Israel Is Losing this War

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The article titled "Israel Is Losing this War" published in "The Nation" discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, particularly focusing on the recent violence unleashed by Israel on Palestinians. The authors argue that despite Israel's overwhelming military power and support from the United States, it is failing to achieve its political goals in the conflict.

The article highlights the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel, which resulted in the breaching of Israeli military installations and a high number of Israeli casualties. Drawing a parallel to the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam, the authors emphasize that Hamas aims to achieve long-term political outcomes rather than immediate military victory. They suggest that Hamas seeks to rally the Palestinian population in Gaza, increase Israel's isolation, and undermine the Palestinian Authority's credibility.

The authors criticize the unconditional support given to Israel by the Biden administration and Western leaders, arguing that it stems from a delusion that Israel is a peaceful nation facing unprovoked attacks. They assert that Israel's failure to anticipate the attack on October 7 was a political failure to understand the consequences of its oppressive system, which has been labeled as apartheid by international human rights organizations.

The article also references Avrum Burg's warning from twenty years ago about the inevitability of violent backlash due to Israel's unjust actions. It argues that Israel's violent actions only replenish the ranks of Hamas and undermine its own security. The authors contend that the recent violence has shattered the status quo and that Hamas may see losing control of Gaza as advantageous for its larger objectives.

Hamas has a pan-Palestinian perspective, not a Gaza-specific one, and so it intended October 7 to have transformative effects across Palestine. During the 2021 “Unity Intifada” that sought to connect the struggles of Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza with those inside Israel, Hamas took actions in support of that goal. Now, the Israeli state is accelerating that connection with a paranoid campaign of repression against any expression of dissent from among its Palestinian citizens. Hundreds of Palestinians in the West Bank have been detained, including activists and teens posting on Facebook. Israel is all too aware of the potential for escalation in the West Bank. In that sense, the Israeli response has only brought the people of the West Bank and Gaza closer.

Military impotence of IOF terrorists have been further highlighted here:

The french newspaper "Le Monde" published another article titled "Israel is losing itself in the carnage in Gaza" which discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. It highlights the United States' rejection of a draft UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, which allows Israel to continue its punishment of the entire population.

The article criticizes Israel's strategy of eradicating Hamas at any cost, resulting in widespread death, destruction, and displacement of Palestinians.

It also points out the failure of Israel to articulate a clear plan for ending the fighting and the right-wing drift within the country.

The author argues that the US veto and the continued bombing of Gaza will only fuel hatred and perpetuate the cycle of violence.

Israel is losing itself in the carnage in Gaza
The french newspaper "Le Monde" published another article titled "Israel is losing itself in the carnage in Gaza" which discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. It highlights the United States' rejection of a draft UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, which allows Israel to continue its punishment of the entire population.

The article criticizes Israel's strategy of eradicating Hamas at any cost, resulting in widespread death, destruction, and displacement of Palestinians.

It also points out the failure of Israel to articulate a clear plan for ending the fighting and the right-wing drift within the country.

The author argues that the US veto and the continued bombing of Gaza will only fuel hatred and perpetuate the cycle of violence.

Israel is losing itself in the carnage in Gaza
You can't win the propaganda war that America and the Zionists have launched, by talking to those on this board.

But outside of the influence of that propaganda, the rest of the world has leaned toward the truth that the Zionist regime is the evil aggressor.

Your contributions are appreciated!

Doom Looms

The Balfour Declaration anticipated the next jihad after the one led by the Turks; it didn't provoke it. It was due soon because of the weakness of the West after the suicidal World War. And the 9/11 attack on America was inevitable after our own Postmodern decline caused by a decadent hereditary ruling class, just like Europe's.
A few items from this weeks Francesco DeSantis, In Case You Haven’t Heard
3. Responding to the protests against Israel’s campaign, the House has passed a resolution classifying anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism, even among American Jews. In a surprising move, high ranking Jewish Democrat Jerrold Nadler took to the floor to decry this resolution, saying “the resolution suggests that ALL anti-Zionism is antisemitism. That is either intellectually disingenuous or just factually wrong. And it unfairly implicates many of my orthodox former constituents in Brooklyn, many of whose families rose from the ashes of the Holocaust…the authors, if they were at all familiar with Jewish history and culture, should know about Jewish anti-Zionism that was, and is, expressly NOT antisemitic.”

