Is there anything hillary can do or say where her followers will get offended? Anything?

She is the most qualified candidate, on both sides of the Aisle, I wanted her as President in 2008 and not Obama, at the time....

So, nothing has changed since then, except more experience under her belt including much more foreign policy of the USA experience....

She supports what I support, she is intelligent, level headed, Strong and the 'best man' out there.... is she perfect? No. But no one is...

No matter how hard you on the ''right wing'' try with your continual unfounded smears, lies, innuendos, wasteful dog and pony shows with my taxes for purely political posturing... YOU will not be picking the Democratic candidate for me or for the democratic party in the primaries....

Pick your own Republican candidate in your own primaries....I promise I'll stay out of your picking process.

You on the right, HATE all Democrats, with a passion so deep, Satan can't reach the depth... no matter who the Dem candidate is, your right wing media would be lying and spinning and distorting the truth about them as well, and the lemmings and lock steppers will follow their orders and march....(and you all think we are lemmings?)

Hillary is strong enough to stand up to you and your twists and turns and fabrications....stronger than Obama was....

That's why she scares you the most, imo.

So, yeah....GO HILLARY! :D
She is just such a disaster all around. Maybe even worse than obama. Maybe even worse. Not sure how that could be, but it is true.

Do you, like me, get nauseated every time she opens her stupid lying mouth? Every single fucking time.

Can you believe the left are so ridiculous that they will be still voting for her? Wait, what am I talking about? It is the left. The most useless, ignorant, bloviated, arrogant, hypocritical, intolerant pawns on earth. So yeah, they will be voting for her.

So damn sad.

She could say she is becoming a Republican and will vote to defund the baby killers at planned parenthood....
She is the most qualified candidate, on both sides of the Aisle, I wanted her as President in 2008 and not Obama, at the time....

So, nothing has changed since then, except more experience under her belt including much more foreign policy of the USA experience....

She supports what I support, she is intelligent, level headed, Strong and the 'best man' out there.... is she perfect? No. But no one is...

No matter how hard you on the ''right wing'' try with your continual unfounded smears, lies, innuendos, wasteful dog and pony shows with my taxes for purely political posturing... YOU will not be picking the Democratic candidate for me or for the democratic party in the primaries....

Pick your own Republican candidate in your own primaries....I promise I'll stay out of your picking process.

You on the right, HATE all Democrats, with a passion so deep, Satan can't reach the depth... no matter who the Dem candidate is, your right wing media would be lying and spinning and distorting the truth about them as well, and the lemmings and lock steppers will follow their orders and march....(and you all think we are lemmings?)

Hillary is strong enough to stand up to you and your twists and turns and fabrications....stronger than Obama was....

That's why she scares you the most, imo.

So, yeah....GO HILLARY! :D

What exactly are her qualifications again...oh yeah...she is a democrat and has a vagina..(that is a rumor anyway)
Is there anything hillary can do or say where her followers will get offended? Anything?


if she said she was switching her letter to an (R)
She is just such a disaster all around. Maybe even worse than obama. Maybe even worse. Not sure how that could be, but it is true.

Do you, like me, get nauseated every time she opens her stupid lying mouth? Every single fucking time.

Can you believe the left are so ridiculous that they will be still voting for her? Wait, what am I talking about? It is the left. The most useless, ignorant, bloviated, arrogant, hypocritical, intolerant pawns on earth. So yeah, they will be voting for her.

So damn sad.


Under her watch: Putin is resurgent and invaded Ukraine, the Middle East is far more dangerous and savage than its been in 1,000 years and she allowed Obama and val Jarrett to arm ISIS and Al Qaeda, but she calls Republicans Terrorists

Hillary: Not Ready for Prime Time
She called Republicans Terrorists, I can't see her leading anything other than Media Matters or the Prison Knitting Circle

How will she work with Congress or are Progressives really Nazis who seek to eliminate the opposition

You kidding? Everything she says is what her and her stupid voting base believe. You see that? I said...."her" twice.

That, is now offensive in liberal minds. Her, he, she, him....

