Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap once again.

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Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Only 15% of Britons think Israeli air-strikes on Gaza are justified, according to polling by YouGov yesterday. In one sense this is surprising given that most of the British press has traditionally been stridently pro-Israeli. But it also says something about shifting attitudes towards Israel as pictures of dead Palestinian children start to dominate the news.

Internationally, Israel is becoming a pariah state, backed stridently only by the United States. Two years ago, a global survey by the BBC found that Israel was among the most negatively-rated countries in the world, sitting alongside Iran, Pakistan and North Korea. Attitudes towards Israel were on a downward trajectory, with around 68% of Britons viewing the country negatively and only 16% positively. Germans and Spanish rated it even more negatively, while Australians and South Koreans weren’t far behind.

These negative sentiments aren’t (primarily) driven by anti-semitism or Muslims, they are driven by Israel’s own actions in the Middle East. People can see what its doing and they don’t like it.

In all the commentary that has predictably erupted since the bombardment of Gaza, little has been said about how badly Israel is handling all this. Again.

Until recently Hamas was struggling – financially and politically. It had lost support from traditional allies such as Syria, Egypt and Iran. But by goading Israel into an invasion again, it has ensured its own survival.

Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap | LabourList
Israel is slowly becoming a pariah nation much along the lines of N. Korea and Iran. .... :thup:

:lol::lol::lol: Maybe in 100 years or so. But right now...? Nope. The Brits remember the poor soldier who was out running being hacked to death. The polls aren't talking to the average Brit, they are talking to those who will give the answer they want, and silly people like you believe them.
Israel is slowly becoming a pariah nation much along the lines of N. Korea and Iran. .... :thup:
The Jews of Israel are finding it much harder to hide their illegal occupation of Palestine

"Occupied Territory under International Humanitarian Law

Territory that was militarily conquered remains occupied until sovereignty supplants foreign control.

"As long as the Gaza Strip is non-sovereign, it is occupied, and as long as it is occupied its relationship to Israel continues to be governed by international humanitarian law (IHL), which forms part of the laws of war.

"In addition to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, these laws include the Hague Regulations of 1907 and the Geneva Conventions Additional Protocols I and II of 1977.

"Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, which governs territories militarily conquered by a foreign government, the civilian population who resides there is legally designated 'protected persons.'”

That means you're not supposed to use their children for gunnery practice even if you are Jewish.:evil:

Is Gaza Still Occupied and Why Does It Matter?
Only 15% of Britons think Israeli air-strikes on Gaza are justified, according to polling by YouGov yesterday. In one sense this is surprising given that most of the British press has traditionally been stridently pro-Israeli. But it also says something about shifting attitudes towards Israel as pictures of dead Palestinian children start to dominate the news.

Internationally, Israel is becoming a pariah state, backed stridently only by the United States. Two years ago, a global survey by the BBC found that Israel was among the most negatively-rated countries in the world, sitting alongside Iran, Pakistan and North Korea. Attitudes towards Israel were on a downward trajectory, with around 68% of Britons viewing the country negatively and only 16% positively. Germans and Spanish rated it even more negatively, while Australians and South Koreans weren’t far behind.

These negative sentiments aren’t (primarily) driven by anti-semitism or Muslims, they are driven by Israel’s own actions in the Middle East. People can see what its doing and they don’t like it.

In all the commentary that has predictably erupted since the bombardment of Gaza, little has been said about how badly Israel is handling all this. Again.

Until recently Hamas was struggling – financially and politically. It had lost support from traditional allies such as Syria, Egypt and Iran. But by goading Israel into an invasion again, it has ensured its own survival.

Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap | LabourList

Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap once again.

Yes, Hamas has tricked Israel into kicking their asses.

Sneaky terrorists!
"Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap."



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Only 15% of Britons think Israeli air-strikes on Gaza are justified, according to polling by YouGov yesterday. In one sense this is surprising given that most of the British press has traditionally been stridently pro-Israeli. But it also says something about shifting attitudes towards Israel as pictures of dead Palestinian children start to dominate the news.

Internationally, Israel is becoming a pariah state, backed stridently only by the United States. Two years ago, a global survey by the BBC found that Israel was among the most negatively-rated countries in the world, sitting alongside Iran, Pakistan and North Korea. Attitudes towards Israel were on a downward trajectory, with around 68% of Britons viewing the country negatively and only 16% positively. Germans and Spanish rated it even more negatively, while Australians and South Koreans weren’t far behind.

These negative sentiments aren’t (primarily) driven by anti-semitism or Muslims, they are driven by Israel’s own actions in the Middle East. People can see what its doing and they don’t like it.

In all the commentary that has predictably erupted since the bombardment of Gaza, little has been said about how badly Israel is handling all this. Again.

