Islam…The Fastest Growing Religion?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
That’s what I always read…..until now.

1.Pew Research: Why Muslims are the world's fastest-growing religious group ...

BBC: Islam: The world's fastest growing religion - BBC News

Quora: Why is Islam the fastest growing religion in the world?

2. Yet….here is Daniel Pipes with a scoop, and statistics.

“In the West, conversions involving Islam appear to be a one-way street in its favor. Famed new believers include Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Keith Ellison, and Sinéad O'Connor, as well as flamboyant flirts like Prince Charles, Michael Jackson and Lindsay Lohan. Also, there are about 700,000 African-American converts and their descendants.

3. …some numbers: In France, around 15,000 Muslims convert annually to Christianity, according to a 2007 estimate. About 100,000 American Muslims abandon Islam each year, reports a 2017 Pew Research Center survey. This amounts to 24 percent of all Muslims in the United States, with Iranians disproportionately represented. These numbers roughly counterbalance those of non-Muslims converting to Islam.

4. Reasons for leaving Islam vary: Pew finds 25 percent of American ex-Muslims have general issues with religion, 19 percent with Islam in particular, 16 percent prefer another religion, and 14 percent cite reasons of personal growth. Slightly more than half of those leaving (55 percent) abandon religion entirely and slightly less than a quarter (22 percent) convert to Christianity.

5. Indeed, born Muslims who leave Islam have a far greater impact than do converts to Islam.

First, overtly apostatizing is a radical act that can lead to execution in a Muslim-majority country like Iran. Even in the West, it meets with rejection by families, social ostracism, humiliation, curses, threats, reprisals, and violent attacks. Accordingly, conversions out of Islam tend to be cautious or hidden, as in the cases of British author Salman Rushdie and pop star Zayn Malik. Carlos Menem of Argentina minimized his apostacy; Barack Obama elaborately denied his.

6. Nonetheless, some converts make a point of leaving publicly, encouraging others by their example. Ibn Warraqwrote Why I Am Not a Muslim. Nonie Darwish and Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote books about becoming "infidels." The journalist Magdi Allam converted at the hands of Pope Benedict in a widely televised ceremony.

7. With passion and a unique authority, ex-Muslims push believers to think critically about their faith. Their efforts have substantially contributed to a general decline in religiosity now conspicuously underway among Muslims, especially among the youth. As the Economist summarizes a recent Arab Barometer survey, "Many [Arabic-speaking Muslims] appear to be giving up on Islam."

Thus do boisterously opinionated ex-Muslims challenge their birth religion, helping both to modernize it and reduce its grip. Their role has only just begun.”
Opinion | When Muslims Leave the Faith?

" modernize it ..."

Is this a sign of that longed for reformation, overdue at that?
8. “…, ex-Muslims living in the West do something inconceivable in Muslim-majority countries: starting with Germany's Central Council of Ex-Muslims (Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime) in 2007, they have organized dozens of public ex-Muslim organizations to provide mutual support, polish arguments, raise troublesome issues (such as female genital mutilation), and fight Islamism.

9. …Western-based ex-Muslims have developed an impressive reach into traditional Muslim communities with their books, radio, television, e-mail blasts, websites, and social media. With near impunity, they spread savvy messages in Arabic and other major languages. Some (like Wafa Sultan, Zineb El-Rhazoui, and Hamed Abdel-Samad) focus on denouncing Islam, others help atheists flee to the West. Converts to Christianity (such as Brother Rachid) often engage in religious disputation or (like Sohrab Ahmari) explain their spiritual voyages.”
Opinion | When Muslims Leave the Faith?
10. “Converting, organizing, proselytizing: thus do vocal ex-Muslims in the West send shock waves to their countries of origin especially, where Islam is historically protected by custom and law from any criticism or even irony, where repression and punishment render anti-Islamic views illegal. Anxious authorities ban Christian proselytizing and censor ex-Muslim voices. They even connect this movement to a "Zionist conspiracy," though such efforts tend to be as ineffective as they are platitudinous.