Yes, they have turned that into an issue. Hell, they already think "waitress" is offensive.

Do you understand what we are dealing with. The most backward ass morons this country has ever seen. That includes the bumpkins from the Ozarks. She could literally spread her fat butt cheeks and cut a log right on the constitution in front of everyone, and it will not matter one bit. They will all say...."good for her, it is about time to see that document written by slave owners to be shit on!!!"

Yes, they all believe that, and so her calling republicans equal to isis only affirming what she is surrounded by. Can you imagine the blithering morons that surround her? Imagine that stat asshole multiplies by hundreds in her ear all day.

Trust me, what she said only reflects the types of things she hears. That, is suggested to her by her dumb sycophantic followers and she went with it.

That, is what we are dealing with. Look at the loser liberals that post on here. They all think they are so smart. They still fucking sell man made glowbull warming and they claim Al Gore was right. Of course they all say they have not nor will they ever purchase a carbon credit. Yet another way they are hypocrites.

Please, I sure hope this helps you in understanding why none of them deserve one ounce of your respect. They, are the enemies within.
She is the most qualified candidate, on both sides of the Aisle, I wanted her as President in 2008 and not Obama, at the time....

So, nothing has changed since then, except more experience under her belt including much more foreign policy of the USA experience....

She supports what I support, she is intelligent, level headed, Strong and the 'best man' out there.... is she perfect? No. But no one is...

No matter how hard you on the ''right wing'' try with your continual unfounded smears, lies, innuendos, wasteful dog and pony shows with my taxes for purely political posturing... YOU will not be picking the Democratic candidate for me or for the democratic party in the primaries....

Pick your own Republican candidate in your own primaries....I promise I'll stay out of your picking process.

You on the right, HATE all Democrats, with a passion so deep, Satan can't reach the depth... no matter who the Dem candidate is, your right wing media would be lying and spinning and distorting the truth about them as well, and the lemmings and lock steppers will follow their orders and march....(and you all think we are lemmings?)

Hillary is strong enough to stand up to you and your twists and turns and fabrications....stronger than Obama was....

That's why she scares you the most, imo.

So, yeah....GO HILLARY! :D

Did you know it was the obama administration that leaked the stuff about the emails and the NY Times reported it?

Her foreign policy experience? Oh, you are a ripe one aren't you? So, in no way was she guilty of sending classified emails through open channels eh? She is just so innocent and so picked on by republicans.

Just shaking my head at their voters.
She is just such a disaster all around. Maybe even worse than obama. Maybe even worse. Not sure how that could be, but it is true.

Do you, like me, get nauseated every time she opens her stupid lying mouth? Every single fucking time.

Can you believe the left are so ridiculous that they will be still voting for her? Wait, what am I talking about? It is the left. The most useless, ignorant, bloviated, arrogant, hypocritical, intolerant pawns on earth. So yeah, they will be voting for her.

So damn sad.

She could say she is becoming a Republican and will vote to defund the baby killers at planned parenthood....
She'd still get 15% of the nut vote..
Doubt it. Just like the Obamabot nutters, they could witness her murder someone right in front of em, and they would find a way to defend and justify it. 'Party before Country' folks are no different than loyal cult members. That's why it's wise to be Independent. Don't become a slave to either major Party.
I know you don't have any, that gives me some cred right there to have some level of evaluative capability

Of course. For you to all seriousness.....that Sarah Palin is more intelligent than Joe all the evidence we need.

Who would ever question your judgement after learning of this?

BTW, just curious why your dick is so limp you don't think your view is worth shit on it's own and has to be propped up by thousands of imaginary supporters who hang on your every word. They cheer your air guitar too, don't they?

I'm sure that means something to somebody. Maybe I'll enroll in Sarah Palin's Word Salad correspondence course. That should help.

The Owl got it, I guess he's smarter than you are. Like Palin is smarter than Biden. Both of those are by a country mile

Yes. The Owl is known by all as a brilliant guy. He's almost as awesome as you.

If you want to sit at the grownup table you're going to have to stop being such a little bitch

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