ISIS US hits today


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
More strikes, and the Kurds are making gains:

Zahko, Iraq (CNN) -- Kurdish forces, with the aid of U.S. airstrikes, on Saturday began weakening the grip that extremist militants hold over key piece of infrastructure in northern Iraq -- the Mosul Dam. ISIS militants, who now call themselves the Islamic State, took over the dam earlier this month. In a 2007 report, U.S. officials warned that a failure of the dam would be catastrophic, resulting in flooding all the way to Baghdad. ISIS has claimed a large swath of northern and western Iraq and parts of Syria, but its advance in Iraq has been met with resistance from Kurdish forces and U.S. airstrikes. A colonel for the Pershmerga, as the Kurdish military force is known, told CNN that an operation to retake the Mosul Dam began early Saturday.

Hilgurd Hikmat confirmed that U.S. airstrikes inflicted "great losses" on ISIS targets, but claimed that Kurdish forces are not on the move and have not engaged in battle with ISIS near the dam. The Peshmerga is coordinating with the U.S., he told CNN.
The Mosul Dam is Iraq's largest hydroelectric dam. It sits on the Tigris River about 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Mosul, which fell to the extremist group in June when it swept from Syria into Iraq.
U.S. strikes ISIS targets near key Iraqi dam -
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If Obama had used airstrikes months ago, ISIS wouldn't have a grip on anything right now.
You're naive. ISIS is spread out over thousands of miles with no centralized command structure, airstrikes months ago might have slowed their progress but airstrikes alone would not have completely prevented their spread across Syria and Iraq.
If Obama had used airstrikes months ago, ISIS wouldn't have a grip on anything right now.

Don't know for sure but I heard & read "Muslims killing Muslims, good". Still, I wished we had moved sooner; I trust the Air Force, they are making up for lost time. Though going in at all is drawing heavy criticism, that must be ignored. ISIS is frightening, beyond the barbaric methods, we do not know their final goal, and that is a serious matter.

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