4. Semafor reports MSNBC has canceled Mehdi Hasan’s news program. This article implies MSNBC canceled the show because it was a “cult favorite” which never “translated to ratings successes,” though it seems likely that Hasan’s willingness to push back on Israeli talking points during this recent conflict played a role as well. Lest we forget this is the network that canceled Phil Donahue’s blockbuster news program for criticizing the Iraq War.

5. Just Foreign Policy’s Aída Chávez reports “Sen[ator] Rand Paul is forcing a vote this week on getting US troops out of Syria. His Syria War Powers Resolution would remove all US troops – approx. 900 [US military personnel] – from Syria in the next 30 days.” Chávez highlights that “US forces have been targeted with dozens of attacks in Syria [in recent days] over US support for war in Gaza.”
You can't win the propaganda war that America and the Zionists have launched, by talking to those on this board.
True, one can't win anything here. The best one can hope for is to slightly crack open a few intransigent hearts and minds.
Actually the opposite. Israel has Hamas exactly where it wants them to be. That’s how they secured the release of around 100 hostages.
The article titled "Israel Is Losing this War" published in "The Nation" discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, particularly focusing on the recent violence unleashed by Israel on Palestinians. The authors argue that despite Israel's overwhelming military power and support from the United States, it is failing to achieve its political goals in the conflict.

The article highlights the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel, which resulted in the breaching of Israeli military installations and a high number of Israeli casualties. Drawing a parallel to the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam, the authors emphasize that Hamas aims to achieve long-term political outcomes rather than immediate military victory. They suggest that Hamas seeks to rally the Palestinian population in Gaza, increase Israel's isolation, and undermine the Palestinian Authority's credibility.

The authors criticize the unconditional support given to Israel by the Biden administration and Western leaders, arguing that it stems from a delusion that Israel is a peaceful nation facing unprovoked attacks. They assert that Israel's failure to anticipate the attack on October 7 was a political failure to understand the consequences of its oppressive system, which has been labeled as apartheid by international human rights organizations.

The article also references Avrum Burg's warning from twenty years ago about the inevitability of violent backlash due to Israel's unjust actions. It argues that Israel's violent actions only replenish the ranks of Hamas and undermine its own security. The authors contend that the recent violence has shattered the status quo and that Hamas may see losing control of Gaza as advantageous for its larger objectives.

Military impotence of IOF terrorists have been further highlighted here:

My sympathy goes to Israel. It's hard to achieve political goals against a fanatical death cult that not only has nothing to lose, but who uses civilians as cannon fodder and human shields.
Israel refuses to live any more in fear of bloodthirsty Mohammedans who declare openly their intention of driving every last Jew into the sea. Can anyone blame them? End Hamas now and maybe there can be peace.
Hebrew Channel 12:

Many Israelis submitted asylum applications to Portugal after the war, taking advantage of the Lisbon Declaration to allow them to obtain asylum visas.

It is sufficient to have an Israeli passport to obtain approval to remain in Portugal and work legally.
An Israeli scientist nicknamed Bibi was able to prove that there are no rules of warfare.
An austrian artist had tried to do it before him. But Adolf was unlucky enough to be prevented from doing so by the Red Army. And the georgian poet Joseph.
Defiant Message From A Palestinian Girl in Gaza!

"I will remain steadfast on my land, until the last drop of blood in my soul."

"Then, I will be buried in my land."
"Planted in it."

"The children of Palestine will not abandon it. We will not surrender. We either achieve victory or die! We will continue with the next generation and the coming ones!"

To the enemy, she says:

"We will teach you manners. The forces of the world stand with them. With us, is Allah."

Under the Israeli bombardment, cold, hunger, and siege, a young girl teaches us steadfastness and resistance.


Israel Blows Up Hamas’ ‘Elite Quarter’ In Gaza City That Belonged To Top Terrorists​

By Ryan Saavedra

Dec 21, 2023

Where are the Forum Outcasts to defend the Ethnic Cleansers and Child Killers?
Only the stupid one has surfaced with his usual type of Racist rowdy cries .

I see 96% of Saudis want all ties with the Child Killers broken and it is great to see Decency and Good in a nation much maligned by Racists for not being White or Christian .

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