Israel escalates tensions in M.E. with drone attacks in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Tensions are mounting across the Middle East following a series of Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Lebanese President Michel Aoun likened the recent Israeli attacks to a “declaration of war.” Israeli drones bombed targets in Lebanon on both Monday and Tuesday. Meanwhile, some Iraqi lawmakers are calling on the United States to fully withdraw its troops following a series of Israeli air raids conducted by Israel. Israel has only claimed responsibility for an attack on Syria Saturday, which they said targeted an Iranian-operated base that was preparing to launch a drone assault on Israel.

We speak with Rami Khouri, senior public policy fellow, adjunct professor of journalism and journalist-in-residence at the American University of Beirut, as well as a columnist at The New Arab. “What’s happened over the last few days is a convergence of a trend that has been going on for about 50, 60 years in the Middle East, with Israel asserting its philosophy that it must always be militarily stronger than any combination of foes around it,” says Khouri.

Airstrikes in Lebanon, Syria & Iraq Mark Dangerous Escalation in Decades-Long Israeli Aggression | Democracy Now!

Other links to the story ;;Arab-Israeli-Conflict/IAF-jets-strike-in-Lebanon-a-position-owned-by-PFLP-599706

Lebanon president: Israel drone attack a declaration of war

And of course , the underlying theme being the ongoing proxy war with Iran, as narrated by the Washington Post .
So intelligence revealed a strike on Israel was in the works and Israel beat them to the punch.

Good on the Jews
So intelligence revealed a strike on Israel was in the works and Israel beat them to the punch.

Good on the Jews
America's ME puppet, Israel, is setting the stage for the next big war.

Global Warfare: "We're Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.." - Global Research

War with Iran will cost more than the Iraq and Afghanistan wars - The Boston Globe


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trend that has been going on for about 50, 60 years in the Middle East, with Israel asserting its philosophy that it must always be militarily stronger than any combination of foes around it,” says Khouri.

anyone want to name a country that does not try to be stronger than the
enemies that are desperate to destroy it?
trend that has been going on for about 50, 60 years in the Middle East, with Israel asserting its philosophy that it must always be militarily stronger than any combination of foes around it,” says Khouri.

anyone want to name a country that does not try to be stronger than the
enemies that are desperate to destroy it?

trend that has been going on for about 50, 60 years in the Middle East, with Israel asserting its philosophy that it must always be militarily stronger than any combination of foes around it,” says Khouri.

anyone want to name a country that does not try to be stronger than the
enemies that are desperate to destroy it?


good point-----but the French can always depend on their cuisine and
unfailing courtesy (burp)
trend that has been going on for about 50, 60 years in the Middle East, with Israel asserting its philosophy that it must always be militarily stronger than any combination of foes around it,” says Khouri.

anyone want to name a country that does not try to be stronger than the
enemies that are desperate to destroy it?


good point-----but the French can always depend on their cuisine and
unfailing courtesy (burp)


So intelligence revealed a strike on Israel was in the works and Israel beat them to the punch.

Good on the Jews
Tell us again why the Jews of Israel are allowed to steal the farms, businesses, and bank accounts on non-Jews, thereby driving hundreds of thousands of Arabs into neighboring countries like Syria and Lebanon:

15 May, Adelaide: Commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba

"What’s happened over the last few days is a convergence of a trend that has been going on for about 50, 60 years in the Middle East, with Israel asserting its philosophy that it must always be militarily stronger than any combination of foes around it.

"The United States officially supports this policy.

"And the Israelis will use any military or subversive or surreptitious means or any means they feel they have to use — assassination, bombing, whatever — to preserve their security, and that their security is more important than the security of anybody else around them.

"That’s been going on for 50, 60 years, and they’ve been assassinating people and bombing things all over the Middle East."

Airstrikes in Lebanon, Syria & Iraq Mark Dangerous Escalation in Decades-Long Israeli Aggression | Democracy Now!

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