*Israel's Free Hand; on the arabs*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Israel should separate themselves from the arabs, and there is no better time, or justification now.
2. Tear down ALL thats on the Temple Mount.
3. Knock it down, your so mad, I am with you on this.
4. Tear down their cites, ALL of them, send in bulldozers to rake them off.
5. Nothing left of a arab for 75 miles.
6. Kick em out of America, and Europe too.

Don't knock down the mosque on Temple Mount.

Disassemble it, number the parts, then turn all the materials (and re-assembly drawings) over to the Saudis, and let them re-assemble the thing in Mecca or Medina or some other part of the Arabian peninsula - but removed from Israeli soil, so that the Jews can reclaim the Temple Mount for themselves... just like they've been hoping to do since Titus tore it down in 70 AD
But that reclaiming of the Temple Mount can only happen after the Palestinians are flushed from Gaza and the West Bank and sent packing to the East Bank of the Jordan River, to resume their former status as Jordanian citizens ;)
But that reclaiming of the Temple Mount can only happen after the Palestinians are flushed from Gaza and the West Bank and sent packing to the East Bank of the Jordan River, to resume their former status as Jordanian citizens ;)
Sorry bout that,

1. Nah, tell them to leave, and when they don't, then send in the bulldozers.
2. Sure many will die, but its a war after all.

Don't knock down the mosque on Temple Mount.

Disassemble it, number the parts, then turn all the materials (and re-assembly drawings) over to the Saudis, and let them re-assemble the thing in Mecca or Medina or some other part of the Arabian peninsula - but removed from Israeli soil, so that the Jews can reclaim the Temple Mount for themselves... just like they've been hoping to do since Titus tore it down in 70 AD
I don’t think that’s necessary. Just label the dump trucks load 1, load 2, here’s your fucking mosque put it back together.
But that reclaiming of the Temple Mount can only happen after the Palestinians are flushed from Gaza and the West Bank and sent packing to the East Bank of the Jordan River, to resume their former status as Jordanian citizens ;)
Leave or die seems generous at this point. Move them all to the nearest port and tell Iran to come get them. If they don’t then all of them die.

At some point enough is enough of dealing with these assholes.
Don't knock down the mosque on Temple Mount.

Disassemble it, number the parts, then turn all the materials (and re-assembly drawings) over to the Saudis, and let them re-assemble the thing in Mecca or Medina or some other part of the Arabian peninsula - but removed from Israeli soil, so that the Jews can reclaim the Temple Mount for themselves... just like they've been hoping to do since Titus tore it down in 70 AD
What about Arab Jews?

What about Arab Jews?

Sorry bout that,

1. If they are Jews, and will stand with the Jews, then I see no problem.
2. But if they are convenient Jews being a Jew just for advantage, then I do see a problem with them.
3. Fair weather Jews, no matter what they claim to be that only are Jews for the advantage, real Jews, despise.

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