11. A poignant anonymous letter from Karachi, Pakistan, to the Observer during the peak of the Satanic Verses controversy in 1989 shows the inspiration of one ex-Muslim's message. The letter writer replied to Ayatollah Khomeini's call to murder Salman Rushdie because the novelist wrote disrespectfully about Muhammad:

…mine is a voice that has not yet found expression in newspaper columns. It is the voice of those who are born Muslims but wish to recant in adulthood, yet are not permitted to on pain of death. Someone who does not live in an Islamic society cannot imagine the sanctions, both self-imposed and external, that militate against expressing religious disbelief. ... Then, along comes Rushdie and speaks for us. Tells the world that we exist—that we are not simply a mere fabrication of some Jewish conspiracy. He ends our isolation.”
Opinion | When Muslims Leave the Faith?

How will Islam deal with truth, and open debate?

Quo Vadis, Islam?
Have you heard of "911"? It was in all the papers.

Some extremists killed 3000 people 20 years ago. I'm more likely to die of a trip and fall this year than I am to ever encounter a terrorist.

I know you are impervious to facts or experience.....but cogitate on this, you dunce:

“I have been commanded to wage war against mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, …and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf ….”

Know whose quote that is?

Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632)

“Islamic Terror in Niger: Six French Tourists Among Eight Slaughtered In Jihad Attack in Popular Giraffe Reserve in Niger”

“Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'

FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli

  • Alsahli was a Syrian-born US citizen studying business at a community college in Corpus Christi “Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'
  • FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli” Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'
  • FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli
  • Alsahli was a Syrian-born US citizen studying business at a community college in Corpus Christi Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'

Mohamed Merah, the youngest of the family's sons, killed seven people – including three Jewish children shot at point-blank range – and maimed six others in the southern French towns of Montauban and Toulouse between March 11 and March 19, 2012. He was himself killed by security forces three days later."
In France, a Deadly Mix of Antisemitism, Islamism, and Family Violence

"19 Injured In Australia As SUV Mows Down Pedestrians In 'Deliberate Act'
An SUV plowed through a group of pedestrians during rush hour Thursday in the city of Melbourne, injuring at least 19 people, in what police believe was a "deliberate act."

The driver, an Australian of Afghan descent,...."

19 Injured In Australia As SUV Mows Down Pedestrians In 'Deliberate Act'

"Florida: Teen converts to Islam, stabs friend to death, injures two others, says he did it because of Islam
He said he committed the crime because of Islam. Will non-Muslim Palm Beach Gardens authorities rush to deny that and to reassure the public that Islam is peaceful and has nothing whatsoever to do with violence? Will we hear about how the local mosque has asked for extra police protection in view of an anticipated “backlash”? Will we be lectured about how “Islamophobia” leads Muslims to become angry and violent? Or will there be an honest examination of the texts and teachings of Islam that incite Muslims to commit acts of violence against unbelievers? I’m betting on all but the last one of those eventualities to happen."
Florida: Teen converts to Islam, stabs friend to death, injures two others, says he did it because of Islam

"Three dead and six seriously wounded as Strasbourg gunman remains at liberty
Gunman has been identified as Cherif Chekatt, who had been identified as a danger to security...."
Three dead and six seriously wounded as Strasbourg gunman remains at liberty

"Dutch police hunt for Turkish man after three shot dead in tram

* Three dead, nine wounded in incident on tram in Utrecht

* Dutch police say seeking 37-year-old Turkish man

* Authorities say shooting appears to be terrorist attack

* Security beefed up at airports, schools, mosques (Adds number of deaths, injuries, newspaper, Rutte statement)

Dutch police hunt for Turkish man after three shot dead in tram

  • "In 2017, a Swedish police report, "Utsatta områden 2017" ("Vulnerable Areas 2017") showed that there are 61 such areas -- also known as no-go zones -- in Sweden. They encompass 200 criminal networks, consisting of an estimated 5,000 criminals. Most of the inhabitants are non-Western immigrants and their descendants.

  • In March, the Swedish National Forensic Centre estimated that since 2012, the number of shootings classified as murder or attempted murder had increased by almost 100 percent.

