Islam Is A False Religion

I am a traditional Christian. I don't follow the the Scofield heresy or futurism.
I would have to say based on the beliefs you have shared in the past - such as Jesus was just a man - that you are decidedly a non-traditional Christian.
Todd Baker

Who is Allah?

By Dr. Todd Baker.

One of the five pillars of Islam is that “there is no God but Allah.” Every Muslim must believe that Allah is God, and God alone is Allah. He is the only one true God. Muslims and those with an ecumenical outlook, further assert that Allah is the same

God Jews and Christians believe in, too. “All three faiths believe in the same God” is the presumed conclusion of many. But is this common assumption true? Upon closer examination of Arabic, pre-Islamic Arab history, and Ancient Near East polytheism, it is quite obvious that Allah is certainly a different god than the God of the Bible worshipped by Jews and Christians. The original Arabic word “Allah” betrays a pagan and polytheistic origin utterly foreign to the current monotheistic belief system of Islam. The word “Allah” comes straight from the Arabic derived from two words “al” (“the”) and ilah (“idol” or “god”). Thus translated, alilah means “the idol” or “the god” to indicate a particular god among many gods. The word Allah certainly existed before the birth of Muhammad and the creation of Islam. In fact, Allah was the tribal god of Muhammad’s Quraysh tribe. In Pre- Islamic Arabia, Allah was the name of the moon god that was one of the idols worshipped by Arabs in the Kabah at Mecca. The Kabah is a cube shaped structure in Mecca converted in the seventh century A.D. from the pagan worship of Arab deities into the central place of worship to Allah where all Muslims must make a pilgrimage to at least once in their lives.

Prior to Muhammad’s birth, there were about 570 tribes that comprised the Arab people. These tribes worshipped about 360 gods at Mecca in the Kabah structure. Allah the moon god was the chief deity over them all. Each tribe had their own deity they worshipped in the Kabah. The Kabah served as the pantheon where the idols of each tribal deity stood and were worshipped by Arabs making pilgrimages to Mecca. The black stone in the Kabah that stands for the central symbol of Islamic worship today, during Pre-Islamic Arabia, was originally the idol for the moon god, Allah. In the last 100 or so years, archaeologists have excavated various temple sites dedicated to the moon god from the Arabian Peninsula to the Mesopotamian region. The worship of the moon god was one of the most popular forms of worship in the ancient Middle East. The symbol for the moon god found in most of these excavated places was the Crescent Moon. It is no coincidence that the preeminent symbol of Islam is the crescent moon seen on the minarets of mosques and the flags of Islamic nations! The fast cycle of the Islamic holiday of Ramadan is based on the lunar cycle of the moon at its crescent phase in the sky. The image of the crescent moon in Islam came straight from the idol worship of the moon god alilah and was carried over into Islam’s worship of Allah. The cult of the moon god was extremely prevalent and popular among ancient civilizations of the Middle East. The Babylonians, Sumerians, Persians,

The Assyrians, and Akkadians were avid worshipers of the moon god who took on various names down through the millenniums; the most popular names being the moon god Sin (no joking here), and Bel of Babylon. In Muhammad’s day, his name was “Al-Ilah” which was later changed into the name “Allah” of Islam. When Muhammad rose to military power and his creation of the Muslim religion was gaining ground in Arabia, around 630 A.D., he conquered Mecca and purged the Kabah of the 360 or so Arab gods except for one, Allah the moon god, whom he and his tribe exclusively worshipped. He proclaimed Allah as the one true God and left the black stone idol in the Kabah as a visible reminder of this. Christians and Jews living in that region naturally refused to accept Muhammad’s claim because they already knew Allah was the moon god and to accept such was to commit the sin of idolatry. For their refusal, Muhammad slaughtered most of them and subjugated the rest. The Bible repeatedly condemns idolatry of every form and kind. The first and second of the Ten Commandments expressly forbid the worship of other gods and idols (see Exodus 20:3-5). The Old Testament repeatedly condemned the worship of the moon god (Deuteronomy 4:19, 17:3; 2 Kings 21:3, 5; Jeremiah 8:2; 19:13). The Bible says that behind every idol believed and worshipped, whether Allah or any other, are demon spirits (Deuteronomy 32:17; 1 Corinthians 10:20). Therefore, when one worships them, he is worshipping demons. Unbeknownst to Muslims, Allah is not the same Yahweh God of the Bible in which Jews and Christians believe, but rather a demon spirit in the form of the idol moon god Allah falsely claimed by Islam as the one true God. Anyone claiming Allah is the same God of Christians, Jews, and Muslims is ignorant, lazy in their thinking, and sloppy in their research. We concur with the summative comments of Dr. Robert Morey in his excellent book, “The Islamic Invasion”, about the real historical and spiritual origins of the Islamic god Allah:

