Israel's Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestinians

Hello Pali supporters. Anybody home?
I'll play, but judging from your last comment to me, you won't even read.

How Israel is “cleansing” Palestinians from Greater Jewish Jerusalem | Dissident Voice

This has become quite tragic and deserves all of our attention. Thanks for starting the topic either way. It's important.
I'll play too :)

This is what the article above says:
"Israel is putting in place the final pieces of a Greater Jewish Jerusalem that will require “ethnically cleansing” tens of thousands of Palestinians from a city their families have lived and worked in for generations, human rights groups have warned."

One can not find ONE decent journalistic source to verify Mr. Cooks' allegations.

BUT, if one looks at 1948.....

“The Jewish Quarter has been destroyed. Nothing remains there that has not suffered serious damage, which makes the return of the Jews to this place impossible.” Thus spoke Abdulla El-Tal, Jordanian commander of the force capturing the Old City of Jerusalem in 1948. After the surrender, signed on May 28th, he further stated, “I consider this defeat of the Jews to be the most serious blow to have befallen them, particularly in terms of their morale, since they were cut off from the Western Wall and the Jewish Quarter for the first time in fifteen generations”. He had accomplished his mission.

Today, when the revision of history has become fashionable, we have a responsibility to remember, and if necessary, to publicize the facts surrounding this battle. They are well documented. John Phillips, reporter and photographer for Life Magazine, was there. His pictures and comments were recorded for posterity in the June 7thand June 28th editions. A telling representation of his work also appears in the exhibit “One Last Day”, displayed in the Cardo, the main commercial area of the new Old City.

For one-hundred fifty days, from December 1947 to May 1948, with British consent and supervision, the Jewish population of the Old City was held under siege. During this period of extreme hardship, many Jews left, and eventually only a small remnant of the original fifteen thousand remained. Then, on May 17th, the Arabs fired heavy artillery shells from the west. On May 18th Jordan’s Arab Legion invaded from the north and its 6thregiment entered from the east. On May 19th the 3rd and 5th regiments attacked. Recruits from other Arab nations, plus one-thousand five-hundred Jerusalem Arabs joined the onslaught.

Against these overwhelming odds stood one-hundred fifty Jewish defenders, including teen-agers and the elderly. With one-hundred thirteen weapons and limited ammunition, they strove to protect seventeen-hundred helpless residents.

Driven from house to house, the Jews fought valiantly for thirteen days. The Arab Legion was supported by an anti-tank artillery battery which blew up the houses. Rabbis Hazzan and Muitzberg went to the legion headquarters requesting a cease-fire for removal of the dead and wounded. Abdullah El-Tal refused.

By May 28th, the Jewish-held Quarter was restricted to five acres, into which crowded the surviving citizens and a few dozen defenders. They surrendered. At the surrender signing in the Batai Mahseh compound, Abdullah El-Tal shouted, “Let all the soldiers stand apart.” The first to step forward was Reb Moshe Yitzchak, an old man of seventy-eight.

(full article online)


Now, not only explain these endless allegations of Israel wanting to cleanse Jerusalem of its Arab population, but defend the Arabs and British ethnically cleansing the Jewish Population from the JEWISH quarter of Jerusalem in 1948-49.

I'm listening.
If Israel had not started its war, those people would probably still live there.
Israel started which war? And show actual evidence of it instead of making endless allegations about it.
I realize that thinking is the Zionist's short suit but look at what happened. The Zionists wanted to plop an exclusive Jewish state into a place that was 95% not Jewish. How can that happen without attacking the existing population?

Damn those British Zionists, eh Tinmore?
Declassified Israeli Transcripts Discuss Ethnic Cleansing

Hmm, let's see here. First off, it says "Discussed" not implemented. Second, your link goes to a blog which links as its source another blog which talks about declassified information without posting the actual source to the declassified document.

