Israeli Police shoot un-armed 18 year old Girl

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Okay, that makes most Israelis from 18-51years of age, valid military targets.

And that means the nation that has declared war on them is also a valid military target, every man, woman and child

You are deluded!

Maybe that's the Israeli way, but not in civilised countries!

So when Britain went to war in Iraq it did not fire on terrorists, insurgents and militia. When Britain when to war with A.Q it did not fire on terrorists, insurgents and militia. Even though they were "civilians". Are you saying that Britain, US, France, Germany and many other western nations are not civilised now ? But islamonazi nations are .........................


Classing ALL civilians as terrorists, insurgents and militia proves what a complete numbskull you really are Phoney!

You are the one who is delusional as I did not say that did I, try reading my words again. A hint is that the islamonazis claimed that every person killed was a "civilian" even if they were armed with a semi automatis and a pocket full of grenades. That is why I put civilians in parenthesis

I do read your words, several times, trying to decipher the almost incomprehensible English that you try and write!

"So when Britain went to war in Iraq it did not fire on terrorists, insurgents and militia."

Explain that one Phoney...
And that means the nation that has declared war on them is also a valid military target, every man, woman and child

You are deluded!

Maybe that's the Israeli way, but not in civilised countries!

That's the Zionist Paradise for you...murdering Palestinian men, women and children for the last 95 years. It's good to read that Jewish Americans are finally cottoning on to what's really going on there, better late than never.

Still waiting for you to define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist, and then to produce the proof from unbiased sources that Israel murders Palestinians.

Or would both questions put you on the spot and show that you are just a RABID JEW HATING RACIST

View attachment 50771

Answering for rat boy because he cant do so for himself...................... I bet you failed to find any links that show Israel has murdered Palestinians either

Not quite sure why would need to answer for someone more than capable of responding to your crap! I was yawning at your post in general... It's like a whining child....

Here, say this is a really annoying, whining childs voice...

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"


Oh and I'm not going to bother with your trolling about links... Utter shite... Google it!

If you REALLY are such a belligerent troll then you would want to read them anyway!
the soldier is already pointing his weapon at her, where's the "knife"?

Unfortunately, there were too many cameras so they couldn't use the standard "shot while trying to escape" she was going to run anywhere dressed like that. Also stopped them planting a knife next to her body.

What's the betting, next thing we hear..."it's a Pallwood Production" look, here she is 30 minutes later, still alive and chatting with a friend:

Pallywood artistry knows no bounds.

See! told you! I win the bet! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Of course it's Pallywood, a crazy brainwashed Muslim bitch attacks an Israeli soldier and gets a one way ticket to Allah. Did you miss the headline from the article?

...shot dead moments later for attempting to stab checkpoint guard

Read more: Israeli soldier aims at veiled Palestinian teen, who was then shot
According to your link she tried to stab a service man.

Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?
And that means the nation that has declared war on them is also a valid military target, every man, woman and child

You are deluded!

Maybe that's the Israeli way, but not in civilised countries!

So when Britain went to war in Iraq it did not fire on terrorists, insurgents and militia. When Britain when to war with A.Q it did not fire on terrorists, insurgents and militia. Even though they were "civilians". Are you saying that Britain, US, France, Germany and many other western nations are not civilised now ? But islamonazi nations are .........................


Classing ALL civilians as terrorists, insurgents and militia proves what a complete numbskull you really are Phoney!

You are the one who is delusional as I did not say that did I, try reading my words again. A hint is that the islamonazis claimed that every person killed was a "civilian" even if they were armed with a semi automatis and a pocket full of grenades. That is why I put civilians in parenthesis

I do read your words, several times, trying to decipher the almost incomprehensible English that you try and write!

"So when Britain went to war in Iraq it did not fire on terrorists, insurgents and militia."

Explain that one Phoney...

Self explanatory if English is your first language. Who did the British kill in Iraq during the gulf wars, according to islamonazi's they were civilians not terrorists, insurgents or militia.
You are deluded!

Maybe that's the Israeli way, but not in civilised countries!

That's the Zionist Paradise for you...murdering Palestinian men, women and children for the last 95 years. It's good to read that Jewish Americans are finally cottoning on to what's really going on there, better late than never.

Still waiting for you to define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist, and then to produce the proof from unbiased sources that Israel murders Palestinians.

Or would both questions put you on the spot and show that you are just a RABID JEW HATING RACIST

View attachment 50771

Answering for rat boy because he cant do so for himself...................... I bet you failed to find any links that show Israel has murdered Palestinians either

Not quite sure why would need to answer for someone more than capable of responding to your crap! I was yawning at your post in general... It's like a whining child....