The Muslim’s claim that Allah is the God of the Bible and that Islam arose from the religion of the prophets and apostles is refuted by solid, overwhelming archaeological evidence. Islam is nothing more than a revival of the ancient moon god cult. It has taken the symbols, the rites, the ceremonies, and even the name of its god from the ancient pagan religion of the moon god. As such, it is sheer idolatry and must be rejected by all those who follow the Torah and Gospel.

So let no “tolerant” religious liberal or compromising ecumenist tell you that Allah is the same God as the God of the Bible when in fact history, archaeology, and the Scriptures clearly indicate otherwise!

There are hundreds of sites that refute Islam and its fake moon god. Islam is not a religion of peace.

Islam was built off of the OT and then many false teachings were added, lies and half truths.

Ten Reasons Why Muhammad Was a False Prophet
Be careful what you start here, in attacking one religion you end up opening the gate to attacking all of them. Religions aren't based on fact or truth, they only have faith supporting them. So be my guest burn down your own house too.
if You go through all of the many companions and family members of Mohammad -

You find that many of them have names that refer to PAGAN deities and acts of worship and adoration, praise and honor to something formed from the pagan world.

Muslims literally applied the same policy to the entire Pre Islamic world just exactly as they did to the entire Gospels and the Torah. - Completely, smashed into dust, destroyed and nothing but debris and scraps of rubble that never mattered and they simply disappeared from the Islamic world..

As they did not preserve any of the Torah and Gospels -

We have such as the companions - " Abu Dardaa " = named after the Pagan god " Abadar " - was the pagan god who founded cities -

we could go through every single last one of the family members, companions, and friends of Mohammad and see that many, many of them have names that refer to PAGAN DEITIES and worship to paganism. - - " The Kaaba " - is another striking reality. - The Fact is - The Kaaba is the very name of the Pre - Islamic Temple. : The Kaaba was the name of the pagan temple in the city of Mecca that held the 360 pagan idols until the rise of Islam in 7th century.

- Murrah ibn " Ka'b " - was Mohammad’ s great, great, great, great, great grand father. He was also named after this Pagan Temple - His last name was The " Kaa'b " indicating = Kaaba.

Also the name " lib Baal " - comes from the pagan god = " Ag - libol " Ag - libaal was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Ag - libol - was a lunar deity. His name means "Calf / leg of Bel Baal

The pagan pre - islamic " (" Calf of the Lord").

Leg of the god = " lib Baal "

- It is also a fact that The Quran notes that one of the few body parts that " ALLAH " has - is a shin. - the shin is located just behind the calf muscle. The LEG OF ALLAH - is also mentioned as one of the few body parts of The God Of Islam.

The Arabian Pagan god = " Ag - Libaal " is depicted with a lunar halo decorating his head and sometimes his shoulders, a
nd one of his attributes is the sickle moon.

" Hubbaa " bint Hulail - was Mohammad's great-great-great-grandfather. = " Hub -baal and " was the main and the very top - Pre - Islamic Pagan god, worshipped by the Quraysh ( Mohammad’ s very own family ) at the Kaaba in Mecca.

