It gets worse: Hillary leaked intel using private email to stop Netanyahu’s war plans


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
If this is true stick a fork in her, she's finished

Now there are more daggers coming out to connect the dots. As reported, “The media feeding frenzy over the alleged unlawful use by Hillary Clinton of a non-government email system is having an impact on other allegations against the potential Democrat party presidential candidate.”

“This week Tuesday, a former Department of Justice prosecuting attorney said that he believes then Secretary of State — probably using her unofficial and illegal email system — was complicit in the leaking of classified intelligence regarding military operation plans formulated by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons program.”

It gets worse Hillary leaked intel using private email to stop Netanyahu s war plans - Allen B. West -
The interesting about all of this (besides the obvious) is that you have these Lefty Media people going after this, it is curious.
If this is true stick a fork in her, she's finished

Now there are more daggers coming out to connect the dots. As reported, “The media feeding frenzy over the alleged unlawful use by Hillary Clinton of a non-government email system is having an impact on other allegations against the potential Democrat party presidential candidate.”

“This week Tuesday, a former Department of Justice prosecuting attorney said that he believes then Secretary of State — probably using her unofficial and illegal email system — was complicit in the leaking of classified intelligence regarding military operation plans formulated by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons program.”

It gets worse Hillary leaked intel using private email to stop Netanyahu s war plans - Allen B. West -
If? According to the lie in the header she already is......
Time for republicans to lauch the "We dont know what we dont know" bomb. In order to demand any and everything from Clinton and crank up the rumor mill.

Policies? Nope
Governing? Nope
"IF ..." ???

"... said that he believes ..."???

So, there's no real evidence of anything at all.

This came from Allan West's blog. Reminds me of when he got all hysterical about the "prayer rug" found at the southern border even though everyone else knew it was actually an Addidas shirt.

He's certifiably crazy and only idiots would believe anything he says.
"IF ..." ???

"... said that he believes ..."???

So, there's no real evidence of anything at all.

This came from Allan West's blog. Reminds me of when he got all hysterical about the "prayer rug" found at the southern border even though everyone else knew it was actually an Addidas shirt.

He's certifiably crazy and only idiots would believe anything he says.

Learn how to navigate links, fool
Again learn to navigate links, you're just using the lame attempt of attacking a source w/o recognizing the story is linked to the Examiner., fool
Again learn to navigate links, you're just using the lame attempt of attacking a source w/o recognizing the story is linked to the Examiner., fool
Then you should have posted the original source instead of a hack filter.
Again learn to navigate links, you're just using the lame attempt of attacking a source w/o recognizing the story is linked to the Examiner., fool

Granted that the Examiner is more credible than West, its still a blog linking to a blog which links to an op/ed that "intimated" wrongdoing.

As I said above, there is no evidence. Its all opinion.

Its YOU who needs to learn to navigate your own links.
Again learn to navigate links, you're just using the lame attempt of attacking a source w/o recognizing the story is linked to the Examiner., fool
Then you should have posted the original source instead of a hack filter.

Once again, you little nothing and for the last time, YOU do not dictate how anyone posts. Lean it....then live it little one
Again learn to navigate links, you're just using the lame attempt of attacking a source w/o recognizing the story is linked to the Examiner., fool

Granted that the Examiner is more credible than West, its still a blog linking to a blog which links to an op/ed that "intimates" wrongdoing.

As I said above, there is no evidence. Its all opinion.

Its YOU who needs to learn to navigate your own links.

Says you, clown car. While I'm at it why do you loons use those comical clowns for avatars? So childish

Now stay on topic and address the subject matter and cease with lame attempts at deflection
In a Washington Post front page news story on March 2, 2015, reporter Anne Gearan intimated that the likely reason for the release of Israel's plans to a New York Times reporter was intended to hurt the Israeli's war plans, since President Barack Obama and his staff -- including his top advisor Valerie Jarrett, herself born in Iran -- believed Israel was willing and had the technical and strategic expertise to launch a preemptive sneak attack on Iran in order to eliminate their nuclear threat.
Hillary Clinton leaked intel to hurt Israeli war plans says watchdog attorney - National Law Enforcement

The link in the Examiner story to the Anne Gearan story is a March 3 story in the Washington Post, and it says nothing about a leak to a New York Times reporter by Clinton.
Even if she did, she's still a Democrat so this is a non-issue as far as her chances of getting the nomination.

I'm beginning to think that none of you really understand what it takes to get the DNC Nomination in 2016.
"Laws are for Little People" Stuff like this actually cuts in her favor
Speaking of Netenyahoo. Looks like the conservative lickspittles were groveling before another nation's leader lately. Maybe Putin and Bibi should travel together to satisfy the republican douches.
Someone believes something happened they cant prove.

Or as its otherwise known

The Rightwing favorite
Time for republicans to lauch the "We dont know what we dont know" bomb. In order to demand any and everything from Clinton and crank up the rumor mill.

Policies? Nope
Governing? Nope
Again learn to navigate links, you're just using the lame attempt of attacking a source w/o recognizing the story is linked to the Examiner., fool

Or you could use credible sources and post accurate information.

Oh wait

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