Israel Hits Gaza Doctors Without Borders Convoy, 2 Dead, Group Calls It "Deliberate"


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012


Doctors Without Borders: Attack on organization’s convoy ‘deliberate,’ calling for investigation

Doctors Without Borders said the Israeli military’s attack on one of its convoys last month that left two dead was deliberate, according to an internal investigation.

The nonprofit, also called Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) internationally, said that internal investigations of the attack confirmed the organization’s original suspicion that it was “deliberate” and the action was taken “against clearly identified MSF vehicles.”
The reason we are being shown little to no live footage of the "fighting" is because Hamas was wiped out weeks ago, and this is just 100% pure Zionist Fascist slaughter with little to no resistance.

Support of Israel is 100% unAmerican, fascist, sick, and completely devoid of any truth.
If dead folks had hindsight I'd have to guess there are two goobers who wish they'd joined Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity instead of Doctors Without Borders.
The reason we are being shown little to no live footage of the "fighting" is because Hamas was wiped out weeks ago, and this is just 100% pure Zionist Fascist slaughter with little to no resistance.

Support of Israel is 100% unAmerican, fascist, sick, and completely devoid of any truth.
There are 30,000 Hamas. How many people have been reported to be killed? 15,000? Havent you guys been saying its almost all civilians?

The numbers dont support your dishonest claim. You wouldnt need to lie if the truth was on your side.
Hamas itself has admitted that they use ambulances as their taxis all the time!

So it wouldn't be a stretch to know they were embedded in one of these convoys as well!:dunno:
Havent you guys been saying its almost all civilians?

It actually requires an IQ over 5 to notice all the discrepancies. When Faux "News" claims a "Hamas leader" said something, your beaked birdbrain is certain that was true. In fact, none of that has been true all along. The Palestinian media reported all along Hamas denied any attack / hostages. The Palestinian media noted the absolute absurdity of the "gliders." Real America's Voice on 10/8 had a live interview with a Christian leader in Nazareth who said they were "not hit" and had "a quiet night." Then CBS this Morning showed us the Tel Aviv skyline with ZERO DAMAGE. There was NO HAMAS attack and your "reality" perception of this is a Zionist Fascist movie, which requires an IQ over 5 to realize...
Hamas itself has admitted

If you watch Faux and parrot, you get the same crap Americans got about the USS Liberty.

Faux "News" does not speak for Hamas, but they have Israeli actors who do...
It actually requires an IQ over 5 to notice all the discrepancies. When Faux "News" claims a "Hamas leader" said something, your beaked birdbrain is certain that was true. In fact, none of that has been true all along. The Palestinian media reported all along Hamas denied any attack / hostages. The Palestinian media noted the absolute absurdity of the "gliders." Real America's Voice on 10/8 had a live interview with a Christian leader in Nazareth who said they were "not hit" and had "a quiet night." Then CBS this Morning showed us the Tel Aviv skyline with ZERO DAMAGE. There was NO HAMAS attack and your "reality" perception of this is a Zionist Fascist movie, which requires an IQ over 5 to realize...
Just stop. No one believes any of your weird claims. :cuckoo:
Just stop. No one believes any of your weird claims. :cuckoo:

We are STILL WAITING for the answer to the gliders

What did the "Hamas attack" consist of?

Just gliders
gliders with motorized fans on the back


YOU believe the Zionist Fascist bullshit. ANSWER IT or admit you CAN'T and hence YOU HAVE NO TRUTH AT ALL...

Why is there NO DAMAGE to Tel Aviv?

Why was the "fighting area" blacked out? Why did the media prevent us from seeing "Hamas" vs. IDF live?

Do you think one side with planes, tanks, missiles, drones and more vs. troops with hand held rifles and grenades is a fight that would still be "ongoing" weeks later...????

If so, you have an IQ under 5... and you just proved it to everyone.
The Palestinian media noted the absolute absurdity of the "gliders." Real America's Voice on 10/8 had a live interview with a Christian leader in Nazareth who said they were "not hit" and had "a quiet night."
I hope someone here is listening, because you speak the truth
Then CBS this Morning showed us the Tel Aviv skyline with ZERO DAMAGE. There was NO HAMAS attack
Again, I hope someone here is listening, because you speak the truth

and your "reality" perception of this is a Zionist Fascist movie, which requires an IQ over 5 to realize...

I hope someone here is listening, because you speak the truth
It is a lie from BoBooYaHoo who is at fault, period !!!!

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We are STILL WAITING for the answer to the gliders

What did the "Hamas attack" consist of?

Just gliders
gliders with motorized fans on the back


YOU believe the Zionist Fascist bullshit. ANSWER IT or admit you CAN'T and hence YOU HAVE NO TRUTH AT ALL...

Why is there NO DAMAGE to Tel Aviv?

Why was the "fighting area" blacked out? Why did the media prevent us from seeing "Hamas" vs. IDF live?

Do you think one side with planes, tanks, missiles, drones and more vs. troops with hand held rifles and grenades is a fight that would still be "ongoing" weeks later...????

If so, you have an IQ under 5... and you just proved it to everyone.
Dude, go do some reading if you need answers to these questions. You are confused about super obvious facts that most people should already know.
We are STILL WAITING for the answer to the gliders

What did the "Hamas attack" consist of?

Just gliders
gliders with motorized fans on the back


YOU believe the Zionist Fascist bullshit. ANSWER IT or admit you CAN'T and hence YOU HAVE NO TRUTH AT ALL...

Why is there NO DAMAGE to Tel Aviv?

Why was the "fighting area" blacked out? Why did the media prevent us from seeing "Hamas" vs. IDF live?

Do you think one side with planes, tanks, missiles, drones and more vs. troops with hand held rifles and grenades is a fight that would still be "ongoing" weeks later...????

If so, you have an IQ under 5... and you just proved it to everyone.

Hamas paragliders - Google Search
Israel is creating enough terrorists to keep themselves and the U.S. quagmired in terrorism for decades. Netanyahu is so wise.

OK, so now it is "officially" the "motorized paraglider" which clearly is not SILENT, which is how the original explanation went, that the gliders were so SILENT that NOBODY NOTICED THEM....

So our perception of Israel is this....

There is no border security there.
No households in Israel own arms.
There are no guards or IDF around.
Anyone can just walk or "glide" right in, armed to the teeth, LAND = cough cough, landing those "gliders" is laughable on streets with lights and buildings on both sides, and the Israelis just stand there, allow them to enter households, hold up "hostages," pack them into VANS... VANS.... and drive off and just vanish...

According to Charlie Kirk on 10/8


and then the Zionist Fascists got to Charlie, and he now doesn't notice how absurd the "story" is....
Israel is creating enough terrorists to keep themselves and the U.S. quagmired in terrorism for decades. Netanyahu is so wise.

Israel IS the SOURCE of the "terror"

Zia sadiq-isil


Claim: Pictures show Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is a Mossad agent named Simon ...


tim osman | Tumblr

That's "Osama" really Col Tim Osman, CIA/Mossad double agent, and pals with the Taliban....


Taliban loved Tim Osman
W loved the Taliban
Biden loves the Taliban

likely because the leader(s) of the Taliban are Zionist People Frauds

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