This idol was a human figure that controlled divination and power. Abas - "Haubas" was another Arabian Pagan God, worshipped for His advice - via consultation with oracles.

Many Muslims are named - Abas

* " Nasr " - is a common male name given to Muslims = " Nasr " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Nasr was a south Arabian god of the deep desert whose idol was a sculpture of a large vulture (in some sources an eagle) that was situated in a temple in the village of Balkha in Yemen where he was worshiped by the people of the Arabian Himyar tribe. "Asar"is also the name of a Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Equestrian god.

* Fatimah bint " Sa’ d " - was the maternal great-great-great-grandmother of Muhammad. = " Sa'd " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Sa'd was a god of fortune in pre-Islamic Arabia, by the Banu Kinanah tribe. His image was a tall stone

* " Salma " bint `Amr - was the paternal great-grandfather of Muhammad. = And Umm " Salama " was one of Mohammad’ s wives = " Salm " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Salm was a northern Arabian tutelary, protector, guardian god personified by a stone carved with schematic anthropomorphic features and a winged disk. * And Mohammad’ s uncle was called " Abd al-Muttalib " - = " Ta'lab " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Ta'lab was god of the moon. His oracle was consulted for advice. *

Today the word Salama means safety in Arabic.

Kilab ibn Mur " rah " was the son of Mohamad = "'Ra was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. a holy place or an altar, but its Arabic root also means "to dye. *

Hashim ibn Abd " Manaf " was the great-grandfather of Mohammad. = And " Manat " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. " Manā t " was believed to be the goddess of Mecca - the goddess fate.

* Abd al- " Uzza " was the name of one of Mohammad’ s uncles. = " Abd al- " Uzza " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan goddess - sometimes believed to be god - male. * "

Abu U " Baid-ah " was one of the Companions of Muhammad. Mostly known for His participation in the first major battle between the Muslims and the Quraysh tribe of Mecca, at the Battle of Bad. ( 624 AD
In a discovered - Pre - Islamic location called - Tell al- " Ubaid " - is a location in southern Iraq where many, many artifacts have been found containing Idols of with many, many crescent moons upon them. Baid-ah " / “ Baid “ also comes from the word " WORSHIP " The word " Eibada " means worship in Arabic. –

Also, Mohammed’ s name also means = " THE PRAISED ONE "

- " Abd - Allā h " was the name of Mohammad's very father. = who was " ALLAH " in the Pre - Islamic world - what pagan deity was " allah " ? What was Mohammad’ s father actually doing ? Mohammad never tells anything about His own father. " most all " of his family and tribe have names.

Since - there is no " iLLA " god, - except for " allah " = who was the Allah ?

The word ALLAH means literally

God - Lah - is the name of the God of Islam = Allah

Just like
God UZZA = Al - 'Uzzā -
God Lat = Al - Lāt,
God - Lah - Al Lah

We know that we would expect Mohammuds Pre - Islamic tribe to be named after these pagan deities _ but Muslims still are naming their children after all of these Pagan deities 1,500 years later - I am not saying this is bad or good, it is just something to note.
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Muhammad is the messenger to the people of the Arabian peninsula. His message was return to the God of Abraham. Save yourselves. I cannot save you.

Angels are called messengers.

Islam is only worship of Mooohamad,
Muslims raise him to a supernatural entity...

Was the illiterate madman even circumcised?
The fact that he married a 6 year old child should give us a clue about Muhammed's legitimacy as a prophet of God.
Aisha was born before the Call so she was at least 19.

Islam Watch is a hate site. Very ignorant.
if You go through all of the many companions and family members of Mohammad -

You find that many of them have names that refer to PAGAN deities and acts of worship and adoration, praise and honor to something formed from the pagan world.

