*Islam: Satan Need Not Sift You As Wheat, You're His Field*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Satan is the god of Islam, there's no need for him to sift Islam.
2. Islam itself sifts itself, with constant murders, honor killings, surpression of womens vaginas, terrorism at thie local markets, and from time to time attacking Christians and Jews and other thought of religions.
3. Satan invented the Islamic religion that self sifts, it should be a wonder in your eyes, and you should be appauled, but you don't have the insight to even realize what I'm saying, even while you are reading this right now.
4. This on the most part will escape you, on average there is only a handful of people who read this will ever fully understand what I'm saying.
5. Its will come across as giberish to you, and ranting from a crazy person, but infact I speak the truth.

Sorry bout that,

1. Satan is the god of Islam, there's no need for him to sift Islam.
2. Islam itself sifts itself, with constant murders, honor killings, surpression of womens vaginas, terrorism at thie local markets, and from time to time attacking Christians and Jews and other thought of religions.
3. Satan invented the Islamic religion that self sifts, it should be a wonder in your eyes, and you should be appauled, but you don't have the insight to even realize what I'm saying, even while you are reading this right now.
4. This on the most part will escape you, on average there is only a handful of people who read this will ever fully understand what I'm saying.
5. Its will come across as giberish to you, and ranting from a crazy person, but infact I speak the truth.


Poor guy. i really feel sorry for you.

Judge Moore, from Alabama was sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his courtroom foyer. He has been stripped of his judgeship, and now they are trying to strip his right to practice law in Alabama.

The following is a poem written by Judge Roy Moore. The poem sums it up quite well.

America the Beautiful or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride; I'm glad they'll never see
Babies piled in dumpsters, Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty; your house is on the sand.
Our children wander aimlessly. Poisoned by cocaine,
Choosing to indulge their lusts, when God has said abstain.
From sea to shining sea, our Nation turns away.
From the teaching of God's love and a need to always pray.
We've kept God in our temples, how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool, and Heaven is His throne.
We've voted in a government that's rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges who throw reason out the door,
Too soft to place a killer in a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a baby before he leaves the womb.
You think that God's not angry, that our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait before His judgment comes?
How are we to face our God, from Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do, but stem this evil tide?
If we who are His children, will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face and mend our evil way:
Then God will hear from Heaven and forgive us of our sins,
He'll heal our sickly land and those who live within.
But, America the Beautiful, if you don't - then you will see,
A sad but Holy God withdraw His hand from Thee.

http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/r/roymoorepoem.htm Edited Link
Sorry bout that,

1. This is off topic, try and stay on topic moomchild, child of Satan. :evil:
2. State why you think the Opening Post is wrong.

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Sorry bout that,

you keep posting garbage out of fear of the wide spread of Islam in america.

1. What I post is not garbage, my posts, they are **truth**.
2. I happen to want Islam off the world stage, I want it gone, all over the world, for your good and all others to not fall down into the pit.
3. Its too late for you, you're done, :eek: but its not to late for others who would follow you. :evil:
4. Those not yet to fall into the pit, are why I post my words. :clap2:
5. And I tell you now, my words are having an impact, some Muslims in Egypt are standing up against thier evil god Satan, and using thier bodies as human shields, Islam is at the begining stage of crumbling.
6. My words are affecting your so called religion, I don't call it religion, if anything its a cult, but its the kind of cult, that gives the word cult a *bad name*.

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you have dedicated you life to serve satan who is actually living within you. you think by writing some stupid threads you can turn more people against Islam.

in fact, the american cruel war on Islam made a lot of people around the world search for the truth and why america hates Islam and that resulted in many conversions to Islam.
Sorry bout that,

1. I serve Satan not!
2. I know I can expose Islam for what it is; and tattoo Satan on it.
3. My work will not finish till Islams dead and gone.
4. You can count on that. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
5. Why hasn't Sunni man come out and denied this isn't his sock?
6. Anyone who was acused of having a sock puppet would come out right away and denie it.
7. Sunni man, hasn't,...hummm,....:eek:
8. The reason some people in America, and world wide, now are converting to Islam is simple, they live in darkness, and 911 and other Islamic attacks, made them think of why not goat head, I mean go ahead and join the side for which they side on, so they are; converting to Islam, its whats known as the seperating of the sheeps from the goats, and yes its taking place right now.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Islams founding father is Satan, who invented his religion that self cleanse's it basically cultivates itself, gleeming out sections at a time, sending them to an early grave.
2. Day in day out Islam is attacking itself, weeding out its followers randomly, in the market place, at the hotels, during so called religious gatherings, funerals, schools, just anything and everything.
3. Islam self regulates, murdering itself, and at times Christians and Jews.
4. There is noway to keep Islam contained within civilized people, they need to be contained amognst themselves, issolate them is the best way.
5. How soon we forget those shot down in the Texas shootings at the military base. :eek:
6. The shooter in AZ. Jared Lougher, tageted Mrs. Giffords, and was employed by Satan, and his goal was to kill Jews, Islams main goal is to kill Jews too.
7. This is what Satan does, targets Gods favorite, oldest trick in the book.

