Israel’s right or not to exist – The facts and truth

Are you saying that the Palestinians went to Europe after WWI and attacked the Zionists?

No, You Pro Palestinian moron I am referring to the Savage Palestinians killing Israelis starting in the year 1919 However if you look at their history they have been killing Jews for Centuries and treating them as second class to put it n

The Zionist invasion started before then and was confirmed by the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

What does the above have to do with what happened in Hebron and other places? Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only? What does that have to do with the way they treated Jews for Centuries? Typical mentality of a Pro- Palestinian bigoted Racist ( In this case an old one) :clap2:

Not true. The 1949 armistice agreements took place almost a year after the end of the mandate. Palestine was still there. Its international borders were still there.

The " Armistice Agreement" that the Arabs themselves never honored or respected? Now, THAT is funny. Israel doesn't have to and won't. This is understood by everyone including the Arab World ( except you) If I make a legal agreement with anyone and I break it they are not legally mandated to follow it. It's honestly that simple.

It's not going to happen. Everyone notice how he first Speaks about the 1922 borders of " Palestine" then the 1947? What a fool :D

If course that does not change any borders. And what countries violated the armistice lines?

There are 1922 borders, There are no 1947 borders.
Veteran give the islamo nazis a chance-----tinnie has himself so tied up in knots with his
own sophistry that he has to theorize an ETERNAL COUNTRY invented in 1922 called
Palestine---at a time when the only people in the world called "PALESTINIANS" were jews.
and poor sherri was painted herself into a corner with HER sophistry forcing her to
change the name of her "god" from "allah-isa" to ZEUS as per centuries of greek
writers -----she even had to agree with the islamic description of the New Testament as
No, You Pro Palestinian moron I am referring to the Savage Palestinians killing Israelis starting in the year 1919 However if you look at their history they have been killing Jews for Centuries and treating them as second class to put it n

The Zionist invasion started before then and was confirmed by the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

What does the above have to do with what happened in Hebron and other places? Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only? What does that have to do with the way they treated Jews for Centuries? Typical mentality of a Pro- Palestinian bigoted Racist ( In this case an old one) :clap2:

Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only?

Who said that?
And what happens when Palestinians exceed Jews by 1 million? They get their country back eventually. Being steadfast and time will give Palestine back to the Palestinians. There is a God who is good and just!

Just one more reason why there will never be " Right of Return". Let them multiply like rabbits in Gaza and where they reside in the West Bank. They initiate violence Israel has the right to do what's in her best interest. There is a GOD who is good and just !!!! :D:D

Your hate for Palestinians is a personal problem it would do you good to deal with. They have the right to life in their homelands, it was God who created them and sees over the birth of each child they have there. They are human beings and not rabbits, it is sad seeing human beings like you who see other human beings as animals. Must have something to do with all those babies you so proudly killed. Disgusting!

Your hate for the Jewish people which you share with the rest of the Arab World and the Pro- Palestinian posters on the board is a personal problem and it would do you good to deal with. It was God who created them and sees over the birth of each child they have there. They are Human beings. I never stated they were rabbits; I said they multiply like rabbits. Just recently the Egyptian President referred to the Jewish people as being descendants from DOGS as well as other things! Don't see you complaining about that; You Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite . Exactly who did I " kill?" Your love for the Palestinians and the Arab World is in general because of their Anti Semitism You AND THE GRAND MUFTI of Jerusalem have a lot in common ! It's clear it's because of their hate for the Jewish people and their wish to kill every one if they could . DISGUSTING ! :D
I stand corrected, Morsi referred to them as " Apes and Pigs". Now he is making excuses. If it were Netanyahu making those remarks about Palestinians it would have been all over the Pro- Arab, Pro Palestinian Boards when it happened and it would still be a topic of conversation.

BTW, The Jewish people also have the right to life in their Homelands. Deal with it
I stand corrected, Morsi referred to them as " Apes and Pigs". Now he is making excuses. If it were Netanyahu making those remarks about Palestinians it would have been all over the Pro- Arab, Pro Palestinian Boards when it happened and it would still be a topic of conversation.

BTW, The Jewish people also have the right to life in their Homelands. Deal with it

He also referred to them as "vampires" :mad: ...he is always denigrating Israel!
morsi is demanding that the USA release a piece of pig shit from jail -----because he is a pig
shit hero having murdered seven americans and injuring 100s. I suggest sherri fast
The " Armistice Agreement" that the Arabs themselves never honored or respected? Now, THAT is funny. Israel doesn't have to and won't. This is understood by everyone including the Arab World ( except you) If I make a legal agreement with anyone and I break it they are not legally mandated to follow it. It's honestly that simple.