Muslims literally applied the same policy to the entire Pre Islamic world just exactly as they did to the entire Gospels and the Torah. - Completely, smashed into dust, destroyed and nothing but debris and scraps of rubble that never mattered and they simply disappeared from the Islamic world..

As they did not preserve any of the Torah and Gospels -

We have such as the companions - " Abu Dardaa " = named after the Pagan god " Abadar " - was the pagan god who founded cities -

we could go through every single last one of the family members, companions, and friends of Mohammad and see that many, many of them have names that refer to PAGAN DEITIES and worship to paganism. - - " The Kaaba " - is another striking reality. - The Fact is - The Kaaba is the very name of the Pre - Islamic Temple. : The Kaaba was the name of the pagan temple in the city of Mecca that held the 360 pagan idols until the rise of Islam in 7th century.

- Murrah ibn " Ka'b " - was Mohammad’ s great, great, great, great, great grand father. He was also named after this Pagan Temple - His last name was The " Kaa'b " indicating = Kaaba.

Also the name " lib Baal " - comes from the pagan god = " Ag - libol " Ag - libaal was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Ag - libol - was a lunar deity. His name means "Calf / leg of Bel Baal

The pagan pre - islamic " (" Calf of the Lord").

Leg of the god = " lib Baal "

- It is also a fact that The Quran notes that one of the few body parts that " ALLAH " has - is a shin. - the shin is located just behind the calf muscle. The LEG OF ALLAH - is also mentioned as one of the few body parts of The God Of Islam.

The Arabian Pagan god = " Ag - Libaal " is depicted with a lunar halo decorating his head and sometimes his shoulders, a
nd one of his attributes is the sickle moon.

" Hubbaa " bint Hulail - was Mohammad's great-great-great-grandfather. = " Hub -baal and " was the main and the very top - Pre - Islamic Pagan god, worshipped by the Quraysh ( Mohammad’ s very own family ) at the Kaaba in Mecca.

This idol was a human figure that controlled divination and power. Abas - "Haubas" was another Arabian Pagan God, worshipped for His advice - via consultation with oracles.

Many Muslims are named - Abas

* " Nasr " - is a common male name given to Muslims = " Nasr " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Nasr was a south Arabian god of the deep desert whose idol was a sculpture of a large vulture (in some sources an eagle) that was situated in a temple in the village of Balkha in Yemen where he was worshiped by the people of the Arabian Himyar tribe. "Asar"is also the name of a Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Equestrian god.

* Fatimah bint " Sa’ d " - was the maternal great-great-great-grandmother of Muhammad. = " Sa'd " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Sa'd was a god of fortune in pre-Islamic Arabia, by the Banu Kinanah tribe. His image was a tall stone

* " Salma " bint `Amr - was the paternal great-grandfather of Muhammad. = And Umm " Salama " was one of Mohammad’ s wives = " Salm " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Salm was a northern Arabian tutelary, protector, guardian god personified by a stone carved with schematic anthropomorphic features and a winged disk. * And Mohammad’ s uncle was called " Abd al-Muttalib " - = " Ta'lab " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. Ta'lab was god of the moon. His oracle was consulted for advice. *

Today the word Salama means safety in Arabic.

Kilab ibn Mur " rah " was the son of Mohamad = "'Ra was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. a holy place or an altar, but its Arabic root also means "to dye. *

Hashim ibn Abd " Manaf " was the great-grandfather of Mohammad. = And " Manat " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan god. " Manā t " was believed to be the goddess of Mecca - the goddess fate.

