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<center><h1><a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A38308-2005Apr8.html?referrer=emailarticle>And it just keeps getting weirder...</a></h1></center>
The <i><a href=http://www.stopactivistjudges.org/>Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration</a></i> met in its star chamber over the weekend and has reached a verdict...
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is guilty of prohibiting capital punishment for juveniles and and citing "international norms" in his findings. He should therefore be impeached...at least acording to Phyllis Schlafly and Michael P. Farris.
Edwin Vieira, a constitutional lawyer (<i>just <b>whose</b> constitution is open to debate</i>), stated that because Kennedy helped strike down Texas' anti-sodomy law, he was upholding "...Marxist, Leninist satanic principles drawn from foreign law...".
Vieira went on to say that his principles in dealing with the SCOTUS were drawn from ol'Joe Stalin himself. "No man, no problem..." he said. He left out the part about death solving all problems.
And dear Phyllis went on to gush, in giddy, girlish tones, about how the morally crippled Tom DeLay (R,Texas) and the congenital idiot Richard Cornyn (R,Texas)(<i>not all Texans are idiots...just the ones in national political office</i>) should be fully supported in their quest to destroy and independent judiciary and turn it into something more to their liking...a rubber stamp comes to mind.
The truly frightening, or pathetic depending on how you look at it, thing about these people is they do not seem to see the inherent contradiction or irony in preserving the Constitution through Stalinesque tactics. As for their desire to restore the constitution, as with Mr. Vieira, just whose constitution they wish to 'restore' is a matter which is open for debate. Their premise and the actions they wish to take based upon that premise are anti-American and anti-Constitution.
The lunatic-fringe of the right wing-nuts is moving towards the mainstream of political consciousness, and they could hopelessly pollute that stream with their gibberish. In any sane society, these mawkish buffoons would by ridiculed to the point that they could no longer show their faces in public. But, as evidenced by the unquestioned acceptance of Mr. Vieira's embracing of Stalin by the crowd and how little coverage this meeting recieved, we do not live in a sane society. To quote a favorite author of mine, "<i><b>When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..." - HST</b></i>. And these people are stone-cold professional weird.
The <i><a href=http://www.stopactivistjudges.org/>Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration</a></i> met in its star chamber over the weekend and has reached a verdict...
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is guilty of prohibiting capital punishment for juveniles and and citing "international norms" in his findings. He should therefore be impeached...at least acording to Phyllis Schlafly and Michael P. Farris.
Edwin Vieira, a constitutional lawyer (<i>just <b>whose</b> constitution is open to debate</i>), stated that because Kennedy helped strike down Texas' anti-sodomy law, he was upholding "...Marxist, Leninist satanic principles drawn from foreign law...".
Vieira went on to say that his principles in dealing with the SCOTUS were drawn from ol'Joe Stalin himself. "No man, no problem..." he said. He left out the part about death solving all problems.
And dear Phyllis went on to gush, in giddy, girlish tones, about how the morally crippled Tom DeLay (R,Texas) and the congenital idiot Richard Cornyn (R,Texas)(<i>not all Texans are idiots...just the ones in national political office</i>) should be fully supported in their quest to destroy and independent judiciary and turn it into something more to their liking...a rubber stamp comes to mind.
The truly frightening, or pathetic depending on how you look at it, thing about these people is they do not seem to see the inherent contradiction or irony in preserving the Constitution through Stalinesque tactics. As for their desire to restore the constitution, as with Mr. Vieira, just whose constitution they wish to 'restore' is a matter which is open for debate. Their premise and the actions they wish to take based upon that premise are anti-American and anti-Constitution.
The lunatic-fringe of the right wing-nuts is moving towards the mainstream of political consciousness, and they could hopelessly pollute that stream with their gibberish. In any sane society, these mawkish buffoons would by ridiculed to the point that they could no longer show their faces in public. But, as evidenced by the unquestioned acceptance of Mr. Vieira's embracing of Stalin by the crowd and how little coverage this meeting recieved, we do not live in a sane society. To quote a favorite author of mine, "<i><b>When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..." - HST</b></i>. And these people are stone-cold professional weird.