It's not going to happen. Everyone notice how he first Speaks about the 1922 borders of " Palestine" then the 1947? What a fool :D

If course that does not change any borders. And what countries violated the armistice lines?

There are 1922 borders, There are no 1947 borders.

I guess that means the Borders set forth by the U.N. in 1947 prior to the Jewish State declaring it's independence and what was " agreed "upon in 1949 in the Armistice " agreement" is illegal. That means Israel doesn't have to agree to them. After all, the Arabs never accepted them.

Who broke the Armistice Agreement? THE ARABS who do not believe Israel or Jews have the right to exist
I stand corrected, Morsi referred to them as " Apes and Pigs". Now he is making excuses. If it were Netanyahu making those remarks about Palestinians it would have been all over the Pro- Arab, Pro Palestinian Boards when it happened and it would still be a topic of conversation.

BTW, The Jewish people also have the right to life in their Homelands. Deal with it

He also referred to them as "vampires" :mad: ...he is always denigrating Israel!

As I have said before; Comsider the source
No Pro- Palestinian is going to condemn ANYTHING Anti Semetic that an Arab or anyone else says. Consider the source with their Anti- Semitism , hatred, and their Double Standard. That is what they are most known for
The Zionist invasion started before then and was confirmed by the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

What does the above have to do with what happened in Hebron and other places? Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only? What does that have to do with the way they treated Jews for Centuries? Typical mentality of a Pro- Palestinian bigoted Racist ( In this case an old one) :clap2:

Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only?

Who said that?

You did. Look below for the definition of INVASION , That is the word you used

v. in·vad·ed, in·vad·ing, in·vades
1. To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.
2. To encroach or intrude on; violate: "The principal of the trusts could not be invaded without trustee approval" (Barbara Goldsmith).
3. To overrun as if by invading; infest: "About 1917 the shipworm invaded the harbor of San Francisco" (Rachel Carson).
4. To enter and permeate, especially harmfully.

If I lived in a primarly white area, blacks started moving in and I complained they were INVADING my neighborhood anyone with just one brain cell would understand what I am saying. Understand? Doubt it :clap2:
What does the above have to do with what happened in Hebron and other places? Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only? What does that have to do with the way they treated Jews for Centuries? Typical mentality of a Pro- Palestinian bigoted Racist ( In this case an old one) :clap2:

Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only?

Who said that?

You did. Look below for the definition of INVASION , That is the word you used

v. in·vad·ed, in·vad·ing, in·vades
1. To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.
2. To encroach or intrude on; violate: "The principal of the trusts could not be invaded without trustee approval" (Barbara Goldsmith).
3. To overrun as if by invading; infest: "About 1917 the shipworm invaded the harbor of San Francisco" (Rachel Carson).
4. To enter and permeate, especially harmfully.

If I lived in a primarly white area, blacks started moving in and I complained they were INVADING my neighborhood anyone with just one brain cell would understand what I am saying. Understand? Doubt it :clap2:

for muslims the ability of jews in the 1800s to buy land from the Ottomans was a
DEFINITE INVASION just as was the post world war II-----purchase of houses by jews
in the nazi enclave in which I grew up. In both cases it was a matter of economics. The
Ottomans wanted to have some money out of their RULE OF PALESTINE----and the
nazi small farmers of my somewhat FORMERLY rural town----wanted to sell their land
to real estate developers ----and sell the little houses to veterans with VA MORTGAGE
RIGHTS I was out of that town when the BLACKS FINALLY INVADED (it was too late---
no one could dictate to whom the jews who owned houses could sell them). Imagine
what might happen if by some set of circumstances-----saudi arabia were forced to
give up the stench of shariah and HINDUS PURCHASED LAND IN MECCA.

In the early 1900s----there were people of tinnie and sherri ilk---who considered the
influx of blacks to NEW YORK CITY---escaping persecution in the south---to
be an INVASION----so they hanged a few blacks from lamp-posts proving
once again ------nazis---islamos----islamo nazis-----have an interesting viewpoint
as to what constitutes INVASION. Do not blame tinnie for his
Another stupid Pro Palestinian remark Hitler just went in and invaded Countries who never initiated attacks against them unlike the Arab Countries who are sworn to Israel's destruction and initiated every single war The Arabs didn't want to accept the 67 borders then? Israel will not accept them now
Israel started the '67 war, so it's not a stupid remark.
The Zionists invaded Palestine who never initiated attacks against them.