  • "Sweden is at war and it is the politicians who are responsible. Five nights in a row, cars have been set on fire in the university town of Lund. Such insane acts have occurred on hundreds of occasions in various places in Sweden over the past fifteen years. From 1955 to 1985, not a single car was ignited in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm or Lund.... None of these criminals is starving or lacking in access to clean water. They have a roof over their heads and they have been offered free schooling.... They do not live in dilapidated houses.... It is called upbringing and this is missing for thousands of girls and boys in Swedish homes today." — Björn Ranelid, Swedish author, Expressen, July 5, 2019.

  • The police wrote in the 2017 report that global ethnic conflicts are replicated in the vulnerable areas:

    "... the [Swedish] judiciary and the rest of [Swedish] society do not understand these conflicts or have answers to how they can be solved. The police therefore need to have a better knowledge of the world and understanding of events in order to interpret what is happening in the areas. The presence of returnees, sympathizers for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State, al Qaeda and al-Shabaab, and representatives of Salafist-oriented mosques, contribute to tensions between these groups and other residents in the vulnerable areas. Since the summer of 2014, when a Caliphate was proclaimed in Syria and Iraq, sectarian contradictions have increased, especially between Sunnis, Shiites, Levantine Christians, and nationalists of Kurdish origin". (p 13)" "Sweden is at War"

"Stranger Pushes Woman, Son Off Platform Into Train's Path
Boy, 8, was killed; his mother rolled to safety

NEWSER) – A man standing among passengers at a train station in Germany on Monday pushed a woman and her 8-year-old son onto the tracks, in the path of a high-speed train. The boy was hit and killed instantly; his mother survived. Witnesses at the main Frankfurt station ran after the attacker, tackled him, and held him until he could be arrested, the Guardian reports. Police said the suspect tried to push another person onto the tracks who was able to fight him off. The boy's mother avoided being hit by the train by rolling into a space between platforms, police said. She was being treated Monday for shock.

Frankfurt police said the suspect is a 40-year-old man from Eritrea. They've found no connection between the man and the victims, and said they don't know of any possible motive. Germany's interior minister called the crime a "horrific act" but cautioned not to jump to conclusions before the investigation is complete, per Reuters. "The background to this heinous crime is still unclear," he said. Germany had a similar killing earlier this month, when a woman was pushed in front of a train in the town of Voerde; police said the suspect in that case didn't know the victim, either. Officials have warned passengers to stay away from the edge of the platform in train stations, and to watch for people who appear to be distressed. (Read more train tracks stories.)
Stranger Pushes Woman, Son Off Platform Into Train's Path

Man who was carrying a knife arrested in Wynyard, Sydney's CBD | 7NEWS
Man who was carrying a knife arrested in Wynyard, Sydney's CBD | 7NEWS

"WATCH: Man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ stabs multiple people in Sydney CBD"
WATCH: Man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ stabs multiple people in Sydney CBD

"Bible translator butchered by Muslims, wife’s arm hacked off

...Angus Abraham Fung was cut to death with a machete, while his wife, Eveline, had her arm hacked off.

They just went into the home, pulled them out and slaughtered them.”

“I don’t know what prompted the attack,” Tembon added. “They just came in and killed people at the home.”

Fung, who was in his 60s and worked for years with the Aghem Bible translation project, translating the New Testament into the Aghem language,...

It’s suspected Muslim Fulani herders who live outside of the town are responsible for the attack. According to Tembon, “The Fulani are Muslim..."
Bible translator butchered by Muslims, wife’s arm hacked off

"Terror in London: Stabbing Attack, Shots Fired on London Bridge"
Terror in London: Stabbing Attack, Shots Fired on London Bridge - Geller Report News

"Islamic militants kill 13 Christians, wound three, kidnap four seminary students

The attacks come after the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust reported that more than 1,000 Christians in Nigeria were slaughtered by Islamic militants last year and more than 6,000 believers were killed in the region in the last four years.