Until recently Hamas was struggling – financially and politically. It had lost support from traditional allies such as Syria, Egypt and Iran. But by goading Israel into an invasion again, it has ensured its own survival.

Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap | LabourList

I think it seems more likely that some naive people fall for the propaganda against Israel. I think that Israel is doing what it has to do to protect it's citizens.
"Since 2006, since the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto that Israel created to them long before the Hamas took over Gaza, already 1994--because of the special location, geopolitical location of the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn't really know what to do with it, so it ghettoized it already in 1994.

"The PA or the Fatah failed to salvage the people of Gaza from that situation.

"So the people of Gaza gave a chance to the Hamas.

"And the Israeli reaction was, even at first, a brutal military response to this election.

"And so the whole issue of how the Hamas responded, namely, through the launching of missiles, has to be seen in this context. It may be there is another way. I'm not sure there is, but definitely this is a response to a policy of strangulation, of siege, of starvation.

Racist Jews in Israel are using a policy of starvation and siege as means of obtaining a Palestine that is Arab free.

Arabs are expected to leave behind their homes, businesses, and farms and move to Mecca so that greedy Jews from around the world can vacation in Gaza.

Does that sound kosher?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?
"Since 2006, since the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto that Israel created to them long before the Hamas took over Gaza, already 1994--because of the special location, geopolitical location of the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn't really know what to do with it, so it ghettoized it already in 1994.

"The PA or the Fatah failed to salvage the people of Gaza from that situation.

"So the people of Gaza gave a chance to the Hamas.

"And the Israeli reaction was, even at first, a brutal military response to this election.

"And so the whole issue of how the Hamas responded, namely, through the launching of missiles, has to be seen in this context. It may be there is another way. I'm not sure there is, but definitely this is a response to a policy of strangulation, of siege, of starvation.

Racist Jews in Israel are using a policy of starvation and siege as means of obtaining a Palestine that is Arab free.

Arabs are expected to leave behind their homes, businesses, and farms and move to Mecca so that greedy Jews from around the world can vacation in Gaza.

Does that sound kosher?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Ah! Pappe Smear, the Revisionist.
At least you can't say I didn't look.
"Since 2006, since the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto that Israel created to them long before the Hamas took over Gaza, already 1994--because of the special location, geopolitical location of the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn't really know what to do with it, so it ghettoized it already in 1994.

"The PA or the Fatah failed to salvage the people of Gaza from that situation.

"So the people of Gaza gave a chance to the Hamas.

"And the Israeli reaction was, even at first, a brutal military response to this election.

"And so the whole issue of how the Hamas responded, namely, through the launching of missiles, has to be seen in this context. It may be there is another way. I'm not sure there is, but definitely this is a response to a policy of strangulation, of siege, of starvation.

Racist Jews in Israel are using a policy of starvation and siege as means of obtaining a Palestine that is Arab free.

Arabs are expected to leave behind their homes, businesses, and farms and move to Mecca so that greedy Jews from around the world can vacation in Gaza.

Does that sound kosher?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

More anti-Israeli propaganda I see. Okay smarty, then what would you suggest Israel do about their little problem? Ignore it and hope it goes away? Abandon their country? What?
"Since 2006, since the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto that Israel created to them long before the Hamas took over Gaza, already 1994--because of the special location, geopolitical location of the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn't really know what to do with it, so it ghettoized it already in 1994.

"The PA or the Fatah failed to salvage the people of Gaza from that situation.

"So the people of Gaza gave a chance to the Hamas.

"And the Israeli reaction was, even at first, a brutal military response to this election.

"And so the whole issue of how the Hamas responded, namely, through the launching of missiles, has to be seen in this context. It may be there is another way. I'm not sure there is, but definitely this is a response to a policy of strangulation, of siege, of starvation.

Racist Jews in Israel are using a policy of starvation and siege as means of obtaining a Palestine that is Arab free.

Arabs are expected to leave behind their homes, businesses, and farms and move to Mecca so that greedy Jews from around the world can vacation in Gaza.

Does that sound kosher?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

More anti-Israeli propaganda I see. Okay smarty, then what would you suggest Israel do about their little problem? Ignore it and hope it goes away? Abandon their country? What?
Israel should lift its blockade of Gaza and give up on the Zionist plan of ruling all the land between the River and the sea.
"Since 2006, since the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto that Israel created to them long before the Hamas took over Gaza, already 1994--because of the special location, geopolitical location of the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn't really know what to do with it, so it ghettoized it already in 1994.

"The PA or the Fatah failed to salvage the people of Gaza from that situation.

"So the people of Gaza gave a chance to the Hamas.

"And the Israeli reaction was, even at first, a brutal military response to this election.

