Is Trump Truly Unhinged Or Is This All A Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

What Is At The Heart Of This Mess In The White House?

  • Trump is an unhinged egomaniac destroying the nation who could go apoplexic any day now.

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • There is an unprecedented effort to make Trump look bad and to thwart his execution of his duties.

    Votes: 16 72.7%

  • Total voters


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I was watching PBS tonight and they had Leon Panetta on talking about the current situation. Discussing the NYT Op-Ed, he made the cogent point that having such releases cannot be allowed to stand as they undermine the Constitution. For whatever reason, someone writing this stuff is interfering with the President's ability to exercise his powers, which cannot be allowed to stand.

We had ONE PRESIDENT elected, and right or wrong, he must be allowed to exercise the powers of the office of the presidency in carrying out the responsibilities of his office! If staff are indeed withholding papers or taking them off his desk to sign, this is a serious constitutional crisis for these people were not elected as president, are not empowered to have the authority to make those decisions and are undermining the government.

Further, every member of his WH staff have come forward now to declare that in no way were they the authors of that NYT article! And Pence in particular has condemned it. So the question now begs:
  1. Is Donald Trump truly unhinged and coming apart at the seams unglued, unable to execute his responsibilities as President and a danger to the nation?
  2. Or has all this been a manufactured crisis created by The Resistance opposing Donald Trump and the real danger to the nation the collective coup underway by Mueller, the Democrats, the Media and the Deep State to try to destroy a president sworn to unseat THEIR corrupt influence to return the country under the control of the people citizens of a free state once again run amok?
You tell me. Discuss.
If you listen to Trump's speech in Montana tonight you might consider that Leon Panetta should be incarcerated for the crime of treason for inciting anarchy.
I was watching PBS tonight and they had Leon Panetta on talking about the current situation. Discussing the NYT Op-Ed, he made the cogent point that having such releases cannot be allowed to stand as they undermine the Constitution. For whatever reason, someone writing this stuff is interfering with the President's ability to exercise his powers, which cannot be allowed to stand.

We had ONE PRESIDENT elected, and right or wrong, he must be allowed to exercise the powers of the office of the presidency in carrying out the responsibilities of his office! If staff are indeed withholding papers or taking them off his desk to sign, this is a serious constitutional crisis for these people were not elected as president, are not empowered to have the authority to make those decisions and are undermining the government.

Further, every member of his WH staff have come forward now to declare that in no way were they the authors of that NYT article! And Pence in particular has condemned it. So the question now begs:
  1. Is Donald Trump truly unhinged and coming apart at the seams unglued, unable to execute his responsibilities as President and a danger to the nation?
  2. Or has all this been a manufactured crisis created by The Resistance opposing Donald Trump and the real danger to the nation the collective coup underway by Mueller, the Democrats, the Media and the Deep State to try to destroy a president sworn to unseat THEIR corrupt influence to return the country under the control of the people citizens of a free state once again run amok?
You tell me. Discuss.
He's a wack-job
I was watching PBS tonight and they had Leon Panetta on talking about the current situation. Discussing the NYT Op-Ed, he made the cogent point that having such releases cannot be allowed to stand as they undermine the Constitution. For whatever reason, someone writing this stuff is interfering with the President's ability to exercise his powers, which cannot be allowed to stand.

We had ONE PRESIDENT elected, and right or wrong, he must be allowed to exercise the powers of the office of the presidency in carrying out the responsibilities of his office! If staff are indeed withholding papers or taking them off his desk to sign, this is a serious constitutional crisis for these people were not elected as president, are not empowered to have the authority to make those decisions and are undermining the government.

Further, every member of his WH staff have come forward now to declare that in no way were they the authors of that NYT article! And Pence in particular has condemned it. So the question now begs:
  1. Is Donald Trump truly unhinged and coming apart at the seams unglued, unable to execute his responsibilities as President and a danger to the nation?
  2. Or has all this been a manufactured crisis created by The Resistance opposing Donald Trump and the real danger to the nation the collective coup underway by Mueller, the Democrats, the Media and the Deep State to try to destroy a president sworn to unseat THEIR corrupt influence to return the country under the control of the people citizens of a free state once again run amok?
You tell me. Discuss.
What if it comes out that it was PENCE behind this all along?
Trump isn't exactly a level headed individual but the left and some of the right are off the charts unhinged. For different reasons mind you but with a similar goal.​
I was watching PBS tonight and they had Leon Panetta on talking about the current situation. Discussing the NYT Op-Ed, he made the cogent point that having such releases cannot be allowed to stand as they undermine the Constitution. For whatever reason, someone writing this stuff is interfering with the President's ability to exercise his powers, which cannot be allowed to stand.