Open Doors reported Nigeria as one of the most violent countries for Christians in the world, accounting for 90% of Christian deaths in the 2019 World Watch List reporting period."
Islamic militants kill 13 Christians, wound three, kidnap four seminary students · Caldron Pool

ALLAHU AKBAR!” Yet another knife-jihad attack by a Muslim invader posing as an asylum seeker in France
‘ALLAHU AKBAR!” Yet another knife-jihad attack by a Muslim invader posing as an asylum seeker in France


Two dead and seven injured in knife rampage in Southeastern France by Muslim attacker shouting the standard Islamic holy war cry “Allahu Akbar.”
Have you heard of "911"? It was in all the papers.

Some extremists killed 3000 people 20 years ago. I'm more likely to die of a trip and fall this year than I am to ever encounter a terrorist.

I know you are impervious to facts or experience.....but cogitate on this, you dunce:

“I have been commanded to wage war against mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, …and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf ….”

Know whose quote that is?

Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632)

“Islamic Terror in Niger: Six French Tourists Among Eight Slaughtered In Jihad Attack in Popular Giraffe Reserve in Niger”

“Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'

FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli

  • Alsahli was a Syrian-born US citizen studying business at a community college in Corpus Christi “Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'
  • FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli” Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'
  • FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli
  • Alsahli was a Syrian-born US citizen studying business at a community college in Corpus Christi Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'

Mohamed Merah, the youngest of the family's sons, killed seven people – including three Jewish children shot at point-blank range – and maimed six others in the southern French towns of Montauban and Toulouse between March 11 and March 19, 2012. He was himself killed by security forces three days later."
In France, a Deadly Mix of Antisemitism, Islamism, and Family Violence

"19 Injured In Australia As SUV Mows Down Pedestrians In 'Deliberate Act'
An SUV plowed through a group of pedestrians during rush hour Thursday in the city of Melbourne, injuring at least 19 people, in what police believe was a "deliberate act."

The driver, an Australian of Afghan descent,...."

19 Injured In Australia As SUV Mows Down Pedestrians In 'Deliberate Act'

"Florida: Teen converts to Islam, stabs friend to death, injures two others, says he did it because of Islam
He said he committed the crime because of Islam. Will non-Muslim Palm Beach Gardens authorities rush to deny that and to reassure the public that Islam is peaceful and has nothing whatsoever to do with violence? Will we hear about how the local mosque has asked for extra police protection in view of an anticipated “backlash”? Will we be lectured about how “Islamophobia” leads Muslims to become angry and violent? Or will there be an honest examination of the texts and teachings of Islam that incite Muslims to commit acts of violence against unbelievers? I’m betting on all but the last one of those eventualities to happen."
Florida: Teen converts to Islam, stabs friend to death, injures two others, says he did it because of Islam

"Three dead and six seriously wounded as Strasbourg gunman remains at liberty
Gunman has been identified as Cherif Chekatt, who had been identified as a danger to security...."
Three dead and six seriously wounded as Strasbourg gunman remains at liberty

"Dutch police hunt for Turkish man after three shot dead in tram

* Three dead, nine wounded in incident on tram in Utrecht

* Dutch police say seeking 37-year-old Turkish man

* Authorities say shooting appears to be terrorist attack

* Security beefed up at airports, schools, mosques (Adds number of deaths, injuries, newspaper, Rutte statement)

Dutch police hunt for Turkish man after three shot dead in tram

  • "In 2017, a Swedish police report, "Utsatta områden 2017" ("Vulnerable Areas 2017") showed that there are 61 such areas -- also known as no-go zones -- in Sweden. They encompass 200 criminal networks, consisting of an estimated 5,000 criminals. Most of the inhabitants are non-Western immigrants and their descendants.

  • In March, the Swedish National Forensic Centre estimated that since 2012, the number of shootings classified as murder or attempted murder had increased by almost 100 percent.