Here, say this is a really annoying, whining childs voice...

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"


Oh and I'm not going to bother with your trolling about links... Utter shite... Google it!

If you REALLY are such a belligerent troll then you would want to read them anyway!

It is a perfectly valid question that places you on the spot because you cant give the dictionary definition of Zionist because it does not match the context you use the term in. But using the term to mean a RACIST SLUR and it suddenly matches your context.

So when you next ask for a Link you will accept the reply GOOGLE IT ?
According to your link she tried to stab a service man.

Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Because they don't want to know as it bursts their bubble and destroys their arguments
Last I checked, if you attack an armed person wearing a uniform with a knife or other deadly weapon, don't be surprised if he puts a bullet between your eyes.
According to your link she tried to stab a service man.

Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Did the UK suddenly turn into cowboy country?

Police officers are authorised to defend themselves... Of course...

The vast majority of police officers in the UK are UNARMED!

Figures show that there are over 125,000 full time police officers in the UK with approximately 7,000 AFO's.

Yes, they carry batons, tazers, 'pepper spray' etc... But NOT arms taht can be considered "lethal force"!

And, no, sorry, police officers do NOT have the choice to be armed if they choose...

After a minumum of four years serving in the police force a police officer can apply to join an armed response unit. How is it possible you don't know this?
According to your link she tried to stab a service man.

Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Did the UK suddenly turn into cowboy country?

Police officers are authorised to defend themselves... Of course...

The vast majority of police officers in the UK are UNARMED!

Figures show that there are over 125,000 full time police officers in the UK with approximately 7,000 AFO's.

Yes, they carry batons, tazers, 'pepper spray' etc... But NOT arms taht can be considered "lethal force"!

And, no, sorry, police officers do NOT have the choice to be armed if they choose...

After a minumum of four years serving in the police force a police officer can apply to join an armed response unit. How is it possible you don't know this?

It's been that way for decades now. And yes, they can carry handguns if they choose to. The majority choose not to and that is fine. But there are those who carry and good for them too.
That's the Zionist Paradise for you...murdering Palestinian men, women and children for the last 95 years. It's good to read that Jewish Americans are finally cottoning on to what's really going on there, better late than never.

Still waiting for you to define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist, and then to produce the proof from unbiased sources that Israel murders Palestinians.

Or would both questions put you on the spot and show that you are just a RABID JEW HATING RACIST

View attachment 50771

Answering for rat boy because he cant do so for himself...................... I bet you failed to find any links that show Israel has murdered Palestinians either

Not quite sure why would need to answer for someone more than capable of responding to your crap! I was yawning at your post in general... It's like a whining child....

Here, say this is a really annoying, whining childs voice...

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"


Oh and I'm not going to bother with your trolling about links... Utter shite... Google it!

If you REALLY are such a belligerent troll then you would want to read them anyway!

It is a perfectly valid question that places you on the spot because you cant give the dictionary definition of Zionist because it does not match the context you use the term in. But using the term to mean a RACIST SLUR and it suddenly matches your context.

So when you next ask for a Link you will accept the reply GOOGLE IT ?

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"

A Phoney chant when he has nothing better to do than troll!

You cannot be racist against a political organisation... Have you really not learned that yet? I have told you so many times before!

No Phoney, Google it is ONLY acceptable when you ask dumbass questions safe in the knowledge that you are simply trolling...
Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Did the UK suddenly turn into cowboy country?

Police officers are authorised to defend themselves... Of course...

The vast majority of police officers in the UK are UNARMED!

Figures show that there are over 125,000 full time police officers in the UK with approximately 7,000 AFO's.

Yes, they carry batons, tazers, 'pepper spray' etc... But NOT arms taht can be considered "lethal force"!

And, no, sorry, police officers do NOT have the choice to be armed if they choose...

After a minumum of four years serving in the police force a police officer can apply to join an armed response unit. How is it possible you don't know this?

It's been that way for decades now. And yes, they can carry handguns if they choose to. The majority choose not to and that is fine. But there are those who carry and good for them too.

A police officer CANNOT wake up one morning, meander into the police station and say to his commanding officer "Today, I choose to carry a gun"... Doesn't happen! The police officer CAN request firearms training and join a firearms response team.

Yes, there are those who carry a gun... I mentioned them in my earlier post! Works out to be around 5.5% of the police force!
According to your link she tried to stab a service man.

Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Where did I say they weren't allowed to defend themselves? They CANNOT use lethal force without having gain prior authorisation to do so, and then ONLY specialist firearms officers can apply that lethal force if they judge it absolutely necessary. This is how our police deal with attackers:


30 UK Police vs man armed with machete in the street.

According to your link she tried to stab a service man.

Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Did the UK suddenly turn into cowboy country?

Police officers are authorised to defend themselves... Of course...

The vast majority of police officers in the UK are UNARMED!

Figures show that there are over 125,000 full time police officers in the UK with approximately 7,000 AFO's.

Yes, they carry batons, tazers, 'pepper spray' etc... But NOT arms taht can be considered "lethal force"!

And, no, sorry, police officers do NOT have the choice to be armed if they choose...

After a minumum of four years serving in the police force a police officer can apply to join an armed response unit. How is it possible you don't know this?

You would think so with the numbers of knife and gun crimes we see now, and the reports don't show the true figures as many instances are not reported

Every copper in the UK is armed, and they are trained to use their weapons.

A baton used correctly can kill, a tazer used correctly can kill and pepper spray used correctly can kill

Do you know many coppers then, or are you going on what you have read in Socialist Worker.
Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Did the UK suddenly turn into cowboy country?

Police officers are authorised to defend themselves... Of course...

The vast majority of police officers in the UK are UNARMED!

Figures show that there are over 125,000 full time police officers in the UK with approximately 7,000 AFO's.

Yes, they carry batons, tazers, 'pepper spray' etc... But NOT arms taht can be considered "lethal force"!

And, no, sorry, police officers do NOT have the choice to be armed if they choose...

After a minumum of four years serving in the police force a police officer can apply to join an armed response unit. How is it possible you don't know this?

It's been that way for decades now. And yes, they can carry handguns if they choose to. The majority choose not to and that is fine. But there are those who carry and good for them too.

No it hasn't and no they can't. Issue and carriage of firearms
According to your link she tried to stab a service man.

Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Where did I say they weren't allowed to defend themselves? They CANNOT use lethal force without having gain prior authorisation to do so, and then ONLY specialist firearms officers can apply that lethal force if they judge it absolutely necessary. This is how our police deal with attackers:


30 UK Police vs man armed with machete in the street.

Didn't that Muslim animal decapitate a British military officer in public on the streets of London with "just a knife" not too long ago?
Still waiting for you to define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist, and then to produce the proof from unbiased sources that Israel murders Palestinians.

Or would both questions put you on the spot and show that you are just a RABID JEW HATING RACIST

View attachment 50771

Answering for rat boy because he cant do so for himself...................... I bet you failed to find any links that show Israel has murdered Palestinians either

Not quite sure why would need to answer for someone more than capable of responding to your crap! I was yawning at your post in general... It's like a whining child....

Here, say this is a really annoying, whining childs voice...

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"


Oh and I'm not going to bother with your trolling about links... Utter shite... Google it!

If you REALLY are such a belligerent troll then you would want to read them anyway!

It is a perfectly valid question that places you on the spot because you cant give the dictionary definition of Zionist because it does not match the context you use the term in. But using the term to mean a RACIST SLUR and it suddenly matches your context.

So when you next ask for a Link you will accept the reply GOOGLE IT ?

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"

A Phoney chant when he has nothing better to do than troll!

You cannot be racist against a political organisation... Have you really not learned that yet? I have told you so many times before!

No Phoney, Google it is ONLY acceptable when you ask dumbass questions safe in the knowledge that you are simply trolling...

You do not mean a political organisation when you use Zionist you mean it as a RACIST INSULT, the context shows this.

No a direct question that puts you on the spot when you have to give an account of your RACISM

So you cant be racist towards islam that is also a political organisation.

No dumbo google is your get out as you know that there are no links to " what does humanity mean when he uses the term Zionist"

Answering for rat boy because he cant do so for himself...................... I bet you failed to find any links that show Israel has murdered Palestinians either

Not quite sure why would need to answer for someone more than capable of responding to your crap! I was yawning at your post in general... It's like a whining child....

Here, say this is a really annoying, whining childs voice...

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"


Oh and I'm not going to bother with your trolling about links... Utter shite... Google it!

If you REALLY are such a belligerent troll then you would want to read them anyway!

It is a perfectly valid question that places you on the spot because you cant give the dictionary definition of Zionist because it does not match the context you use the term in. But using the term to mean a RACIST SLUR and it suddenly matches your context.

So when you next ask for a Link you will accept the reply GOOGLE IT ?

