It Is Finished

Still waiting for the messiah?
So are all christians.
He wasn’t fulfilling the Jewish prophecy of the Messiah. That prophecy is end of times.
I know the fable.
I know you think you do.
Same goes for you. And every other sectarian christian you bicker with. Either one of you is right, or you're all full of it. Not a tough call....
Still waiting for the messiah?
So are all christians.
He wasn’t fulfilling the Jewish prophecy of the Messiah. That prophecy is end of times.
I know the fable.
I know you think you do.
Same goes for you. And every other sectarian christian you bicker with. Either one of you is right, or you're all full of it. Not a tough call....
The thing is I don’t have to believe everything every religion believes is false. I can accept many parts as true. You on the other hand must reject everything that all religions believe which is why you are the one bickering here. Not me.
Not bad for a convicted criminal who was put to death by the superpower of the day whose ministry only lasted 3 1/2 years.
That's why the Roman farce clues you to who they are selling when they admit Satan has a short time 3 1/2 years to deceive before his fall.
There is a lot of those hidden type of (Ishtar)
*"Easter Eggs"* throughout the NT.
*kept it on topic* :)
Still waiting for the messiah? How long has it been?
Fewer yrs than his first appearance
View attachment 256645
Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Happy Good Friday.

Happy Good Friday to you too Weatherman2020 !!:huddle:

Sorry - if you don't like to provoke Christians - and it seems to me you don't like to do this: What you say here sounds in my ears like "I wish you a good poisoned day on a happy electric chair."
God doing what He did for you and I is an awesome display of love. The negative is that it was you and I who drove the nails thru his wrists and feet.

What you did do I don't know. But I never in my life was an accomplice of any criminal - also not of legal criminals.

Really! You never in your life made your spouse angry, never took a pen from work, never drove 1mph over the speed limit, always came to a complete stop at red lights!

You’re incredible!!!

You know nothing about me nor my life. Absolutelly nothing. But you called me a cruel murderer. And you think it is "incredible" when the accused person says to you: "You are wrong, Pontius. This is not the truth!".

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Still waiting for the messiah?
So are all christians.
He wasn’t fulfilling the Jewish prophecy of the Messiah. That prophecy is end of times.

This ... expectation ... is not the end of times. A descendant of David will bring all Jews back to Israel, where they will rebuild the temple and he will cause world peace by bringing all nations of the word to the belief in the one and only god.

The "end of time" will come when all and every Jew at a Sabbath are making everything correct with their some few hundreds rules.

I "fear" that all Jews will make everything correct or will agree to live in Israel is nothing what will happen as long as we live.

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Still waiting for the messiah?
So are all christians.
He wasn’t fulfilling the Jewish prophecy of the Messiah. That prophecy is end of times.

This ... expectation ... is not the end of times. A descendant of David will bring all Jews back to Israel, where they will rebuild the temple and he will cause world peace by bringing all nations of the word to the belief in the one and only god.

The "end of time" will come when all and every Jew at a Sabbath are making everything correct with their some few hundreds rules.

I "fear" that all Jews will make everything correct or will agree to live in Israel is nothing what will happen as long as we live.

According to their belief the messiah will come at the end of times.
Still waiting for the messiah?
So are all christians.
He wasn’t fulfilling the Jewish prophecy of the Messiah. That prophecy is end of times.

This ... expectation ... is not the end of times. A descendant of David will bring all Jews back to Israel, where they will rebuild the temple and he will cause world peace by bringing all nations of the word to the belief in the one and only god.

The "end of time" will come when all and every Jew at a Sabbath are making everything correct with their some few hundreds rules.

I "fear" that all Jews will make everything correct or will agree to live in Israel is nothing what will happen as long as we live.

According to their belief the messiah will come at the end of times.

May I ask where this wisdom comes from? Jews believe in god and not in stupidities. Even in case of Jesus no one speaks about all this nonsense of the US-American Armaggedon-culture. The book, which no one understands, called "revelation" is in the bible because the author was respected very well. He survived ... let me call it with a big understatement "a torture". He never gave up. And his words are really able to help - I used some of the words of the revelations even for me on my own for an imprtant period of my life, when I had to change nearly everything to find me as I ever was. But I fear the most people speak an unbelievable bullshit about this book. Orthodox Christians never use it in a church service, Catholics seldom.

So let me say much more rational (although rationality always needs emotions too): Part of the second coming of the Messiah is a tranformation. Part of this transformation is the rise of the death. The expression "end of time" means only that we will do not have to wait any longer. This transformation is an active process - you are somehow transforming yourself now - and what you made will be in the end represented in a process which we call normally "the last judgement" (what has not a lot to do with one of our systems of injustice wordwide). Perhaps god will ask you something at this point of your own personal history which will come - hopefully will come more than only a few seconds from now on for you, because you need some time to take your chance. Even if you don't know the will of god - everyone has always all chances in this life - and perhaps even some time longer after "the end of time". But could perhaps be it's good for you to see him asking with smiling eyes and not with angry eyes.

He's risen.

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