Is this close to summarizing history of state of affairs since Reagan?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Narrations Vs reality

Supposedly Reaganomics doesn't work. In this case you ignore the standard of living increased rapidly under Reagan as did the GDP, as we saw our greatest strength.

Riding on the coattails of Reaganomics, new technology such as the computer you're looking at, and selling out to China under the Clinton admin. of which we witness the long-term affects, Clinton was able to pretend to balance the budget. As part of the mix, he was able to tax corp. higher rates because at the time we still had all the cards as well.

The recession as Clinton was leaving office doesn't count.

Today Reaganomics has proved a failure. Best ignore we lost to China, the internet, globalization, immigration and all the stuff that comes with it. Just know your state of affairs are Reagan's fault, as he hasn't been POTUS in 40 years but his ghost is still running shit.

The housing & world economic crash was Bush's fault. Assuming you ignore the table was set beforehand and congress was under the control of Democrats. Best to ignore the Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when we reached our deepest depths as well.

Obama saved us. Assuming you ignore basic common sense economic principles and are unaware recovery was stagnated.

Trump rode Obama's coattails. Assuming you ignore that growth was slow under Obama, especially during his last year, and growth increased more rapidly under Trump.

But then Trump blew Obama's economy away when COVID struck. COVID is just an excuse, Trump blew-up the entire world economy too. The 40% growth in GDP during Trump's last two quarters are best ignored.

Biden saved us. Just when new COVID cases were twice what they were one year earlier they lifted the mask restrictions and all is well :abgg2q.jpg:

Biden created a lot of jobs too:abgg2q.jpg:, all in just a few months.
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Narrations Vs reality

Supposedly Reaganomics doesn't work. In this case you ignore the standard of living increased rapidly under Reagan as did the GDP, as we saw our greatest strength.

Riding on the coattails of Reaganomics, new technology such as the computer you're looking at, and selling out to China under the Clinton admin., Clinton was able to pretend to balance the budget. As part of the mix, he was able to tax corp. higher rates because at the time we still had all the cards as well.

The recession as Clinton was leaving office doesn't count.

The housing & world economic crash was Bush's fault. Assuming you ignore the table was set beforehand and congress was under the control of Democrats. Best to ignore the Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when we reached our deepest depths as well.

Obama saved us. Assuming you ignore basic common sense economic principles and are unaware recovery was stagnated.

Trump rode Obama's curtails. Assuming you ignore that growth was slow under Obama, especially during his last yea, and growth rapidly increased under Trump.

But then Trump blew Obama's economy away when COVID struck. COVID is just an excuse, Trump blew-up the entire world economy too. The 40% growth in GDP during Trump's last two quarters are best ignored.

Biden saved us. Just when new COVID cases were twice what they were one year earlier they lifted the mask restrictions and all is well :abgg2q.jpg:

Biden created a lot of jobs too:abgg2q.jpg:, all in just a few months.

The bottom line is the ideology and belief system of the current iteration of a spectacular failure. And has been since St Ronnie came in to establish himself as the father of modern deficit spending.
That's reality. Conservatism has no policy success stories. Nothing that can be pointed to as an unqualified success. Like it or not, every advance, every more forward that this country has experienced...comes from liberal
and progressive policies. Oh sure, there have been failures...but not anywhere near on the scale of conservatism's failures.
Narrations Vs reality

Supposedly Reaganomics doesn't work. In this case you ignore the standard of living increased rapidly under Reagan as did the GDP, as we saw our greatest strength.

Riding on the coattails of Reaganomics, new technology such as the computer you're looking at, and selling out to China under the Clinton admin., Clinton was able to pretend to balance the budget. As part of the mix, he was able to tax corp. higher rates because at the time we still had all the cards as well.

The recession as Clinton was leaving office doesn't count.

The housing & world economic crash was Bush's fault. Assuming you ignore the table was set beforehand and congress was under the control of Democrats. Best to ignore the Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when we reached our deepest depths as well.

Obama saved us. Assuming you ignore basic common sense economic principles and are unaware recovery was stagnated.

Trump rode Obama's curtails. Assuming you ignore that growth was slow under Obama, especially during his last yea, and growth rapidly increased under Trump.

