Israel-Hamas war would 'probably already been over' if Trump were president, Sen. Tom Cotton says

The Art of the Deal - Yes, Trump wrote a book. Also Trump loves to make a deal. Not to be confused with Monty Hall, Trump loves to make real deals.
Combine this with the fact that Trump would have provided Israel with the weapons they needed to finish this skirmish. Some are saying the skirmish would have been over with LESS civilian killing. That is a Win Win for both sides. I am sure the Palestinians caught in the cross-fire would agree as well. Probably no protests on summer campuses all across the USA as well. Also, no need for an impeachment (like Joe is going to receive). What do you think. Would Trump would have done a superior job at managing this skirmish.

"President Trump said just last night that he would absolutely provide Israel with the weapons they need to finish the job," Cotton said. "This would have never happened on President Trump. Trump's watch. It didn't happen on his watch. And if he were president, this war would have probably already been over with much less civilian suffering in Gaza because he would have backed Israel to the hilt from the beginning."

During his presidency, Donald Trump took several steps regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moved the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv, and released a peace plan known as the "Deal of the Century."

The "Deal of the Century" refers to a Middle East peace plan proposed by the Trump administration in January 2020. The plan aimed to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by outlining a framework for a two-state solution.

Key elements included Israeli sovereignty over West Bank settlements and the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's undivided capital. Critics of the plan argued that it heavily favored Israel and did not adequately address Palestinian concerns, such as the status of refugees or the establishment of a viable Palestinian state.

Palestinian leadership rejected the plan outright, citing its perceived bias towards Israel. The deal was seen as a significant departure from previous peace efforts and sparked mixed reactions internationally.

While some countries, like Israel and certain Gulf states, welcomed the plan, others, including many European nations and Arab countries, expressed reservations.

Ultimately, the "Deal of the Century" did not lead to any significant progress in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and was met with widespread skepticism and opposition from the Palestinians and the broader international community.

These actions were met with criticism from various quarters for being biased towards Israel and not adequately addressing Palestinian concerns. Critics argued that Trump's decisions could undermine the prospects for a two-state solution and exacerbate tensions in the region.

Some also accused him of favoring Israel over the Palestinians, which they believed could hinder efforts to achieve a lasting peace agreement.

==> It seems the Deal of the Century already failed. Jews and Palestinians are still killing each other. No peace. How many dead people are there in Gaza right now? The Deal of the(bloody)Century? Is Trump so proud of that Deal? lol. :)
The Art of the Deal - Yes, Trump wrote a book. Also Trump loves to make a deal. Not to be confused with Monty Hall, Trump loves to make real deals.
Combine this with the fact that Trump would have provided Israel with the weapons they needed to finish this skirmish. Some are saying the skirmish would have been over with LESS civilian killing. That is a Win Win for both sides. I am sure the Palestinians caught in the cross-fire would agree as well. Probably no protests on summer campuses all across the USA as well. Also, no need for an impeachment (like Joe is going to receive). What do you think. Would Trump would have done a superior job at managing this skirmish.

"President Trump said just last night that he would absolutely provide Israel with the weapons they need to finish the job," Cotton said. "This would have never happened on President Trump. Trump's watch. It didn't happen on his watch. And if he were president, this war would have probably already been over with much less civilian suffering in Gaza because he would have backed Israel to the hilt from the beginning."

The Art of the Steal is what the book should have been named.
The Art of the Deal - Yes, Trump wrote a book. Also Trump loves to make a deal. Not to be confused with Monty Hall, Trump loves to make real deals.
Combine this with the fact that Trump would have provided Israel with the weapons they needed to finish this skirmish. Some are saying the skirmish would have been over with LESS civilian killing. That is a Win Win for both sides. I am sure the Palestinians caught in the cross-fire would agree as well. Probably no protests on summer campuses all across the USA as well. Also, no need for an impeachment (like Joe is going to receive). What do you think. Would Trump would have done a superior job at managing this skirmish.

"President Trump said just last night that he would absolutely provide Israel with the weapons they need to finish the job," Cotton said. "This would have never happened on President Trump. Trump's watch. It didn't happen on his watch. And if he were president, this war would have probably already been over with much less civilian suffering in Gaza because he would have backed Israel to the hilt from the beginning."

IF you mean over and 5 times as many dead...

Maybe... But it could light a tinderbox that is the ME...

Tom Cotton is lick arse... He would say anything to carry favour with his leader... This is brainless shit...

He might as well say that if Trump was in charge it will be sunny everyday...
Trump doesn't "make peace". He cuts and runs away. Like Afghanistan, or Syria. He abandons your allies and lets others commit genocide.

That's not "making peace". That's letting the murderers win.
when did he cut and run from Afghan? When he left office we had thousands of troops, and a base there. When did he abandon allies and let people commit genocide?

Trump gave the middle east the historic Arbraham Accords, that xiden screwed up. Trump gave Xiden a path to peace in Afghan, that he screwed up.

Why do you lie?

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