Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

WATCH @WOLPalestine leader @NerdeenKiswani lead the crowd in cheers for the death of Biden. “He’s gonna die soon!” The anti-Israel movement is a death cult in every way. — Canary Mission (@canarymission) May 22, 2024
"'I will complete Hitler's work': Syrian (22) reported for prohibition law."

From: “„Werde Hitlers Werk vollenden“: Syrer (22) wegen Verbotsgesetz angezeigt.
By Stefan Beig, Exxpress, January 29, 2024.

Rabid, imported anti-Semitism causes horror in Graz: For the first time, a Syrian citizen was reported in Syria for violating the prohibition law. The man had glorified Adolf Hitler and wanted to continue his mass murder of the Jews. So far, the media has not reported the incident.

A Syrian (22) shocked visitors to a hairdressing salon in Graz last Thursday with his aggressive anti-Semitism. The man then ran away. The incident already had legal consequences: the day after, the Syrian citizen was reported because of the ban law. So far, the event has not been reported.

The hairdressing salon is about a ten-minute walk from the main train station. The Syrian citizen Ibrahim (full name known to the editors) had visited him on his bicycle. There he began to rave loudly about his religion, Islam, and about Adolf Hitler, as eXXpress has learned. The man praised the former dictator of the Third Reich highly for “killing Jews.” Finally, the Syrian declared that he wanted to complete Hitler’s work: the Jews would have to “pay with their blood!”

The suspect then left the salon – without paying. Luckily the hairdresser, an Iraqi, had a camera that recorded everything. The owner immediately filed a report. The Syrian was arrested a day later.

Suspect placed in therapeutic center
Upon request, Dr. Christian Kroschl from the media office of the Graz public prosecutor’s office told eXXpress: “I can basically confirm the facts described. The report was made because of Section 3g of the Prohibition Act and because of fraud.” However, the Syrian is currently not in custody due to his mental state. He was “temporarily placed in a forensic therapeutic center.”

The public prosecutor’s office was unable to provide any information about the accused’s asylum status.

Hitler worship is not uncommon in the Middle East.

In recent weeks, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has also encountered wild anti-Semitism and Nazi propaganda as part of its operation in the Gaza Strip. A shop in Gaza that called for the “Knife Intifada” with its range of knives and balaclavas had the descriptive name “Hitler 2” – eXXpress reported. The customers didn’t turn their hearts into a murder pit: “I like Hitler because he was the most anti-Semitic person in history,” one told Reuters. The shop has now been destroyed in the military fighting.

The IDF also came across numerous copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Top Advisor to Mahmoud Abbas: ‘Oct. 7 Can Repeat Itself 100 Times … Perhaps Even More Seriously.’

by Nan Jacques Zilberdik,.May 21, 2024.

In an interview three days ago, a top Palestinian Authority (PA) official and advisor to PA leader Mahmoud Abbas — Mahmoud Al-Habbash — threatened Israel that “Oct. 7 can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously.”

Al-Habbash envisions the murder of 1,000 innocent Israeli civilians — babies, children, youth, women, men, and the elderly — more than 100 times. He vows that hundreds/thousands more Israeli women will be brutally raped, and Israeli men will be sadistically killed. He said that 100 more times, 240 innocent Israeli civilians will be taken captive and held hostage for months.

This will happen “if the Palestinian cause will not be justly, comprehensively, and permanently resolved … on the basis of the UN resolutions”..
David Jacobs
This is the University of Toronto encampment.
"Heil H*tler. Heil H*tler n*****. Heil H*tler. He's a G. He's a gangster. I wish he had (inaudible) all you guys bro. The world would have been a better place. If you guys were gone the world would be a better place because you run…
May 21, 2024.
The International Criminal Court is a sham to be abolished.
Published By Guy Millière On May 26, 2024.

It was to be expected. It was a long time in the making.
The racist and anti-Semitic government of South Africa, a country in decline and on its way to destruction and anti-white ethnic cleansing which annihilated the former Rhodesia which became Zimbabwe, filed a complaint against Israel a few months ago before the International Criminal Court for “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity”, and the complaint was deemed admissible by its prosecutor, a British Muslim named Karim Khan.

The man named Karim Khan decided to request international arrest warrants against Binyamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant. If these arrest warrants are issued, Netanyahu and Gallant will no longer be able to travel to a European country without risking being arrested and transferred to a prison in The Hague, a city in the Netherlands where the aforementioned Court sits.

This decision by Karim Khan has clearly shown what the International Criminal Court (ICC) is: a hideous sham. Neither Israel nor the United States recognize the legitimacy of the ICC, and for good reason: it is a reflection of the general assembly of the United Nations, where the countries forming the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and their allies "non-aligned" (aligned in fact against the Western democratic world) have an automatic majority, which allowed a few years ago for a motion to be voted on in the general assembly defining Zionism as (supposed).racism!

The imposture inherent in the International Criminal Court is in fact similar to the imposture inherent in the United Nations Human Rights Council where, more often than not, only one country on earth is accused of violating human rights , Israel (but never China, Russia or Iran). It is also similar to the imposture inherent in UNESCO within which an essential task, for years, has been to falsify the history of the Middle East in order to eliminate, in a negationist manner, any trace of Jewish history. .
Germany arrests Hamas operatives who planned attack on Israeli embassy and US base.
According to a German investigation into members of Hamas' terror cell, who were arrested in December, they planned attacks against the Israeli embassy in Berlin and an American base in western Germany .
Itamar Eichner | 05.25.24
Ari Hoffman @thehoffather:
EXCLUSIVE: At 11:00 am in broad daylight, a man wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh & a mask threw 2 rocks through the window of a Seattle-area Jewish family with young children that had a "Seattle stands with Israel" sign in the window.

Law enforcement took over 90 minutes to… Show more
2:59 AM · May 22, 2024
Dr. Eli David @DrEliDavid:
🚨 Breaking: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” slogan is now considered a call for genocide, and hence punishable in Netherlands 🇳🇱

Thank you @Maikel_PVV and @geertwilderspvv 🙏
May 21, 2024

Yassin Rabiah, Hamas leader in Judea and Samaria, was the highest ranking terrorist eliminated by the IDF last night. A couple of things to learn here:

- He led Hamas in Judea and Samaria, what the world likes to call the West Bank. So to those clowns who still think Hamas is only in Gaza, meet Yassin Rabiah. -

He was one of several senior Hamas terrorists eliminated in the Rafah strike. That’s right, senior Hamas terrorists were hiding amongst civilians.

- Hamas terrorists are not safe anywhere, not now, and not ever.

He will be joined by many of his friends soon…

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