Nope. Sorry. Try again. Which we have come to know that you will, being on such an 'honest' academic mission and all . . .
It actually identified the information as coming from declassified cabinet meeting minutes and the material was posted to the Israeli archives website.
Hello Pali supporters. Anybody home?
I'll play, but judging from your last comment to me, you won't even read.

How Israel is “cleansing” Palestinians from Greater Jewish Jerusalem | Dissident Voice

This has become quite tragic and deserves all of our attention. Thanks for starting the topic either way. It's important.
Interesting. The article uses all the key words. Yet it, and you, imply (as usual) that the Palestinians are nothing but victims. They have never done anything at all to warrant these actions by Israel.

If you truly believe that, you're not very academic at all.
Over & over again the Palestinians & their supporters accuse Israel of "ethnic cleansing." Let us all address this issue with documented facts. Not just bigoted opinions. Fair enough?

In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians residing in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left.

"Ethnic cleansing"??? Please explain.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Over & over again the Palestinians & their supporters accuse Israel of "ethnic cleansing." Let us all address this issue with documented facts. Not just bigoted opinions. Fair enough?

In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians residing in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left.

"Ethnic cleansing"??? Please explain.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing isn't numbers, it is location.
Over & over again the Palestinians & their supporters accuse Israel of "ethnic cleansing." Let us all address this issue with documented facts. Not just bigoted opinions. Fair enough?

In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians residing in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left.

"Ethnic cleansing"??? Please explain.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing isn't numbers, it is location.

Why do You have this need to say the most ridiculously grotesque falsehoods
defying all common sense?
Over & over again the Palestinians & their supporters accuse Israel of "ethnic cleansing." Let us all address this issue with documented facts. Not just bigoted opinions. Fair enough?

In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians residing in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left.

"Ethnic cleansing"??? Please explain.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing isn't numbers, it is location.

Amazing what we can learn from Pali supporters. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors "ethnic cleansing isn't numbers, it is location."
Pally propaganda is not aimed at the intelligent. It is aimed at the utterly stupid. The hate sites they create are all filled with the same jargon ("ethnic clensing", "open air prison" "apatheid" "Banustans" etc), and they do this knowing that their very low IQ fellow antisemites will repeat the silly jargon elsewhere.

If it's repeated enough it becomes gospel to their regressive leftist useful idiots.
QUOTE="rylah, post: 21557312, member: 54800"]

Why do You have this need to say the most ridiculously grotesque falsehoods
defying all common sense? [/QUOTE]


In fact, has there ever been as many Arabs in this tiny sliver of land as there're today?
"Ethnic growth" is the elephant in the room, of both Jews and Arabs, and the Arabs in Israel are the ones with longest life expectancy among any other nation in the middle east.
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Why on earth Israel concedes a Jew free Gaza to the Palestinians so they can thank Israel with rocket missile bases to kill Israeli's is a mystery to me. Shame on those Zionists.
If we are to address the issue of "ethnic cleansing" as the Palestinians & their supporters suggest, then so be it.

‘Ethnic cleansing’ of Jews in Arab lands must be addressed: Israeli diplomat

Gosh I wonder where the Pali supporters have disappeared to?

They know that it is Jews who have actually been clensed and they support the fact that Jews have been clensed, but these antsemites are not honest people. There is not one even remotely honest individual among all the Pally propagandists.
I don't understand. Now we have a thread for the Pali supporters to level Israel on "ethnic cleansing" & they all just disappear.
I don't understand. Now we have a thread for the Pali supporters to level Israel on "ethnic cleansing" & they all just disappear.
If there was no ethnic cleansing, where did all of these refugees come from that y'all are always whining about?
I don't understand. Now we have a thread for the Pali supporters to level Israel on "ethnic cleansing" & they all just disappear.
If there was no ethnic cleansing, where did all of these refugees come from that y'all are always whining about?
Outstanding question. Have you asked the surrounding Arab countries?

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