But then Trump blew Obama's economy away when COVID struck. COVID is just an excuse, Trump blew-up the entire world economy too. The 40% growth in GDP during Trump's last two quarters are best ignored.

Biden saved us. Just when new COVID cases were twice what they were one year earlier they lifted the mask restrictions and all is well :abgg2q.jpg:

Biden created a lot of jobs too:abgg2q.jpg:, all in just a few months.

The bottom line is the ideology and belief system of the current iteration of a spectacular failure. And has been since St Ronnie came in to establish himself as the father of modern deficit spending.
That's reality. Conservatism has no policy success stories. Nothing that can be pointed to as an unqualified success. Like it or not, every advance, every more forward that this country has experienced...comes from liberal
and progressive policies. Oh sure, there have been failures...but not anywhere near on the scale of conservatism's failures.

You reminded me, I had forgotten:

Last time the budget was balanced was Nixon. Best ignore the economy sucked as he pulled us out of Vietnam.

Carter came in, the economy really sucked and we were an embarrassment.

Reagan came in and the economy slowly began to improve until we reached arguably our best state of affairs in history. The world power and honor renewed. Sure and a trillion in debt.

Bush another 5 trillion. Reagan's fault.

Obama another 10 trillion. Still Reagan's fault.

Trump another 3 trillion while conditions improved. That was until COVID struck, which was Trump's fault. So add another 2-3.5 for 6.5ish.

Biden comes in and plan for another 2-3 trillion per year easy. Still Reagan's fault, or could be Trump's fault because he's a wild card.

Social Security is in trouble, best ignore it's the Democrats fault as they raped the system.
Facts are no fun when presented in simple.

Do you feel leftists do a good job defending the democrats?
Democrats didn't really rape the system when you ignore what occurred. And sure, some Repulsivcans played a hand too. You know, Repulsivcans, who are really PROGS in disguise, like Romney.

Narrations Vs reality

Supposedly Reaganomics doesn't work. In this case you ignore the standard of living increased rapidly under Reagan as did the GDP, as we saw our greatest strength.

Riding on the coattails of Reaganomics, new technology such as the computer you're looking at, and selling out to China under the Clinton admin., Clinton was able to pretend to balance the budget. As part of the mix, he was able to tax corp. higher rates because at the time we still had all the cards as well.

The recession as Clinton was leaving office doesn't count.

The housing & world economic crash was Bush's fault. Assuming you ignore the table was set beforehand and congress was under the control of Democrats. Best to ignore the Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when we reached our deepest depths as well.

Obama saved us. Assuming you ignore basic common sense economic principles and are unaware recovery was stagnated.

Trump rode Obama's curtails. Assuming you ignore that growth was slow under Obama, especially during his last yea, and growth rapidly increased under Trump.

But then Trump blew Obama's economy away when COVID struck. COVID is just an excuse, Trump blew-up the entire world economy too. The 40% growth in GDP during Trump's last two quarters are best ignored.

Biden saved us. Just when new COVID cases were twice what they were one year earlier they lifted the mask restrictions and all is well :abgg2q.jpg:

Biden created a lot of jobs too:abgg2q.jpg:, all in just a few months.

The bottom line is the ideology and belief system of the current iteration of a spectacular failure. And has been since St Ronnie came in to establish himself as the father of modern deficit spending.
That's reality. Conservatism has no policy success stories. Nothing that can be pointed to as an unqualified success. Like it or not, every advance, every more forward that this country has experienced...comes from liberal
and progressive policies. Oh sure, there have been failures...but not anywhere near on the scale of conservatism's failures.

You reminded me, I had forgotten:

Last time the budget was balanced was Nixon. Best ignore the economy sucked as he pulled us out of Vietnam.

Carter came in, the economy really sucked and we were an embarrassment.

Reagan came in and the economy slowly began to improve until we reached arguably our best state of affairs in history. The world power and honor renewed. Sure and a trillion in debt.

Bush another 5 trillion. Reagan's fault.

Obama another 10 trillion. Still Reagan's fault.

Trump another 3 trillion while conditions improved. That was until COVID struck, which was Trump's fault. So add another 2-3.5 for 6.5ish.

Biden comes in and plan for another 2-3 trillion per year easy. Still Reagan's fault, or could be Trump's fault because he's a wild card.

