Is this the end of our democracy?

If the Democrats successfully remove President Trump from office will it mean be the end of our Representative Constitutional Democracy?
Because if they can get away with totally fabricing evidence for an impeachment, they will do it again and again until we are one party country.
What do you think it will mean?

The scum Rats don't have the Senate

They can not do anything

The Senate is the Firewall protecting President Trump!

MAGA....Bless Trump and all Patriots!:2up:

If he was guilty of something, they should remove him.

So far, the left ain't produced shit except for Adam Schitt.

that's right ...Adam Shitt is the one representing the Left.

never a more adequate name was given....Shitt... is the one for the Rats..........

He's gonna be real popular in prison.
I see that TDS has gone global. :auiqs.jpg: What crimes has he committed?

Dunno. Nobody likes Trump outside of the US. My mother does. But she is by far in the minority and it's more that she really hated Hillary (she watches Fox News - unbelievable!!). What you call deranged, the rest of the world and most of the US call normal behaviour towards a narcissistic, braggart, lowlife piece of shit.

I guess we'll see soon enough with regard to crimes.
The dems corral of mules running for the CIC would do far more harm to this nation than anything Trump could dream up.

No, they would not. Even the worst of them would be infinitely better than Trump. And I don't even know who the worst of them is. Yes, Trump is that bad. He is a laughing stock. He is as dumb as a rock. He is a disgusting human being. He is narcissistic. He is bloviated. I could honestly write for the next 15 minutes and not run out of any bad descriptive adjectives to describe this piece of human excrement.

He is the only politician, if he wasn't so old, I would publicly slap in the face (if it was legal). He is a disgrace to the great US of A...
News from outside the bubble. Not appreciated in trumptasia.
I always love a foreigner telling us all about our politics. He isn't getting removed, no matter what your propaganda paper tells you, Grump.

I agree for reasons stated in my first post. Not because he isn't guilty, but because politicians are cowards.
I see that TDS has gone global. :auiqs.jpg: What crimes has he committed?

He beat Shitlary.

Only due to an antiquated electoral system.
I always love a foreigner telling us all about our politics. He isn't getting removed, no matter what your propaganda paper tells you, Grump.

I agree for reasons stated in my first post. Not because he isn't guilty, but because politicians are cowards.
I see that TDS has gone global. :auiqs.jpg: What crimes has he committed?

He beat Shitlary.

Only due to an antiquated electoral system.

I always love a foreigner telling us all about our politics. He isn't getting removed, no matter what your propaganda paper tells you, Grump.

I agree for reasons stated in my first post. Not because he isn't guilty, but because politicians are cowards.
I see that TDS has gone global. :auiqs.jpg: What crimes has he committed?

He beat Shitlary.

Only due to an antiquated electoral system.
It's worked nicely over the centuries. Every state gets to be represented.

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