Isn't This Great? Trump Ending DACA Will Create 700,000 Jobs

Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends[/QUOTE

Will they hire the mentally I'll? I would like a good job to with full insurance of course so I can stay on my meds.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Well, Stevie, Trump REVERSING himself on DACA means what about those 700,000 jobs?.....LOL
Dumbass, he hasn't reversed on DACA. Schumer and Pelosi mislead the media. From earlier.

President Trump: NO DEAL Was Made Last Night on DACA and Border Wall

Trump is now saying they are near a deal. He has also said there will be no money for the wall.
Trump has no credibility, and I'm a Trump supporter. He needs to start kicking ass. Like, why the fuck didn't he shoot down that fucking missile. Prove he's not all talk. We didn't elect him to give us empty promises!!!!!!!
Irrelevant! They need to be deported. The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. These dreamers are law breakers with fake social security numbers and bogus birth certificates, just like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.

You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.
Round up the dreamers. Time to put them in internment camps till they're deported. They're criminals. They broke the law.
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.
You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.
Round up the dreamers. Time to put them in internment camps till they're deported. They're criminals. They broke the law.
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.
You are right, indirectly children are punished for their parent's sins and these kids, now adults, have lived in fear for most of their lives until recently...yet they stayed in school, kept their noses clean, did not disrespect our laws as their parent's did... and know, no other country as their own, but this one...

they are the only ones in this illegal immigration problem, that actually broke no laws themselves....if there ever was one group that we show mercy on, to would be them.

their parents can still be deported for their crimes, but these DACA's/.dreamers should be shown that mercy, imo.
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Round up the dreamers. Time to put them in internment camps till they're deported. They're criminals. They broke the law.
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.
You are right, indirectly children are punished for their parent's sins and these kids, now adults, have lived in fear for most of their lives until recently...yet they stayed in school, kept their noses clean, did not disrespect our laws as their parent's did... and know, no other country as their own, but this one...

they are the only ones in this illegal immigration problem, that actually broke no laws themselves....if there ever was one group that we show mercy on, to would be them.

their parents can still be deported for their crimes, but these DACA's/.dreamers should be shown that mercy, imo.
Bullshit, half of em joined MS-13.
You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.
Round up the dreamers. Time to put them in internment camps till they're deported. They're criminals. They broke the law.
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.
They'd profit if they got to keep the money their parents stole while their parents went to jail for steeling it.
Like illegal alien children profit from the welfare, education, medical care their parents stole, their American benefits that they did not earn or deserve.
If the children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crime neither should the parents of illegal immigrants.

My ancestors fought so that their children and children's children could be free. Our ancestors made this country and that is why I say Americans born American deserve that freedom where those who are born to non-Americans don't.
Well, yeah, anyone given the money that the robber stole would have to give the money back....this isn't for just the kids... Illegal alien kids do not benefit from welfare, that's against the law and so is Obamacare for illegals and their children, unless their children were born in America and these dreamers were not.. And their parents would be breaking the law if they did not enroll their kids in school anyway...the way our law is written they have to enroll them if they are under a certain age...

their parents worked like anyone else here with kids in school (unless they are Americans and on welfare), and paid rent which helped the owner pay the property tax, paid all sales taxes within the state...

If someone who is an American and broke the law and was sent to prison, we don't keep their kids from receiving welfare or going to schools or qualifying for Medicaid or whatever because their father is a real shithead....and not contributing a dime to this nation or the livelihood of his kids and wife.

I am not saying welfare should go to the kids of illegals, but you should know that they don't qualify and get all these welfare things that you think they get.
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Round up the dreamers. Time to put them in internment camps till they're deported. They're criminals. They broke the law.
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.
They'd profit if they got to keep the money their parents stole while their parents went to jail for steeling it.
Like illegal alien children profit from the welfare, education, medical care their parents stole, their American benefits that they did not earn or deserve.
If the children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crime neither should the parents of illegal immigrants.