* Abd al- " Uzza " was the name of one of Mohammad’ s uncles. = " Abd al- " Uzza " was a Pre - Islamic Pagan goddess - sometimes believed to be god - male. * "

Abu U " Baid-ah " was one of the Companions of Muhammad. Mostly known for His participation in the first major battle between the Muslims and the Quraysh tribe of Mecca, at the Battle of Bad. ( 624 AD
In a discovered - Pre - Islamic location called - Tell al- " Ubaid " - is a location in southern Iraq where many, many artifacts have been found containing Idols of with many, many crescent moons upon them. Baid-ah " / “ Baid “ also comes from the word " WORSHIP " The word " Eibada " means worship in Arabic. –

Also, Mohammed’ s name also means = " THE PRAISED ONE "

- " Abd - Allā h " was the name of Mohammad's very father. = who was " ALLAH " in the Pre - Islamic world - what pagan deity was " allah " ? What was Mohammad’ s father actually doing ? Mohammad never tells anything about His own father. " most all " of his family and tribe have names.

Since - there is no " iLLA " god, - except for " allah " = who was the Allah ?

The word ALLAH means literally

God - Lah - is the name of the God of Islam = Allah

Just like
God UZZA = Al - 'Uzzā -
God Lat = Al - Lāt,
God - Lah - Al Lah

We know that we would expect Mohammuds Pre - Islamic tribe to be named after these pagan deities _ but Muslims still are naming their children after all of these Pagan deities 1,500 years later - I am not saying this is bad or good, it is just something to note.

Abdullah just means slave of God. What is the source of your cut and paste?
Angels are called messengers.

Islam is only worship of Mooohamad,
Muslims raise him to a supernatural entity...

Was the illiterate madman even circumcised?

Nope. Muhammad was just a man. Circumcision was an old Egyptian practice. There's nothing special about it. Muslim baby boys are circumcised.
Jesus wasn't about religion or traditions- He was about relationship.

According to historians of religion and scholars of Religious studies, the Islamic tradition of circumcision was derived from the Pagan practices and rituals of pre-Islamic Arabia, and is never mentioned in the Quran.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Khitan (circumcision) - Wikipedia
I would have to say based on the beliefs you have shared in the past - such as Jesus was just a man - that you are decidedly a non-traditional Christian.

I didn't say Jesus was just a man. For Christians he's savior and Messiah.
if you reject all supernatural aspects of Jesus, then he’s just a man to you.
I beg your pardon. Supernatural? Like walking on water? Jesus doesn't need to be embellished.
I beg your pardon. Supernatural? Like walking on water? Jesus doesn't need to be embellished.
You say that because you are not a Christian.

Considering your burning passion to promote Islam, what you actually follow should be obvious.

What you follow is actually a cult because it was cobbled together by one man rather than arising from a people, and that man was a murdering rapist pedophile who stole the products of other people's labor and merely latched on the the phony religion thing to bind his warriors to him.
You say that because you are not a Christian.

Considering your burning passion to promote Islam, what you actually follow should be obvious.

What you follow is actually a cult because it was cobbled together by one man rather than arising from a people, and that man was a murdering rapist pedophile who stole the products of other people's labor and merely latched on the the phony religion thing to bind his warriors to him.
I'm not promoting Islam. I just get sick of the ignorant lies. Muslims that I know don't do that kind of crap.
I beg your pardon. Supernatural? Like walking on water? Jesus doesn't need to be embellished.
Throughout the OT, embellishment is used to accentuate the point of accounts; to make accounts more memorable and easier to remember and pass down orally. Never as the point of the account itself as in the case of Jesus. So, no, not embellishment at all. The supernatural aspect of God choosing to be born into this world to testify to the truth.

But your response is somewhat deceiving in that you don't accept any supernatural aspect about anything. Even God. So why even make that silly argument at all? Why not just say there is no such thing as the supernatural?
Throughout the OT, embellishment is used to accentuate the point of accounts; to make accounts more memorable and easier to remember and pass down orally. Never as the point of the account itself as in the case of Jesus. So, no, not embellishment at all. The supernatural aspect of God choosing to be born into this world to testify to the truth.

But your response is somewhat deceiving in that you don't accept any supernatural aspect about anything. Even God. So why even make that silly argument at all? Why not just say there is no such thing as the supernatural?
So ... do you take the Bible stories literally?

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