  • "Sweden is at war and it is the politicians who are responsible. Five nights in a row, cars have been set on fire in the university town of Lund. Such insane acts have occurred on hundreds of occasions in various places in Sweden over the past fifteen years. From 1955 to 1985, not a single car was ignited in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm or Lund.... None of these criminals is starving or lacking in access to clean water. They have a roof over their heads and they have been offered free schooling.... They do not live in dilapidated houses.... It is called upbringing and this is missing for thousands of girls and boys in Swedish homes today." — Björn Ranelid, Swedish author, Expressen, July 5, 2019.

  • The police wrote in the 2017 report that global ethnic conflicts are replicated in the vulnerable areas:

    "... the [Swedish] judiciary and the rest of [Swedish] society do not understand these conflicts or have answers to how they can be solved. The police therefore need to have a better knowledge of the world and understanding of events in order to interpret what is happening in the areas. The presence of returnees, sympathizers for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State, al Qaeda and al-Shabaab, and representatives of Salafist-oriented mosques, contribute to tensions between these groups and other residents in the vulnerable areas. Since the summer of 2014, when a Caliphate was proclaimed in Syria and Iraq, sectarian contradictions have increased, especially between Sunnis, Shiites, Levantine Christians, and nationalists of Kurdish origin". (p 13)" "Sweden is at War"

"Stranger Pushes Woman, Son Off Platform Into Train's Path
Boy, 8, was killed; his mother rolled to safety

NEWSER) – A man standing among passengers at a train station in Germany on Monday pushed a woman and her 8-year-old son onto the tracks, in the path of a high-speed train. The boy was hit and killed instantly; his mother survived. Witnesses at the main Frankfurt station ran after the attacker, tackled him, and held him until he could be arrested, the Guardian reports. Police said the suspect tried to push another person onto the tracks who was able to fight him off. The boy's mother avoided being hit by the train by rolling into a space between platforms, police said. She was being treated Monday for shock.

Frankfurt police said the suspect is a 40-year-old man from Eritrea. They've found no connection between the man and the victims, and said they don't know of any possible motive. Germany's interior minister called the crime a "horrific act" but cautioned not to jump to conclusions before the investigation is complete, per Reuters. "The background to this heinous crime is still unclear," he said. Germany had a similar killing earlier this month, when a woman was pushed in front of a train in the town of Voerde; police said the suspect in that case didn't know the victim, either. Officials have warned passengers to stay away from the edge of the platform in train stations, and to watch for people who appear to be distressed. (Read more train tracks stories.)
Stranger Pushes Woman, Son Off Platform Into Train's Path

Man who was carrying a knife arrested in Wynyard, Sydney's CBD | 7NEWS
Man who was carrying a knife arrested in Wynyard, Sydney's CBD | 7NEWS

"WATCH: Man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ stabs multiple people in Sydney CBD"
WATCH: Man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ stabs multiple people in Sydney CBD

"Bible translator butchered by Muslims, wife’s arm hacked off
...Angus Abraham Fung was cut to death with a machete, while his wife, Eveline, had her arm hacked off.

They just went into the home, pulled them out and slaughtered them.”

“I don’t know what prompted the attack,” Tembon added. “They just came in and killed people at the home.”

Fung, who was in his 60s and worked for years with the Aghem Bible translation project, translating the New Testament into the Aghem language,...

It’s suspected Muslim Fulani herders who live outside of the town are responsible for the attack. According to Tembon, “The Fulani are Muslim..."
Bible translator butchered by Muslims, wife’s arm hacked off

"Terror in London: Stabbing Attack, Shots Fired on London Bridge"
Terror in London: Stabbing Attack, Shots Fired on London Bridge - Geller Report News

"Islamic militants kill 13 Christians, wound three, kidnap four seminary students
The attacks come after the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust reported that more than 1,000 Christians in Nigeria were slaughtered by Islamic militants last year and more than 6,000 believers were killed in the region in the last four years.