"And so the whole issue of how the Hamas responded, namely, through the launching of missiles, has to be seen in this context. It may be there is another way. I'm not sure there is, but definitely this is a response to a policy of strangulation, of siege, of starvation.

Racist Jews in Israel are using a policy of starvation and siege as means of obtaining a Palestine that is Arab free.

Arabs are expected to leave behind their homes, businesses, and farms and move to Mecca so that greedy Jews from around the world can vacation in Gaza.

Does that sound kosher?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Ah! Pappe Smear, the Revisionist.
At least you can't say I didn't look.
You're doing better.
"Since 2006, since the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto that Israel created to them long before the Hamas took over Gaza, already 1994--because of the special location, geopolitical location of the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn't really know what to do with it, so it ghettoized it already in 1994.

"The PA or the Fatah failed to salvage the people of Gaza from that situation.

"So the people of Gaza gave a chance to the Hamas.

"And the Israeli reaction was, even at first, a brutal military response to this election.

"And so the whole issue of how the Hamas responded, namely, through the launching of missiles, has to be seen in this context. It may be there is another way. I'm not sure there is, but definitely this is a response to a policy of strangulation, of siege, of starvation.

Racist Jews in Israel are using a policy of starvation and siege as means of obtaining a Palestine that is Arab free.

Arabs are expected to leave behind their homes, businesses, and farms and move to Mecca so that greedy Jews from around the world can vacation in Gaza.

Does that sound kosher?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

More anti-Israeli propaganda I see. Okay smarty, then what would you suggest Israel do about their little problem? Ignore it and hope it goes away? Abandon their country? What?
Israel should lift its blockade of Gaza and give up on the Zionist plan of ruling all the land between the River and the sea.

Once more! With feeling!
Once more! Without boring the shit out of us!
"Since 2006, since the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto that Israel created to them long before the Hamas took over Gaza, already 1994--because of the special location, geopolitical location of the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn't really know what to do with it, so it ghettoized it already in 1994.

"The PA or the Fatah failed to salvage the people of Gaza from that situation.

"So the people of Gaza gave a chance to the Hamas.

"And the Israeli reaction was, even at first, a brutal military response to this election.

"And so the whole issue of how the Hamas responded, namely, through the launching of missiles, has to be seen in this context. It may be there is another way. I'm not sure there is, but definitely this is a response to a policy of strangulation, of siege, of starvation.

Racist Jews in Israel are using a policy of starvation and siege as means of obtaining a Palestine that is Arab free.

Arabs are expected to leave behind their homes, businesses, and farms and move to Mecca so that greedy Jews from around the world can vacation in Gaza.

Does that sound kosher?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

More anti-Israeli propaganda I see. Okay smarty, then what would you suggest Israel do about their little problem? Ignore it and hope it goes away? Abandon their country? What?
Israel should lift its blockade of Gaza and give up on the Zionist plan of ruling all the land between the River and the sea.

Why in the hell should they do that?
More anti-Israeli propaganda I see. Okay smarty, then what would you suggest Israel do about their little problem? Ignore it and hope it goes away? Abandon their country? What?
Israel should lift its blockade of Gaza and give up on the Zionist plan of ruling all the land between the River and the sea.

Once more! With feeling!
Once more! Without boring the shit out of us!

He certainly does sound like a broken record, doesn't he? Maybe he can write some music to his "The Land Between the River and the Sea."
More anti-Israeli propaganda I see. Okay smarty, then what would you suggest Israel do about their little problem? Ignore it and hope it goes away? Abandon their country? What?
Israel should lift its blockade of Gaza and give up on the Zionist plan of ruling all the land between the River and the sea.

Why in the hell should they do that?

You ARE aware that George is OCD on his impropaganda.
"Since 2006, since the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto that Israel created to them long before the Hamas took over Gaza, already 1994--because of the special location, geopolitical location of the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn't really know what to do with it, so it ghettoized it already in 1994.

"The PA or the Fatah failed to salvage the people of Gaza from that situation.

"So the people of Gaza gave a chance to the Hamas.

"And the Israeli reaction was, even at first, a brutal military response to this election.

"And so the whole issue of how the Hamas responded, namely, through the launching of missiles, has to be seen in this context. It may be there is another way. I'm not sure there is, but definitely this is a response to a policy of strangulation, of siege, of starvation.

Racist Jews in Israel are using a policy of starvation and siege as means of obtaining a Palestine that is Arab free.

Arabs are expected to leave behind their homes, businesses, and farms and move to Mecca so that greedy Jews from around the world can vacation in Gaza.

Does that sound kosher?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

the people of Gaza elected democratically the Hamas to try and take them out of the ghetto

How's that workin' out for ya, sparky?
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