My ancestors fought so that their children and children's children could be free. Our ancestors made this country and that is why I say Americans born American deserve that freedom where those who are born to non-Americans don't.
Well, yeah, anyone given the money that the robber stole would have to give the money back....this isn't for just the kids... Illegal alien kids do not benefit from welfare, that's against the law and so is Obamacare for illegals and their children, unless their children were born in America and these dreamers were not.. And their parents would be breaking the law if they did not enroll their kids in school anyway...the way our law is written they have to enroll them if they are under a certain age...

their parents worked like anyone else here with kids in school (unless they are Americans and on welfare), and paid rent which helped the owner pay the property tax, paid all sales taxes within the state...

If someone who is an American and broke the law and was sent to prison, we don't keep their kids from receiving welfare or going to schools or qualifying for Medicaid or whatever because their father is a real shithead....and not contributing a dime to this nation or the livelihood of his kids and wife.

I am not saying welfare should go to the kids of illegals, but you should know that they don't qualify and get all these welfare things that you think they get.
But the only reason their kids can go to school, collect welfare, use our hospitals, etc. is because their parents broke the laws. Therefore they should not be allowed to enjoy the riches their parents illegal obtained.
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.
You are right, indirectly children are punished for their parent's sins and these kids, now adults, have lived in fear for most of their lives until recently...yet they stayed in school, kept their noses clean, did not disrespect our laws as their parent's did... and know, no other country as their own, but this one...

they are the only ones in this illegal immigration problem, that actually broke no laws themselves....if there ever was one group that we show mercy on, to would be them.

their parents can still be deported for their crimes, but these DACA's/.dreamers should be shown that mercy, imo.
Bullshit, half of em joined MS-13.
You know so little about DACA, why are you even posting in this thread?

MS-13/GANG members can't qualify for who drop out of school can't either, kids with any juvenile or adult criminal record can't qualify either...

:rolleyes: please inform yourself.

Dreamers are the cream of the crop of the kids of illegals for the most part....there are 20 to 30 million illegals living here so says the you think they only have 800k kids here from all those millions of illegals...?
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.
You are right, indirectly children are punished for their parent's sins and these kids, now adults, have lived in fear for most of their lives until recently...yet they stayed in school, kept their noses clean, did not disrespect our laws as their parent's did... and know, no other country as their own, but this one...

they are the only ones in this illegal immigration problem, that actually broke no laws themselves....if there ever was one group that we show mercy on, to would be them.

their parents can still be deported for their crimes, but these DACA's/.dreamers should be shown that mercy, imo.
Bullshit, half of em joined MS-13.
You know so little about DACA, why are you even posting in this thread?

MS-13/GANG members can't qualify for who drop out of school can't either, kids with any juvenile or adult criminal record can't qualify either...

:rolleyes: please inform yourself.

Dreamers are the cream of the crop of the kids of illegals for the most part....there are 20 to 30 million illegals living here so says the you think they only have 800k kids here from all those millions of illegals...?
Kids who joined MS-13 and have not been prosecuted for any crimes are dreamers.
You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.
Round up the dreamers. Time to put them in internment camps till they're deported. They're criminals. They broke the law.
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.

Defaulting on a mortgage is not a crime.
Round up the dreamers. Time to put them in internment camps till they're deported. They're criminals. They broke the law.
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.

Defaulting on a mortgage is not a crime.

You voted for Hilary, so it could very well have been that!
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.
You are right, indirectly children are punished for their parent's sins and these kids, now adults, have lived in fear for most of their lives until recently...yet they stayed in school, kept their noses clean, did not disrespect our laws as their parent's did... and know, no other country as their own, but this one...

they are the only ones in this illegal immigration problem, that actually broke no laws themselves....if there ever was one group that we show mercy on, to would be them.

their parents can still be deported for their crimes, but these DACA's/.dreamers should be shown that mercy, imo.
Bullshit, half of em joined MS-13.
You know so little about DACA, why are you even posting in this thread?

MS-13/GANG members can't qualify for who drop out of school can't either, kids with any juvenile or adult criminal record can't qualify either...

:rolleyes: please inform yourself.