Open Doors reported Nigeria as one of the most violent countries for Christians in the world, accounting for 90% of Christian deaths in the 2019 World Watch List reporting period."
Islamic militants kill 13 Christians, wound three, kidnap four seminary students · Caldron Pool

ALLAHU AKBAR!” Yet another knife-jihad attack by a Muslim invader posing as an asylum seeker in France
‘ALLAHU AKBAR!” Yet another knife-jihad attack by a Muslim invader posing as an asylum seeker in France


Two dead and seven injured in knife rampage in Southeastern France by Muslim attacker shouting the standard Islamic holy war cry “Allahu Akbar.”

I'm not reading that. I don't fear Muslims because they're not a real threat to me. Being afraid of terrorism is impractical.
Have you heard of "911"? It was in all the papers.

Some extremists killed 3000 people 20 years ago. I'm more likely to die of a trip and fall this year than I am to ever encounter a terrorist.

I know you are impervious to facts or experience.....but cogitate on this, you dunce:

“I have been commanded to wage war against mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, …and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf ….”

Know whose quote that is?

Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632)

“Islamic Terror in Niger: Six French Tourists Among Eight Slaughtered In Jihad Attack in Popular Giraffe Reserve in Niger”

“Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'

FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli

  • Alsahli was a Syrian-born US citizen studying business at a community college in Corpus Christi “Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'
  • FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli” Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'
  • FBI identified Naval Air Station Corpus Christi attacker as 20-year-old Adam Alsahli
  • Alsahli was a Syrian-born US citizen studying business at a community college in Corpus Christi Syrian-born college student, 20, who was shot dead as he carried out 'terrorist-related' attack at Texas naval base and had 'previously voiced support on social media for hardline Islamic clerics'

Mohamed Merah, the youngest of the family's sons, killed seven people – including three Jewish children shot at point-blank range – and maimed six others in the southern French towns of Montauban and Toulouse between March 11 and March 19, 2012. He was himself killed by security forces three days later."
In France, a Deadly Mix of Antisemitism, Islamism, and Family Violence

"19 Injured In Australia As SUV Mows Down Pedestrians In 'Deliberate Act'
An SUV plowed through a group of pedestrians during rush hour Thursday in the city of Melbourne, injuring at least 19 people, in what police believe was a "deliberate act."

The driver, an Australian of Afghan descent,...."

19 Injured In Australia As SUV Mows Down Pedestrians In 'Deliberate Act'

"Florida: Teen converts to Islam, stabs friend to death, injures two others, says he did it because of Islam
He said he committed the crime because of Islam. Will non-Muslim Palm Beach Gardens authorities rush to deny that and to reassure the public that Islam is peaceful and has nothing whatsoever to do with violence? Will we hear about how the local mosque has asked for extra police protection in view of an anticipated “backlash”? Will we be lectured about how “Islamophobia” leads Muslims to become angry and violent? Or will there be an honest examination of the texts and teachings of Islam that incite Muslims to commit acts of violence against unbelievers? I’m betting on all but the last one of those eventualities to happen."
Florida: Teen converts to Islam, stabs friend to death, injures two others, says he did it because of Islam

"Three dead and six seriously wounded as Strasbourg gunman remains at liberty
Gunman has been identified as Cherif Chekatt, who had been identified as a danger to security...."
Three dead and six seriously wounded as Strasbourg gunman remains at liberty

"Dutch police hunt for Turkish man after three shot dead in tram

* Three dead, nine wounded in incident on tram in Utrecht

* Dutch police say seeking 37-year-old Turkish man

* Authorities say shooting appears to be terrorist attack

* Security beefed up at airports, schools, mosques (Adds number of deaths, injuries, newspaper, Rutte statement)

Dutch police hunt for Turkish man after three shot dead in tram

  • "In 2017, a Swedish police report, "Utsatta områden 2017" ("Vulnerable Areas 2017") showed that there are 61 such areas -- also known as no-go zones -- in Sweden. They encompass 200 criminal networks, consisting of an estimated 5,000 criminals. Most of the inhabitants are non-Western immigrants and their descendants.

  • In March, the Swedish National Forensic Centre estimated that since 2012, the number of shootings classified as murder or attempted murder had increased by almost 100 percent.

