It has started...Trump's approval ratings among GOPers

There it is again.
What makes you think they are all red-necks. :)
This is what I'm talking in many of your colorful words of the right in your posts.
You just keep the insults always coming.

Give me a break.....We are talking about a Georgia district that elected Newt Gingrich SIX damn times, and the expectation was that those Georgians would turn blue???

You dont have the first clue about that district

Why Georgia's special election between Jon Ossoff and Karen Handel was so competitive

What that article fails to note is that this district has been heavily gerrymandered, which is also why it's been Republican for 40 years.

Yeah sure, like I said this doesn't concern you. You have zero say in American matters

I see you have nothing in response.
You're much better off

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