Dreamers are the cream of the crop of the kids of illegals for the most part....there are 20 to 30 million illegals living here so says the you think they only have 800k kids here from all those millions of illegals...?
Kids who joined MS-13 and have not been prosecuted for any crimes are dreamers.
WHO told you that? Richard Spencer? David Duke? Briebart?
They are not criminals....they broke no law..... their parents did, but at age 6, children are not responsible.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.

Defaulting on a mortgage is not a crime.

You voted for Hilary, so it could very well have been that!
you voted for chaos
you voted to cripple our country
you voted for Putin over our Nation
you voted for nuclear holocaust
you voted for a war monger
you voted for a chronic liar, pinnochio
you voted for ignorance
Last edited:
a person like you with no fking clue.

Okay Nimrod. Tell me why do you think I don't have a clue?
The asians and europeans came here legally and are now citizens. you still don't understand the difference between illegal and legal. that's the clue you have no concept of.

What the hell is the difference. IDIOT. They are foreigners taking high paying American jobs. Not illegals. IDIOT.
Legally? REALLY? I mean REALLY?
There are about 500,000 visa violations each year. How many of those do you think took high paying American jobs each year? They violated their visa for one reason-------- to settle here in US. If those visa violators get sick or pregnant. Where do you think they go?

How many illegals that took over high paying American jobs? Or low paying American jobs?
no they aren't they are citizens who's heritage is european or asian descent. not foreign. hmmmm illegal= foreigner, again you have no clue.

Yes I do 100%.
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.

Defaulting on a mortgage is not a crime.

You voted for Hilary, so it could very well have been that!
you voted for chaos
you voted to cripple our country
you voted for Putin over our Nation
you voted for nuclear holocaust
you voted for a war monger
you voted for a chronic liar, pinnochio
you voted for ignorance
I'd say we voted and you all went chaotic exactly
Children of bank robbers can't profit from their parents crimes, neither should children of illegal aliens.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.

Defaulting on a mortgage is not a crime.

You voted for Hilary, so it could very well have been that!
you voted for chaos
you voted to cripple our country
you voted for Putin over our Nation
you voted for nuclear holocaust
you voted for a war monger
you voted for a chronic liar, pinnochio
you voted for ignorance
I'd say we voted and you all went chaotic exactly
Here is something else for the bigots and xenophobes to chew on:

Senate Dems to unveil plan to protect Dreamers in the military

Senate Democrats will release a plan later Tuesday that would protect so-called Dreamers and other immigrants serving in the military — a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

The measure from Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ensure that immigrants in the military who have been recruited through the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest initiative — hundreds of them beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — would be able to retain their status in the military until background checks and other screening processes are completed.

When the military can’t find American citizens with the skills it needs to help defend our country, they turn to the MAVNI program,” Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today, we simply cannot afford to lose these brave men and women because of a technicality.”
There are no Dreamers in the military, there are about a handful of DACA recipients in the MAVNI program in the Army. Any illegal found to be in the military has been/is immediately discharged. The MAVNI program is interpreters and nurses only, no combat duty, no leaving the US, no secret or top secret information, etc, SOFA agreements don't allow for them to even be in our military. Durbin is using nothing more than hyperbole to draw on emotion, he's an idiot.

That's very funny. There are about close to 900 of these kids currently serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. How can they be an interpreter from English to Spanish? I am not aware we need a Spanish interpreter in Middle East.
So what is the difference is they are only serving as a nurse or medic? Is that mean they are not serving in the military?

These kids have a teaching and nursing jobs in which we have shortages all over US. And all paying their taxes

Trump Praises DACA Recipients Serving In Military, But Only One-Tenth Of A Percent Are In Service - The Daily Caller
1. LOL, no they are not. They can't actually serve, and if they could they are limited to the MAVNI program in the Army (there are less than a handful that made the program, and they were visa overstays with DACA eligibility), which is strictly interpreter and nurse duties here in the states as they can't legally be in possession of a weapon nor can they be in a combat venue. They have signed contracts to enlist, yet back ground checks prevent them from making it to basic training, if they fail to make basic training within 2 years of signing the contract their enlistment papers are null and void.