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your self-confidence is unbelievable.
you remind me of the story of prophet Moses and pharaoh.

pharaoh fought Moses with all possible means because his false self-confidence blinded his eyes from seeing the truth. pharaoh knew Moses was right but the darkness in his evil soul kept him from admitting it so he fought God and Moses.

you are doing the same thing now.
Sorry bout that,

your self-confidence is unbelievable.
you remind me of the story of prophet Moses and pharaoh.

pharaoh fought Moses with all possible means because his false self-confidence blinded his eyes from seeing the truth. pharaoh knew Moses was right but the darkness in his evil soul kept him from admitting it so he fought God and Moses.

you are doing the same thing now.

1. Pure hogwash, I resist not God, I do resist your god, allah, which is Satan.
2. How can you stand next to Satan?
3. You are blinded, I have read your book, and its teaching are evil, you can not denie it.
4. You can not defend it.
5. You are lost, and so lost you have no idea of what being lost is.
6. And I am sorry but, you shall remain lost.
7. What I find humorious is you remember a story in the Jewish Torrah, and you and your people, Muslims go about wanting to murder and kill Jews?
8. Don't you even digest what you are saying here?
9. Can't you see the error of your ways?
10. You have to be either insane, or just too stupid to know what you believe and why.
11. Or blinded by Satan.
12. Now which is it?


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Sorry bout that,

1. Islams founding father is Satan, who invented his religion that self cleanse's it basically cultivates itself, gleeming out sections at a time, sending them to an early grave.
2. Day in day out Islam is attacking itself, weeding out its followers randomly, in the market place, at the hotels, during so called religious gatherings, funerals, schools, just anything and everything.
3. Islam self regulates, murdering itself, and at times Christians and Jews.
4. There is noway to keep Islam contained within civilized people, they need to be contained amognst themselves, issolate them is the best way.
5. How soon we forget those shot down in the Texas shootings at the military base. :eek:
6. The shooter in AZ. Jared Lougher, tageted Mrs. Giffords, and was employed by Satan, and his goal was to kill Jews, Islams main goal is to kill Jews too.
7. This is what Satan does, targets Gods favorite, oldest trick in the book.


i suggest you remember the Oklahoma city bombings too that was done by a patriot american on April 19, 1995

The Oklahoma blast claimed 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6, and injured more than 680 people. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a sixteen-block radius, destroyed or burned 86 cars, and shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Islams founding father is Satan, who invented his religion that self cleanse's it basically cultivates itself, gleeming out sections at a time, sending them to an early grave.
2. Day in day out Islam is attacking itself, weeding out its followers randomly, in the market place, at the hotels, during so called religious gatherings, funerals, schools, just anything and everything.
3. Islam self regulates, murdering itself, and at times Christians and Jews.
4. There is noway to keep Islam contained within civilized people, they need to be contained amognst themselves, issolate them is the best way.
5. How soon we forget those shot down in the Texas shootings at the military base. :eek:
6. The shooter in AZ. Jared Lougher, tageted Mrs. Giffords, and was employed by Satan, and his goal was to kill Jews, Islams main goal is to kill Jews too.
7. This is what Satan does, targets Gods favorite, oldest trick in the book.


i suggest you remember the Oklahoma city bombings too that was done by a patriot american on April 19, 1995

The Oklahoma blast claimed 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6, and injured more than 680 people. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a sixteen-block radius, destroyed or burned 86 cars, and shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings.

1. Many get deceived by Satan, even the McVeigh dude from USA, no ones immune from Satan, but Satan holds Islam within his tent, Islam is founded on evil intent; Satans.
2. Look at Mohammed, I can't tell you what an overall evil person he was, and you should be aware of who he was, he murdered, raped atleast one 6 year old child, stole, lied, he has led more people to Satan than any other peron in human history.
3. Everything I just wrote is well documented, and still your kind follow him.
4. There is no questioning this, you blindly follow Mohammed, you can't denie it.
5. Timothy McVeigh was a misguided man, who unknnowingly followed Satan, he didn't know it was Satan, he was tricked, but he still did evil in Satans name, as does Islam, and will find nothing but the pit of hell for it.

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