We had ONE PRESIDENT elected, and right or wrong, he must be allowed to exercise the powers of the office of the presidency in carrying out the responsibilities of his office! If staff are indeed withholding papers or taking them off his desk to sign, this is a serious constitutional crisis for these people were not elected as president, are not empowered to have the authority to make those decisions and are undermining the government.

Further, every member of his WH staff have come forward now to declare that in no way were they the authors of that NYT article! And Pence in particular has condemned it. So the question now begs:
  1. Is Donald Trump truly unhinged and coming apart at the seams unglued, unable to execute his responsibilities as President and a danger to the nation?
  2. Or has all this been a manufactured crisis created by The Resistance opposing Donald Trump and the real danger to the nation the collective coup underway by Mueller, the Democrats, the Media and the Deep State to try to destroy a president sworn to unseat THEIR corrupt influence to return the country under the control of the people citizens of a free state once again run amok?
You tell me. Discuss.
The Leaker needs to face a firing squad; Booker needs to be expelled and charged with treason
I was watching PBS tonight and they had Leon Panetta on talking about the current situation. Discussing the NYT Op-Ed, he made the cogent point that having such releases cannot be allowed to stand as they undermine the Constitution. For whatever reason, someone writing this stuff is interfering with the President's ability to exercise his powers, which cannot be allowed to stand.

We had ONE PRESIDENT elected, and right or wrong, he must be allowed to exercise the powers of the office of the presidency in carrying out the responsibilities of his office! If staff are indeed withholding papers or taking them off his desk to sign, this is a serious constitutional crisis for these people were not elected as president, are not empowered to have the authority to make those decisions and are undermining the government.

Further, every member of his WH staff have come forward now to declare that in no way were they the authors of that NYT article! And Pence in particular has condemned it. So the question now begs:
  1. Is Donald Trump truly unhinged and coming apart at the seams unglued, unable to execute his responsibilities as President and a danger to the nation?
  2. Or has all this been a manufactured crisis created by The Resistance opposing Donald Trump and the real danger to the nation the collective coup underway by Mueller, the Democrats, the Media and the Deep State to try to destroy a president sworn to unseat THEIR corrupt influence to return the country under the control of the people citizens of a free state once again run amok?
You tell me. Discuss.
The Leaker needs to face a firing squad; Booker needs to be expelled and charged with treason

Treason for what ? What in that email deserved to be hidden from the American people ? Tell me.
EVERYTHING the Left has attempted to do - every accusation, every claim, every 'gottcha this time' moment - has failed, blown up in their faces, and / or been exposed as yet another lie, another Fake News propaganda piece, another crime, another conspiracy...

The unsubstantiated, unverified NY Times Op-ed political fairy tale is no different.

The snowflakes are all a Twitter again, racing towards the latest Leftist promise of 'we've got Trump this time' like Charlie Brown once again charging the football Lucy is once more holding. As usual, this will end with the 'football' being pulled away at the last second as snowflakes fall on their collective asses again.



The NY Times writes an OP-Ed that basically states....'This Guy in the Trump inner circle' told us that Trump us unhinged, insane, sacrificing small animals and virgins in the WH, etc.... And snowflakes swoon and squeal with joy because 'this guy's, according to the Trump-hating NY Times, just fed them what us REALLY going on in the WH...

Day after day, Trump is keeping his promises and succeeds. Much of what he does the Smart People say won't work, and yet it works. It all works.

And what do we see on TV, read in the newspapers, see on the Internet? Phony quotes from lower level piss-ants, rumors of sabotage, disloyalty.

They ignore Trump's successes on the economy, the judiciary, the regulatory state, immigration, unemployment, the stock market, Korea, Israel, and they distort reality incredibly about Russia.

Is it any wonder that the only people still paying attention to the bullshit are the holdout Hillary army?
The left hates Trump. They have been talking "Impeach 45" since before he was even officially in office. I believe they would say or do anything to remove him from office.

It is not about any of these stories or op-ed pieces though. It is about his policies. They don't want to go down 6-3 in the Supreme Court, which is a possibility if Trump win reelection. They don't want the end of NAFTA. They don't want the wall. It is that simple. The left has calculated that this is the best way to stop these policies.
The left hates Trump. They have been talking "Impeach 45" since before he was even officially in office. I believe they would say or do anything to remove him from office.

It is not about any of these stories or op-ed pieces though. It is about his policies. They don't want to go down 6-3 in the Supreme Court, which is a possibility if Trump win reelection. They don't want the end of NAFTA. They don't want the wall. It is that simple. The left has calculated that this is the best way to stop these policies.