Social Security is in trouble, best ignore it's the Democrats fault as they raped the system.

When your criticism of a president is “the economy sucked”, it says you’re completely clueless.

You ignore global realities, economic realities, and the deficit spending of succession of Republican president.

Reagan didn’t have wonderful economy because of the tax cuts, he had a wonderful economy because of the deficit spending. Reagan’s economy wasn’t nearly as good as either Clintons or Obama’s, both of which you dismiss utterly.

Both Clinton and Obama had better job creation, greater GDP growth, and wage growth.

Obama created the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history, and again you dismiss it utterly while praising Republicans for crashing the economy.

You offer nothing but criticism of Democrats based on Republican talking points, and praise of Republican presidents who crash the economy, impoverishing working and middle class Americans.

And you wonder why we don’t take you seriously. Go take an economics course before you post again on the subject because you’re clueless.
Narrations Vs reality

Supposedly Reaganomics doesn't work. In this case you ignore the standard of living increased rapidly under Reagan as did the GDP, as we saw our greatest strength.

Riding on the coattails of Reaganomics, new technology such as the computer you're looking at, and selling out to China under the Clinton admin., Clinton was able to pretend to balance the budget. As part of the mix, he was able to tax corp. higher rates because at the time we still had all the cards as well.

The recession as Clinton was leaving office doesn't count.

The housing & world economic crash was Bush's fault. Assuming you ignore the table was set beforehand and congress was under the control of Democrats. Best to ignore the Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when we reached our deepest depths as well.

Obama saved us. Assuming you ignore basic common sense economic principles and are unaware recovery was stagnated.

Trump rode Obama's curtails. Assuming you ignore that growth was slow under Obama, especially during his last yea, and growth rapidly increased under Trump.

But then Trump blew Obama's economy away when COVID struck. COVID is just an excuse, Trump blew-up the entire world economy too. The 40% growth in GDP during Trump's last two quarters are best ignored.

Biden saved us. Just when new COVID cases were twice what they were one year earlier they lifted the mask restrictions and all is well :abgg2q.jpg:

Biden created a lot of jobs too:abgg2q.jpg:, all in just a few months.

The bottom line is the ideology and belief system of the current iteration of a spectacular failure. And has been since St Ronnie came in to establish himself as the father of modern deficit spending.
That's reality. Conservatism has no policy success stories. Nothing that can be pointed to as an unqualified success. Like it or not, every advance, every more forward that this country has experienced...comes from liberal
and progressive policies. Oh sure, there have been failures...but not anywhere near on the scale of conservatism's failures.

You reminded me, I had forgotten:

Last time the budget was balanced was Nixon. Best ignore the economy sucked as he pulled us out of Vietnam.

Carter came in, the economy really sucked and we were an embarrassment.

Reagan came in and the economy slowly began to improve until we reached arguably our best state of affairs in history. The world power and honor renewed. Sure and a trillion in debt.

Bush another 5 trillion. Reagan's fault.

Obama another 10 trillion. Still Reagan's fault.

Trump another 3 trillion while conditions improved. That was until COVID struck, which was Trump's fault. So add another 2-3.5 for 6.5ish.

Biden comes in and plan for another 2-3 trillion per year easy. Still Reagan's fault, or could be Trump's fault because he's a wild card.

Social Security is in trouble, best ignore it's the Democrats fault as they raped the system.

When your criticism of a president is “the economy sucked”, it says you’re completely clueless.

You ignore global realities, economic realities, and the deficit spending of succession of Republican president.

Reagan didn’t have wonderful economy because of the tax cuts, he had a wonderful economy because of the deficit spending. Reagan’s economy wasn’t nearly as good as either Clintons or Obama’s, both of which you dismiss utterly.

Both Clinton and Obama had better job creation, greater GDP growth, and wage growth.

Obama created the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history, and again you dismiss it utterly while praising Republicans for crashing the economy.

You offer nothing but criticism of Democrats based on Republican talking points, and praise of Republican presidents who crash the economy, impoverishing working and middle class Americans.