The rapist pig of arabia used the same logic to justify the comprehensive ethnic cleansing of all those not willing to lick his ass in arabia-----and to justify the armenian genocide----in
fact even the genocides in sudan and biafra are justified in by the same reasoning. In
1971 an indignant west pakistani told me his family "lost tea gardens" in east pakistan
due to the criminal actions of the east pakistani rebels Going back centuries----ever invasion and murder rape-pillage fest in the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST was
described as an act of the "DEFENSE OF ISLAM" I have no doubt that there will be a
DEFENSE of islam -----genocide in france----some time soon
Another stupid Pro Palestinian remark Hitler just went in and invaded Countries who never initiated attacks against them unlike the Arab Countries who are sworn to Israel's destruction and initiated every single war The Arabs didn't want to accept the 67 borders then? Israel will not accept them now
Israel started the '67 war, so it's not a stupid remark.

Another Pro Palestinian lie The Arabs initiated it with their Verbal threats and actions and Israel responded
Another Pro Palestinian lie The Arabs initiated it with their Verbal threats and actions and Israel responded
There are only two legal ways a country can attack another country and threats are not one of them.

The 1967 war was initiated by Nasser and his UAR-----Nasser ---by ACTS of war --one of
which was the embargo of the STRAITS OF TIRAN another was a huge build up of
troops on the border and overt statements of INTENT and dismissal of the UN peace keeping forces in the sinai Islamo nazi pigs claim that
Israel started the 2006 war with Hezbollah too-----because from the islamo nazi POV---
an incursion into Israel and the murdering of six Israelis is NOT AN ACT OF WAR yes it is. In fact islamo nazi pigs even assert that KASSAM bombs into israeli villages are legal and not an act of war nor is the slitting of the throats of infants -----but somehow a MINOR VANDALISM of a few standing planes with no passengers or pilots therein is a HUGE ACT OF WAR ----if jews do it The islamo nazi pig claim that ISRAEL started the 1967 war is quite a silly rapist pig joke-----something like his ethnic cleansing of arabia of all those not interested in licking his stinking ass was justified for the GLORY OF ALLAH.

for the record-----every genocide comitted by the ass lickers of the rapist pig -----
has been JUSTIFIED by the ass lickers as DEFENSE OF ISLAAAAM
If course that does not change any borders. And what countries violated the armistice lines?

There are 1922 borders, There are no 1947 borders.

I guess that means the Borders set forth by the U.N. in 1947 prior to the Jewish State declaring it's independence and what was " agreed "upon in 1949 in the Armistice " agreement" is illegal. That means Israel doesn't have to agree to them. After all, the Arabs never accepted them.

Who broke the Armistice Agreement? THE ARABS who do not believe Israel or Jews have the right to exist

In 1947 borders were proposed as part of an agreement that was offered. The offer was rejected and the proposed borders were never established. There never were any 1947 borders.

There were armistice lines drawn after the 1948 war. They were specifically not to be political or territorial borders. There were no 1949 borders.

Israel first crossed the armistice lines when it attacked Egypt in 1967.
What does the above have to do with what happened in Hebron and other places? Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only? What does that have to do with the way they treated Jews for Centuries? Typical mentality of a Pro- Palestinian bigoted Racist ( In this case an old one) :clap2:

Jews never had the right to live there; Arabs only?

Who said that?

You did. Look below for the definition of INVASION , That is the word you used

v. in·vad·ed, in·vad·ing, in·vades
1. To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.
2. To encroach or intrude on; violate: "The principal of the trusts could not be invaded without trustee approval" (Barbara Goldsmith).
3. To overrun as if by invading; infest: "About 1917 the shipworm invaded the harbor of San Francisco" (Rachel Carson).
4. To enter and permeate, especially harmfully.

If I lived in a primarly white area, blacks started moving in and I complained they were INVADING my neighborhood anyone with just one brain cell would understand what I am saying. Understand? Doubt it :clap2:

OK, invasion fits.

Bad analogy. If those blacks were coming in by the boatload from Africa with the stated goal of taking over your country, that would be an invasion.

But what does that have to do with the native Jews who had been living in Hebron for a long time?

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