  • "Sweden is at war and it is the politicians who are responsible. Five nights in a row, cars have been set on fire in the university town of Lund. Such insane acts have occurred on hundreds of occasions in various places in Sweden over the past fifteen years. From 1955 to 1985, not a single car was ignited in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm or Lund.... None of these criminals is starving or lacking in access to clean water. They have a roof over their heads and they have been offered free schooling.... They do not live in dilapidated houses.... It is called upbringing and this is missing for thousands of girls and boys in Swedish homes today." — Björn Ranelid, Swedish author, Expressen, July 5, 2019.

  • The police wrote in the 2017 report that global ethnic conflicts are replicated in the vulnerable areas:

    "... the [Swedish] judiciary and the rest of [Swedish] society do not understand these conflicts or have answers to how they can be solved. The police therefore need to have a better knowledge of the world and understanding of events in order to interpret what is happening in the areas. The presence of returnees, sympathizers for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State, al Qaeda and al-Shabaab, and representatives of Salafist-oriented mosques, contribute to tensions between these groups and other residents in the vulnerable areas. Since the summer of 2014, when a Caliphate was proclaimed in Syria and Iraq, sectarian contradictions have increased, especially between Sunnis, Shiites, Levantine Christians, and nationalists of Kurdish origin". (p 13)" "Sweden is at War"

"Stranger Pushes Woman, Son Off Platform Into Train's Path
Boy, 8, was killed; his mother rolled to safety

NEWSER) – A man standing among passengers at a train station in Germany on Monday pushed a woman and her 8-year-old son onto the tracks, in the path of a high-speed train. The boy was hit and killed instantly; his mother survived. Witnesses at the main Frankfurt station ran after the attacker, tackled him, and held him until he could be arrested, the Guardian reports. Police said the suspect tried to push another person onto the tracks who was able to fight him off. The boy's mother avoided being hit by the train by rolling into a space between platforms, police said. She was being treated Monday for shock.

Frankfurt police said the suspect is a 40-year-old man from Eritrea. They've found no connection between the man and the victims, and said they don't know of any possible motive. Germany's interior minister called the crime a "horrific act" but cautioned not to jump to conclusions before the investigation is complete, per Reuters. "The background to this heinous crime is still unclear," he said. Germany had a similar killing earlier this month, when a woman was pushed in front of a train in the town of Voerde; police said the suspect in that case didn't know the victim, either. Officials have warned passengers to stay away from the edge of the platform in train stations, and to watch for people who appear to be distressed. (Read more train tracks stories.)
Stranger Pushes Woman, Son Off Platform Into Train's Path

Man who was carrying a knife arrested in Wynyard, Sydney's CBD | 7NEWS
Man who was carrying a knife arrested in Wynyard, Sydney's CBD | 7NEWS

"WATCH: Man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ stabs multiple people in Sydney CBD"
WATCH: Man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ stabs multiple people in Sydney CBD

"Bible translator butchered by Muslims, wife’s arm hacked off
...Angus Abraham Fung was cut to death with a machete, while his wife, Eveline, had her arm hacked off.

They just went into the home, pulled them out and slaughtered them.”

“I don’t know what prompted the attack,” Tembon added. “They just came in and killed people at the home.”

Fung, who was in his 60s and worked for years with the Aghem Bible translation project, translating the New Testament into the Aghem language,...

It’s suspected Muslim Fulani herders who live outside of the town are responsible for the attack. According to Tembon, “The Fulani are Muslim..."
Bible translator butchered by Muslims, wife’s arm hacked off

"Terror in London: Stabbing Attack, Shots Fired on London Bridge"
Terror in London: Stabbing Attack, Shots Fired on London Bridge - Geller Report News

"Islamic militants kill 13 Christians, wound three, kidnap four seminary students
The attacks come after the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust reported that more than 1,000 Christians in Nigeria were slaughtered by Islamic militants last year and more than 6,000 believers were killed in the region in the last four years.