And you wonder why we don’t take you seriously. Go take an economics course before you post again on the subject because you’re clueless.
This post is a reason why I don’t take you seriously. Why was increasing The debt bad when Reagan did it and good when Clinton did it? Why is raising debt bad under Trump but good when Biden wants to do it? Republicans and Democrats have had power for decades and both have contributed to the high debt that America has on it. If you were honest, you could cite both as being terrible for my country. Spending to prop up an economy like we have done for the last few decades has put us in a terrible spot. I blame both parties for not wanting to do what is best for our country which is lower the debt and get spending under control.
Narrations Vs reality

Supposedly Reaganomics doesn't work. In this case you ignore the standard of living increased rapidly under Reagan as did the GDP, as we saw our greatest strength.

Riding on the coattails of Reaganomics, new technology such as the computer you're looking at, and selling out to China under the Clinton admin., Clinton was able to pretend to balance the budget. As part of the mix, he was able to tax corp. higher rates because at the time we still had all the cards as well.

The recession as Clinton was leaving office doesn't count.

The housing & world economic crash was Bush's fault. Assuming you ignore the table was set beforehand and congress was under the control of Democrats. Best to ignore the Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when we reached our deepest depths as well.

Obama saved us. Assuming you ignore basic common sense economic principles and are unaware recovery was stagnated.

Trump rode Obama's curtails. Assuming you ignore that growth was slow under Obama, especially during his last yea, and growth rapidly increased under Trump.

But then Trump blew Obama's economy away when COVID struck. COVID is just an excuse, Trump blew-up the entire world economy too. The 40% growth in GDP during Trump's last two quarters are best ignored.

Biden saved us. Just when new COVID cases were twice what they were one year earlier they lifted the mask restrictions and all is well :abgg2q.jpg:

Biden created a lot of jobs too:abgg2q.jpg:, all in just a few months.

The bottom line is the ideology and belief system of the current iteration of a spectacular failure. And has been since St Ronnie came in to establish himself as the father of modern deficit spending.
That's reality. Conservatism has no policy success stories. Nothing that can be pointed to as an unqualified success. Like it or not, every advance, every more forward that this country has experienced...comes from liberal
and progressive policies. Oh sure, there have been failures...but not anywhere near on the scale of conservatism's failures.

You reminded me, I had forgotten:

Last time the budget was balanced was Nixon. Best ignore the economy sucked as he pulled us out of Vietnam.

Carter came in, the economy really sucked and we were an embarrassment.

Reagan came in and the economy slowly began to improve until we reached arguably our best state of affairs in history. The world power and honor renewed. Sure and a trillion in debt.

Bush another 5 trillion. Reagan's fault.

Obama another 10 trillion. Still Reagan's fault.

Trump another 3 trillion while conditions improved. That was until COVID struck, which was Trump's fault. So add another 2-3.5 for 6.5ish.

Biden comes in and plan for another 2-3 trillion per year easy. Still Reagan's fault, or could be Trump's fault because he's a wild card.

Social Security is in trouble, best ignore it's the Democrats fault as they raped the system.

When your criticism of a president is “the economy sucked”, it says you’re completely clueless.

You ignore global realities, economic realities, and the deficit spending of succession of Republican president.

Reagan didn’t have wonderful economy because of the tax cuts, he had a wonderful economy because of the deficit spending. Reagan’s economy wasn’t nearly as good as either Clintons or Obama’s, both of which you dismiss utterly.

Both Clinton and Obama had better job creation, greater GDP growth, and wage growth.

Obama created the longest period of sustained economic growth in modern American history, and again you dismiss it utterly while praising Republicans for crashing the economy.

You offer nothing but criticism of Democrats based on Republican talking points, and praise of Republican presidents who crash the economy, impoverishing working and middle class Americans.

And you wonder why we don’t take you seriously. Go take an economics course before you post again on the subject because you’re clueless.
This post is a reason why I don’t take you seriously. Why was increasing The debt bad when Reagan did it and good when Clinton did it? Why is raising debt bad under Trump but good when Biden wants to do it? Republicans and Democrats have had power for decades and both have contributed to the high debt that America has on it. If you were honest, you could cite both as being terrible for my country. Spending to prop up an economy like we have done for the last few decades has put us in a terrible spot. I blame both parties for not wanting to do what is best for our country which is lower the debt and get spending under control.

What's PROGS are intellectually dishonest and hypocrites for 1K Alex?

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