Islamic State announces to blow up ancient Baal Temple in Palmyra

It the world's historical heritage, just like the Buddhist statues the Taliban blew up in Afghanistan. If you can't recognize that as crime against humanity, you're no better than Nazi scum.
No, that was not a so called crime against humanity.

There wasn't a single Buddhist living in Afghanistan.......thus no victims.

The people didn't want a bunch of godless idols cluttering up their they blew them up.

Their land.....their rights to do what they want with it......nobody else's business. ....... :cool:
Your myopia and tunnel-vision is truly remarkable.

Your position is dead-wrong.

It doesn't matter a damn whether there was a single Buddhist living in Afghanistan.

Their land once held practitioners of that (still living and breathing) alternative belief system.

The imagery carved into those rocks had stood for vast ages and at no time during the first 1400 years of the history of Islam, had anyone found a need to destroy those monuments.

Again... imagine Arabia eventually being dominated by non-Muslims.

Should those future people feel free to destroy the Kaaba and the Tomb of the Prophet and all of Islam's most precious places of worship?

That would be a tragic loss of precious historical treasure - a large part of the history of Mankind.

That is the precedent you are setting here, by supporting such actions.

Not surprising, however.
My position hasn't changed.

All they stone or metal......Buddhist or Hindu or Christian......are offensive to God and should be taken down. ..... :cool:
Much of the rest of the world holds a different opinion.

And, much of that much-of-the-rest-of-the-world does not view them as idols, to be worshipped in their own right, but as religious art, designed to represent and inspire devotion and respect and/or prayer to the living godhead being represented.

These monuments are not merely religious art... they are historical treasures... representing the History of Mankind... and, as such, although their physicality may temporarily under the control of people or religion or sect or faction A or B or C, their existence is a treasure in which all of Mankind has a stake... ALL of Mankind... imposing a Good Stewardship obligation upon whatever group-du-jour happens to control access to those monuments at any given point in time.

Then again, it seems unlikely that Militant Islamic savages either comprehend or feel bound to honor their ethical obligation of Good Stewardship on behalf of Mankind.

Finally... should you choose to allow such a precedent to be set or to be reinforced, do not complain to the rest of the world, on that day, when a non-Muslim presence comes to dominate the Arabian Peninsula, and when that same non-Muslim presence decides to dynamite and flatten the mosques and tombs and shrines of Mecca and Medinah.

I suspect that - given much more of this Islamic destruction of the treasures of Mankind - the world will merely laugh, as the Kaaba and the Tomb of the Prophet are destroyed.

Is that the future world you want your descendants to live in?

You are defending the indefensible.
Mark on Twitter Syria IslamicState announce to blow up ancient Baal-temple World Heritage site in Palmyra on Sunday UNESCO
So looks like yet another ancient ruin is going to be blown up by ISIS terrorists. Why isn't anyone doing anything to stop them? Bush started the Iraq campaign for reasons much less important that this. It just went too far, thousands of people get killed every day in Iraq and Syria and America is doing nothing but supporting Kurds with weapons. Maybe it is time to act?

Ever been there? Did you plan on ever going? If not, shut the hell up. Wanna fight ISIS go do it. Otherwise quit volunteering my friends to go fight YOUR stupid war.
Much of the rest of the world holds a different opinion.
That holds no sway with my position. ..... :cool:

Now, how would you feel about a non-Muslim people, seizing control of the Arabian Peninsula, then destroying Islam's sacred sites?

That is the precedent you set, to allow such crimes against Mankind, when you defend such actions, as we see being contemplated in Palmyra.
Sorry, but I don't entertain hypothetical scenarios. ..... :cool:

And smacking of intellectual and moral cowardice.

Just remember your accommodation towards Islamic Militants, destroying priceless cultural icons.

You will be reminded of it, in the event that the Israelis decide to dynamite the Dome of the Rock shrine, the al Aqsa Mosque, etc., on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

You will have no legal nor ethical recourse, nor room to complain, because of the precedent you have set down, here.
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And smacking of intellectual and moral cowardice.
Nothing of the sort.

The offending idols are on the land of the people who live there.

Their land......their problem. ..... :cool:
The people who have lived there for generations have never seen a need to destroy those historical treasures over thousands of years of the History of Mankind.

The Militant Muslim Maniacs who have temporarily seized control of the region despite the impotence of the residents of the region are making this call, not the people.

And, yes, your failing to address the future destruction of Islamic holy places and your failing to address the horrible precedents that this establishes does, indeed, smack of intellectual and moral cowardice... all your attempts (and failures) to deflect, notwithstanding.
Mark on Twitter Syria IslamicState announce to blow up ancient Baal-temple World Heritage site in Palmyra on Sunday UNESCO
So looks like yet another ancient ruin is going to be blown up by ISIS terrorists. Why isn't anyone doing anything to stop them? Bush started the Iraq campaign for reasons much less important that this. It just went too far, thousands of people get killed every day in Iraq and Syria and America is doing nothing but supporting Kurds with weapons. Maybe it is time to act?

SO ISIS is Democrat?

Go figure... .

You should know that obama is the FOUNDER of ISIS. He armed it, trained it and funded it...

So... there will be no destruction of it, until obama is GONE.

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