The leftists are communists and the DNC is a commie front group. They have zero chance of winning the hearts and minds of enough people if jobs return and regulations meant to help a dependent class are done away with.
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So we have been told all along that trump is unhinged. Can’t anyone believe that the media has been telling a lie, reenforcing a lie, and adding to a lie in the hopes that if they say it enough times, it will become true. Let’s review

The most competent cabinet in modern history
Two stellar Supreme Court picks
A safer world than when he took office
Re establishing military dominance
Using tariffs instead of blood and treasure to obtain foreign objectives
An economy is off the chain
China is being reined in
N. Korea is being reined in
NATO is paying their fair share
Isis is defeated
Patriotism is back in vogue
Regulation has been reined in

Please, someone, tell me what major policy exhibits unhinged chaotic and most especially harmful effects on America. This is one of the greatest men America has ever created, whose time is now, and who forges ahead in spite of the whole world being against him.

It matters not how straight the gate
How charged with punishment is the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul
I was watching PBS tonight and they had Leon Panetta on talking about the current situation. Discussing the NYT Op-Ed, he made the cogent point that having such releases cannot be allowed to stand as they undermine the Constitution. For whatever reason, someone writing this stuff is interfering with the President's ability to exercise his powers, which cannot be allowed to stand.

We had ONE PRESIDENT elected, and right or wrong, he must be allowed to exercise the powers of the office of the presidency in carrying out the responsibilities of his office! If staff are indeed withholding papers or taking them off his desk to sign, this is a serious constitutional crisis for these people were not elected as president, are not empowered to have the authority to make those decisions and are undermining the government.

Further, every member of his WH staff have come forward now to declare that in no way were they the authors of that NYT article! And Pence in particular has condemned it. So the question now begs:
  1. Is Donald Trump truly unhinged and coming apart at the seams unglued, unable to execute his responsibilities as President and a danger to the nation?
  2. Or has all this been a manufactured crisis created by The Resistance opposing Donald Trump and the real danger to the nation the collective coup underway by Mueller, the Democrats, the Media and the Deep State to try to destroy a president sworn to unseat THEIR corrupt influence to return the country under the control of the people citizens of a free state once again run amok?
You tell me. Discuss.
The Leaker needs to face a firing squad; Booker needs to be expelled and charged with treason

Treason for what ? What in that email deserved to be hidden from the American people ? Tell me.
You mean like Obama's life history?

It's ok. After Trumps counterstroke democrats will be a memory
I would think not only CHOOSING to run a candidate who is a career-long scandal queen, sexual criminal predator enabler, who abandoned Americans to needlessly die, whow was under multiple FBI investigations of the crimes of violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act / mishandling classified / Obstruction / etc...and much much more ... But also helping that candidate rig primaries, cheat in debates, violate Election and Campaign Finance laws, protected her from indictment and prison and STILL had to GIVE her the nomination because she could not win it on her own is definitely 'unhinged' / 'mental'!
I was watching PBS tonight and they had Leon Panetta on talking about the current situation. Discussing the NYT Op-Ed, he made the cogent point that having such releases cannot be allowed to stand as they undermine the Constitution. For whatever reason, someone writing this stuff is interfering with the President's ability to exercise his powers, which cannot be allowed to stand.

We had ONE PRESIDENT elected, and right or wrong, he must be allowed to exercise the powers of the office of the presidency in carrying out the responsibilities of his office! If staff are indeed withholding papers or taking them off his desk to sign, this is a serious constitutional crisis for these people were not elected as president, are not empowered to have the authority to make those decisions and are undermining the government.

Further, every member of his WH staff have come forward now to declare that in no way were they the authors of that NYT article! And Pence in particular has condemned it. So the question now begs:
  1. Is Donald Trump truly unhinged and coming apart at the seams unglued, unable to execute his responsibilities as President and a danger to the nation?
  2. Or has all this been a manufactured crisis created by The Resistance opposing Donald Trump and the real danger to the nation the collective coup underway by Mueller, the Democrats, the Media and the Deep State to try to destroy a president sworn to unseat THEIR corrupt influence to return the country under the control of the people citizens of a free state once again run amok?
You tell me. Discuss.
What if it comes out that it was PENCE behind this all along?
Unless he plans on running as a Democrat this would be the dumbest thing he could possibly do.
You know they started with this under the Bush administration and just went into overdrive with a Trump. They have been working their plan for years. Bush let them get away with it. Trump doesn’t.

Actually I surmise they put their plan in motion under Clinton. Then 9/11 happened under Bush and they backed off for awhile, knowing the country was not in the mood. But gave the country enough time to grieve then reactivated their plans and proceeded forward.
Trump has often said that our previous leaders were weak, especially on trade deals and so on.

The left tells us Trump is an idiot and unhinged.

If Trump is truly as stupid as the left says, that actually seems to strongly support Trumps conclusions. If he can demolish the Bush and Clinton dynasty within 1 years time without a mark on him, imagine what other world leaders have been doing to these dynasties for decades. It explains a lot.

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