Islamic State announces to blow up ancient Baal Temple in Palmyra

Mark on Twitter Syria IslamicState announce to blow up ancient Baal-temple World Heritage site in Palmyra on Sunday UNESCO
So looks like yet another ancient ruin is going to be blown up by ISIS terrorists. Why isn't anyone doing anything to stop them? Bush started the Iraq campaign for reasons much less important that this. It just went too far, thousands of people get killed every day in Iraq and Syria and America is doing nothing but supporting Kurds with weapons. Maybe it is time to act?
How about we blow up the Islamic state and keep Palmyra, that would solve a lot of the worlds problems.
I'm not proud of my stance that they can all kill one-another over there and if they want to make the place one giant parking lot it's better that they do themselves. That's simply the way it is. I doubted the love Americans had for the people of Iraq when Bush decided to send our troops there. I'd like to believe otherwise but it would take a heck of a salesman for me to be convinced.

I can't speak for the Bush regime but I can speak for myself and soldiers I know.

Most of us wanted the endeavor to positively impact the people there. A lot of effort was put into helping the people achieve a better standard of living. However they decided to govern themselves was not a concern. The possibility that they could live without fear that their own soldiers wouldn't come into their villages to kill and rape was a primary concern.

That was achieved, but at the cost of having soldiers that wouldn't defend them from these IS assholes years later.

yeah Pete , Westerners see it different than some others , me , I don't care if they blow them up but that's because I just don't care . Nothing else to be found in that 'baal' temple plus there are pictures and studies in many different places . Course , I understand everyone else's reasoning . Fight for the Christians , yep , but to heck with some 'baal' temple .
How about we blow up the Islamic state and keep Palmyra, that would solve a lot of the worlds problems.
That's actually a great idea. That's what I'm talking about. Islamic state is probably the greatest threat to humanity and we can't stand still and observe when jihadists commit their atrocities.
They're just trying to be like democrats. Dems want to remove flags, state songs, light bulbs, etc.
Movies like Gone With the Wind, books by Mark Twain, the Jefferson Memorial, the American Flag.

Democrats are the American Isis Party, there's no other way to describe them.
Yes, but global warming is the real culprit. If we would just send ISIS some air conditioners they'd be as pleasant as a Muslim Spring rain.
I am surprised that you as a Christian wouldn't also want the idolatrous temple of Baal to be destroyed? ..... :cool:
The mark of Christianity is tolerance. It was you Muzzie camel lovers who destroyed 2000 year old Buddhist statues. Assholes! Christians can disagree with other religions without destroying their relics.
How about we blow up the Islamic state and keep Palmyra, that would solve a lot of the worlds problems.

A 6 month deployment of 1 armored division would snuff them out.

Until we get a real president it won't happen.

When that enviable day arrives that we finally understand the global threat posed by Islam and have the guts to smack them down like we did with the Crusades, this time around I don't want a drop of our blood spilled in the process.

That's why we call Uncle MIRV to help.
When that enviable day arrives that we finally understand the global threat posed by Islam and have the guts to smack them down like we did with the Crusades,
Footnote: The christians were defeated in the Crusades. ...... :cool:
Not really, but then again Saddam Hussein also declared victory after allied forces decimated his army in Desert Storm. I guess viewing loss as victory is a Muslim thing.

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