These are the military recruits who might be deported under Trump
Harminder Saini, a 23-year-old DACA recipient who enlisted in the U.S. Army in February 2016, is among those who are encountering growing delays as they wait to be shipped to basic training. Instead, they worry they may be shipped out of the country.
Saini was told he would begin basic training in November, so he dropped out of his junior year at Hunter College in New York City. Nervous about basic training, he went to the gym every morning to prepare. The former history major watched every documentary about the military he could find.
The MAVNI program, which has resulted in citizenship for 10,400 troops since 2009, was put on hold last September. It was opened to DACA recipients in 2014. About 1,000 foreign-born recruits without legal status could face deportation if the Pentagon cancels their contracts to serve, according to an internal Pentagon memo first reported by the Washington Post. The U.S. Army, the only branch that accepts DACA recipients, did not respond to repeated requests for the current number of DACA recruits.
there are not 900 serving, there are less than a handful actually serving here in the states, the rest are still waiting to clear back ground checks and to report to basic training.

3. Why would you think all DACA are Spanish speakers?

4. What taxes are they paying beyond payroll taxes any authorized worker would pay? How much of a tax return do they get when they file tax forms at the end of the year?

1. Very funny. So by serving as a nurse or interpreter in the military doesn't qualify as they served in the military?

2. Your link from WAPO and this kid Saini is just expressing concern that they might get deported. Not sure what you are trying to explain.

3. If you read the scope of this thread and other threads the threat of taking American jobs are concentrated on Hispanic people. Not by Asians, Middle Easterners or Europeans.

4. True. But again the target by most of these members here are the Hispanic people are not paying taxes.
Link on bank robber s children law? ;)
How'd they profit?

We don't punish children for their parent's crimes in this Nation....the sins of the father are not passed on to the son.

We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.

Defaulting on a mortgage is not a crime.

You voted for Hilary, so it could very well have been that!
you voted for chaos
you voted to cripple our country
you voted for Putin over our Nation
you voted for nuclear holocaust
you voted for a war monger
you voted for a chronic liar, pinnochio
you voted for ignorance
I'd say we voted and you all went chaotic exactly

One liner. Is that mean anything?
We don't punish children for the sins of parents but children are punished none the less. Ask any child put in the foster system because parents have been convicted of crimes. They are being punished. Ask the children of a debtor who won't or can't pay the car payment or mortgage. They must walk to school, take the bus to medical appointments or live on the street. Children do not benefit from parental crimes whether this is a punishment or not is up to you. If we were a sane people, the children of invaders would never get any benefit from parental crimes, then parents would stop committing those crimes.

Defaulting on a mortgage is not a crime.

You voted for Hilary, so it could very well have been that!
you voted for chaos
you voted to cripple our country
you voted for Putin over our Nation
you voted for nuclear holocaust
you voted for a war monger
you voted for a chronic liar, pinnochio
you voted for ignorance
I'd say we voted and you all went chaotic exactly

One liner. Is that mean anything?
I'd say it says it all
1. Very funny. So by serving as a nurse or interpreter in the military doesn't qualify as they served in the military?

2. Your link from WAPO and this kid Saini is just expressing concern that they might get deported. Not sure what you are trying to explain.

3. If you read the scope of this thread and other threads the threat of taking American jobs are concentrated on Hispanic people. Not by Asians, Middle Easterners or Europeans.

4. True. But again the target by most of these members here are the Hispanic people are not paying taxes.
They are not serving, they merely signed up to enter yet have been denied entry due to back ground check requirements that they can't pass.

Saini signed up, yet he has yet to get to basic training due to the fact he can't clear a back ground check as the requirement for entry to basic training, no EWI can, which is why the handful in the MAVNI program are visa overstays that were allowed DACA.

I know the scope of this thread, jobs are taken by illegals, period. Doesn't matter if they are Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern.

It is illegals in general that aren't paying enough in taxes, both at the local level through the state and federal levels as well. Legalizing them won't change their costs or future expenses.

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