETHER----or CHOP IT OUT------he wants nothing to do with it----don't tell anyone I said that
Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent

when one Muslim in the north of England spoke out against the gang rape of white girls by members of his own community, he said he received death threats from fellow Muslims in Britain for saying so. we are indeed witnessing "The Strange Death Of Europe"

"Muslims" and "Europeans" are two different characterizations, Dumbass. One is a religion, the other is an inhabitant of a given continent. They are not mutually exclusive.

What a moron.
Indigenous Europeans are white.

Very few whites are Muslim.

utterly idiotic comment-----by the definitions of race elaborated by the SCIENCE---anthropology----most muslims are WHITE---ie caucasion. In british tearooms-------they are "brown"----there is no race called BROWN----some bloody limeys INVENTED THE IDEA. ---the news---ARABS is caucasions----Iranians is CAUCASIONS------Indians---ie the people of the Indian subcontinent is CAUCASIONS. The people called "NEGRO"---are the people of the SUBSAHARAN area of the world------got that, JERK?
Caucasian =//= white.

European = white.

Got that, dumbass?
Italian psychiatrist: Muslims will outbreed Europeans and take over the continent

when one Muslim in the north of England spoke out against the gang rape of white girls by members of his own community, he said he received death threats from fellow Muslims in Britain for saying so. we are indeed witnessing "The Strange Death Of Europe"

"Muslims" and "Europeans" are two different characterizations, Dumbass. One is a religion, the other is an inhabitant of a given continent. They are not mutually exclusive.

What a moron.
Indigenous Europeans are white.

Very few whites are Muslim.

utterly idiotic comment-----by the definitions of race elaborated by the SCIENCE---anthropology----most muslims are WHITE---ie caucasion. In british tearooms-------they are "brown"----there is no race called BROWN----some bloody limeys INVENTED THE IDEA. ---the news---ARABS is caucasions----Iranians is CAUCASIONS------Indians---ie the people of the Indian subcontinent is CAUCASIONS. The people called "NEGRO"---are the people of the SUBSAHARAN area of the world------got that, JERK?
Caucasian =//= white.

European = white.

Got that, dumbass?

Fun fact: Elon Musk is an African. Just sayin'.
BS-----the people MERGED under the KING----the royal line being JUDAH------David's tribe. I am a joooooo but I am NOT
of the tribe of JUDAH----(guess which one)------sheeeeesh you
fell into a pile of BS
Continue on in your ignorance

Bible Study - Judah At War With Israel

The Kingdom of ISRAEL was invaded by Assyria. Everyone was taken into captivity as slaves and removed from the Land because of their national sins.

The foreign Samaritans settled their land.

Only he Kingdom of Judah remained for the next 130 years.

Eventually Judah was invaded by Babylon. A REMNANT remained in the Land of JUDAH.


They went north west and eventually settled as independent nations.

Denmark is the Tribe of Dan.

Netherlands is Zebulun

GreatBritain and America is the Tribe of Joseph..
"I am Joseph, your brother."

you are parroting a FANTASY------we JOOOS is ALL "children of Israel" Israel is the alternate name of JACOB--------YOU
are engaging in WISHFUL thinking of NUTS who try to
tie themselves to DA JOOOOS-----just like Muhammad tried
to tie himself to DA JOOOOS by claiming to be descended
from ISHMAEL. Give up------arabs is desert trash and you is Europe trash.

I am A JOOOO-----not of the tribe of Judah like most of the people called JOOOOS------the royal line is supposed to be
JUDAH----which is why the writers of the New Testament fixed up a story putting pregnant mary in a stable in
BETHLEHEM-----the hereditary land of the tribe of JUDAH.
------a really transparently idiotic ploy. Nazareth is not
JUDAH TRIBAL LAND-----so they fixed that problem with a silly story and a MOVING STAR. I was not born on my
"tribal land" either------and there was no star marking the place-----

WOW, looky, it’s another great example that it is a huge myth that Liberals are tolerant and against supremacy
correct me if i am mistaken but muslim book says that any kid born from a muslim is muslim . That being said there is 'rape jihad' which some muslims practice DAngel .
You are missing the point.

It doesn't matter what the rape culture teaches. Get that thru your head.

Besides that, you CANNOT be born into a religion. You CHOOSE religion.
NOT according to muslims. A baby fathered by a muslim is a muslim. If the baby grows up and doesn't want to be a problem. Just murder the kid.
correct me if i am mistaken but muslim book says that any kid born from a muslim is muslim . That being said there is 'rape jihad' which some muslims practice DAngel .
You are missing the point.

It doesn't matter what the rape culture teaches. Get that thru your head.

Besides that, you CANNOT be born into a religion. You CHOOSE religion.
NOT according to muslims. A baby fathered by a muslim is a muslim. If the baby grows up and doesn't want to be a problem. Just murder the kid.
--------------------------------------------------- of course thats the solution to bringing disrespect and dishonor on the 'muslim' father .

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