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"

A Phoney chant when he has nothing better to do than troll!

You cannot be racist against a political organisation... Have you really not learned that yet? I have told you so many times before!

No Phoney, Google it is ONLY acceptable when you ask dumbass questions safe in the knowledge that you are simply trolling...

You do not mean a political organisation when you use Zionist you mean it as a RACIST INSULT, the context shows this.

No a direct question that puts you on the spot when you have to give an account of your RACISM

So you cant be racist towards islam that is also a political organisation.

No dumbo google is your get out as you know that there are no links to " what does humanity mean when he uses the term Zionist"

There's something wrong with you....

Cannot be racist against a political movement! End of story...

Cannot be racist against a religion either! End of story...

Since when is Islam a "political organisation"?

And for once you are correct, no, you cannot be racist against Islam. It's a religion you idiot!

Now, Phoney, this is the last time I am going to try and teach you this... If you forget again I will not try and educate you AGAIN!
Fair enough, arrest her, try her, sentance her under due process.

Zionist solution; shoot her 10 times and watch her bleed out as a sideshow attraction for the settler scum in Hebron to gawk over.

Just another day under Zionist Israeli occupation.

Nope. That's standard practice for ANY law enforcement agency world wide. Officers are authorized to use deadly force if a knife wielder approaches to within 22 feet. The fact that she got so close shows me the Israeli police were trying to NOT shoot her. She forced them. I'm a knife fighter (well I was till I got too old) and I would be shooting the crap out of her if she approached that closely.

No it isn't. In the UK the use of lethal forced must be authorised by a senior officer and then the task is carried out by a specialist armed response unit. Please explain how standing still, refusing to remove your veil turning around and walking away is forcing the IDF to shoot you? Police have pepper spray, tasers and batons, to use against knife wielding attackers and are fully trained to deal with such situations (at least they are here). There was no justification to shoot the girl, even less to let her bleed to death while Zionist medical professionals looked on and smirked for the cameras.

Untrue. Police officers in the UK are absolutely authorized to defend themselves. Furthermore the common belief that the Bobby is unarmed is no longer true. They have the choice to be armed if they wish. How is it possible you don't know this?

Where did I say they weren't allowed to defend themselves? They CANNOT use lethal force without having gain prior authorisation to do so, and then ONLY specialist firearms officers can apply that lethal force if they judge it absolutely necessary. This is how our police deal with attackers:


30 UK Police vs man armed with machete in the street.

Didn't that Muslim animal decapitate a British military officer in public on the streets of London with "just a knife" not too long ago?

No. Murder of Lee Rigby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not quite sure why would need to answer for someone more than capable of responding to your crap! I was yawning at your post in general... It's like a whining child....

Here, say this is a really annoying, whining childs voice...

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"


Oh and I'm not going to bother with your trolling about links... Utter shite... Google it!

If you REALLY are such a belligerent troll then you would want to read them anyway!

It is a perfectly valid question that places you on the spot because you cant give the dictionary definition of Zionist because it does not match the context you use the term in. But using the term to mean a RACIST SLUR and it suddenly matches your context.

So when you next ask for a Link you will accept the reply GOOGLE IT ?

"define what you mean personally when you use the term Zionist"

A Phoney chant when he has nothing better to do than troll!

You cannot be racist against a political organisation... Have you really not learned that yet? I have told you so many times before!

No Phoney, Google it is ONLY acceptable when you ask dumbass questions safe in the knowledge that you are simply trolling...

You do not mean a political organisation when you use Zionist you mean it as a RACIST INSULT, the context shows this.

No a direct question that puts you on the spot when you have to give an account of your RACISM

So you cant be racist towards islam that is also a political organisation.

No dumbo google is your get out as you know that there are no links to " what does humanity mean when he uses the term Zionist"

There's something wrong with you....

Cannot be racist against a political movement! End of story...

Cannot be racist against a religion either! End of story...

Since when is Islam a "political organisation"?

And for once you are correct, no, you cannot be racist against Islam. It's a religion you idiot!

Now, Phoney, this is the last time I am going to try and teach you this... If you forget again I will not try and educate you AGAIN!

It really is a waste of time and energy engaging with Phoney, he gets his jollies by trolling this and other forums. I gave him my definition of Zionism months ago (even his mini-me little helper found it), but he was either too lazy or too stupid to read it then, and now claims I didn't. You can't reason with that sort of myopic stupidity, so I no longer bother.


Strange that...



Once a troll, always a troll... Best ignored!
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