Open Doors reported Nigeria as one of the most violent countries for Christians in the world, accounting for 90% of Christian deaths in the 2019 World Watch List reporting period."
Islamic militants kill 13 Christians, wound three, kidnap four seminary students · Caldron Pool

ALLAHU AKBAR!” Yet another knife-jihad attack by a Muslim invader posing as an asylum seeker in France
‘ALLAHU AKBAR!” Yet another knife-jihad attack by a Muslim invader posing as an asylum seeker in France


Two dead and seven injured in knife rampage in Southeastern France by Muslim attacker shouting the standard Islamic holy war cry “Allahu Akbar.”

I'm not reading that. I don't fear Muslims because they're not a real threat to me. Being afraid of terrorism is impractical.

See.....working together we've proven you to be a moron.

I look forward to future collaboration.

I'm only looking out for your best interests, Sunni.

I see a new day dawning for you.......

The new Sunni man....


Or perhaps.....


Cutting quite a svelte figure, you.....
12. Islam and the West.

This post belongs in Politics because the Koran doesn't differentiate between the political and the religious.

1. In 1993, Samuel Huntington wrote of a "clash of civilizations, dividing the world into two spheres: one of freedom and democracy, and the other of despotism, 'failed states,' and religious fervor.

2. Compare that description of the cultures with Islam's description: dar al-islam (the house of submission), and dar al-harb (the house of war).

3. The West sees the world in terms of said values, and, in doing so, mistakenly tries to understand places that have been deeply inoculated against those values by culture and custom. How can this result in anything but confrontation. In his book, "The West and the Rest," Roger Scruton describes 9/11 based on this confrontation.

4. The simplest, and most frequent explanation for the conflict is the idea of "freedom," with an understanding that Western freedom means the emancipation from constraints.....all constraints.

Here is the fulcrum, according to Scruton: if same is flaunted in the face of all religious prohibitions, it is, in effect, an act of aggression, and one that invites retribution from those whose piety it offends.

5. Consider the following examples in a discussion of 'freedom'... "a man who was wearing little but women's undergarments was allowed to fly the airline, a US Airways spokeswoman conceded Tuesday." Photo here: US Airways let man wearing women's panties fly

a. Recently, on "No Pants Day," when many exercised their "freedom" by going to work in their underwear, a young Muslim woman refused to ride with same, and held up a sign saying" 'Excuse me to have too much dignity, no to the public Brussels transport in underwear'" Picture here:

There is some level at which Islam is superior to the 'freedoms' of the West: too often, Liberals/Progressives see 'freedom' as 'license.'
13. Is Islam even a 'religion' at this date?????

Let’s review what Islam began as, and is, largely, as of this date:

…the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

.... this is associated more with Islam and not with any other 'religion: 'Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find.

And, of course, the citidal of anti-Semitism:

Obama: Israel Can’t ‘Be Both Jewish And A Democracy’
Obama: Israel Can’t ‘Be Both Jewish And A Democracy’ [VIDEO]

What is Islam?

"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey when he said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.

Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”

“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”

Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.
Bill Donohue

It is hard not to hope that Islam is on the cusp of becoming a religion, rather than the military instruction manual for world domination that we recognize it to be, today.
Another one of those great coincidences......turned on the radio, and heard an interview with a convert from Islam....


"Sohrab Ahmari was a teenager living under the Iranian ayatollahs when he decided that there is no God. Nearly two decades later, he would be received into the Roman Catholic Church.
In From Fire, by Water, he recounts this unlikely passage, from the strident Marxism and atheism of a youth misspent on both sides of the Atlantic to a moral and spiritual awakening prompted by the Mass. At once a young intellectual's finely crafted self-portrait and a life story at the intersection of the great ideas and events of our time, the book marks the debut of a compelling new Catholic voice. "
Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
I totally agree. Islam is a theocracy, not a religion.

the•oc•ra•cy thē-ŏk′rə-sē
  • n.
    Government ruled by or subject to religious authority
  • n.
    A country or state governed in this way.
  • n.
    A form of government in which God is recognized as the supreme civil ruler of the state, and his laws are taken as the statute-book of the kingdom.
In this case, Sharia Law is the statute-book.

Here is a more recent proclamation of that posit:

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