Is there a vaccine expert in the house who can answer my question about vaccines?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Economics. Joe bought a sh#tpot load of whatever the government could get it's hands or a contract on to get the job done. I did 2 shot Moderna.
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...
Excellent! Thanks, so I think I got all that. But the crux of my question is, now that we have a fair amount of datat that shows a SINGLE SHOT of PFIZER IS MORE EFFECTIVE than a single shot J&J vaccine, isn't it wasteful to continue administering the second Pfizer shot when so many people haven't gotten a shot of any vaccine?
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...

DO we know which vaccines are reported to have the most adverse reactions, if I understand from what your saying correctly, it would be the single shot vaccine, right?
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...
Excellent! Thanks, so I think I got all that. But the crux of my question is, now that we have a fair amount of datat that shows a SINGLE SHOT of PFIZER IS MORE EFFECTIVE than a single shot J&J vaccine, isn't it wasteful to continue administering the second Pfizer shot when so many people haven't gotten a shot of any vaccine?

That summary you gave about comparative efficacies is based on the period of the CLINICAL trials that proceeded the authorizations. They summarized EVERYTHING THEY MEASURED during the clinicals for the emergency authorization.. And LEGALLY that all they can promise. Neither Pfizer nor Moderna CAN MAKE absolute claims about the DURATION of benefit from their vaccines until they receive regular use authorization.. They can only hint that it might be OK, to take one dose, but no specifics.. Like WHEN you will NEED a 2nd dose. I think if you look back about 2 or 3 months the partners for the Pfizer/Biontech project were arguing between the 2 groups and that argument went public as to whether "one shot was enough".. Think Pfizer thought it possible, and Biontech rejected that.

It's the academics versus the practitioners on this one. Everyone is watching what happens in real time about the longevity of the critical immunity in vaxxed patients.

Politicians are impatient.. They just want more credit for less effort. So I would not rely on them or their SELECTED government academic "experts".. I'd be listening for a BROADER CONSENSUS from both academics and medical practitioners for guidance..
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...

DO we know which vaccines are reported to have the most adverse reactions, if I understand from what your saying correctly, it would be the single shot vaccine, right?

All of them have REPORTED instances. The problem is whether there's evidence the reports have anything to do AT ALL with the vaccines. And there's reason to be skeptical about the "blood clot" issues with Astra-Zenica because they are the "odd man out" and the "late bird". And the market is now SATURATED with CV-19 vaccine makers who are NERVOUS about new-comers, because their "time to shine" on this payback is so short.

There are even reported deaths.. But the number is tiny and not totally attributed to any vaccine..

It's a weird business of getting drugs to market. All those "side effects" you hear about on commercials are NOT PROVEN TO BE LINKED to the drug in most all cases.. The GOVT requires that ANY adverse reaction be included in the possibilities even without PROOF of a connection to that drug.

So when you make a vaccine to PRIMARILY keep the elderly from dying -- you're dealing with a drug company nightmare when your target customers are elderly and in bad health and must be statistically and realistically sampled during your trials.. Because there WILL BE reports..

Bottom line -- UNFORTUNATELY -- this weird system takes DECADES sometimes to resolve AFTER the drug hits the marketplace. Then lawyers ultimately argue these cases for another decade before the COURTS ultimately decide if the warnings were "inadequate"..

You wont be around to see any money from this if anything goes wrong.. So -- just roll up your sleeve and do it on "faith"... LOL....
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...

DO we know which vaccines are reported to have the most adverse reactions, if I understand from what your saying correctly, it would be the single shot vaccine, right?

All of them have REPORTED instances. The problem is whether there's evidence the reports have anything to do AT ALL with the vaccines. And there's reason to be skeptical about the "blood clot" issues with Astra-Zenica because they are the "odd man out" and the "late bird". And the market is now SATURATED with CV-19 vaccine makers who are NERVOUS about new-comers, because their "time to shine" on this payback is so short.

There are even reported deaths.. But the number is tiny and not totally attributed to any vaccine..

It's a weird business of getting drugs to market. All those "side effects" you hear about on commercials are NOT PROVEN TO BE LINKED to the drug in most all cases.. The GOVT requires that ANY adverse reaction be included in the possibilities even without PROOF of a connection to that drug.

So when you make a vaccine to PRIMARILY keep the elderly from dying -- you're dealing with a drug company nightmare when your target customers are elderly and in bad health and must be statistically and realistically sampled during your trials.. Because there WILL BE reports..

Bottom line -- UNFORTUNATELY -- this weird system takes DECADES sometimes to resolve AFTER the drug hits the marketplace. Then lawyers ultimately argue these cases for another decade before the COURTS ultimately decide if the warnings were "inadequate"..

You wont be around to see any money from this if anything goes wrong.. So -- just roll up your sleeve and do it on "faith"... LOL....

Ok, well I was kind of leaning towards the Pfizer or Moderna if I do it at all.
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...

DO we know which vaccines are reported to have the most adverse reactions, if I understand from what your saying correctly, it would be the single shot vaccine, right?

All of them have REPORTED instances. The problem is whether there's evidence the reports have anything to do AT ALL with the vaccines. And there's reason to be skeptical about the "blood clot" issues with Astra-Zenica because they are the "odd man out" and the "late bird". And the market is now SATURATED with CV-19 vaccine makers who are NERVOUS about new-comers, because their "time to shine" on this payback is so short.

There are even reported deaths.. But the number is tiny and not totally attributed to any vaccine..

It's a weird business of getting drugs to market. All those "side effects" you hear about on commercials are NOT PROVEN TO BE LINKED to the drug in most all cases.. The GOVT requires that ANY adverse reaction be included in the possibilities even without PROOF of a connection to that drug.

So when you make a vaccine to PRIMARILY keep the elderly from dying -- you're dealing with a drug company nightmare when your target customers are elderly and in bad health and must be statistically and realistically sampled during your trials.. Because there WILL BE reports..

Bottom line -- UNFORTUNATELY -- this weird system takes DECADES sometimes to resolve AFTER the drug hits the marketplace. Then lawyers ultimately argue these cases for another decade before the COURTS ultimately decide if the warnings were "inadequate"..

You wont be around to see any money from this if anything goes wrong.. So -- just roll up your sleeve and do it on "faith"... LOL....

Ok, well I was kind of leaning towards the Pfizer or Moderna if I do it at all.

It really IS up to you.. If you have "co-morbities" or elderly -- you SHOULD get it.. All other people have to weigh the fairly tiny risk of getting laid up with a bad ass flu against this historic RUSH effort to get a vaccine AT ALL in such a short time period.. Medical science moves NORMALLY at glacial speeds..

I wasn't scared of the "new tech" mRNA vaccines. In fact, I kinda like the clean theory behind them because it's whole new way of making virus vaccines..

Just dont wait too much longer to decide. The nice orderly "priority" lists that the CDC constructed have been pushed aside come mid April and the whole mass vaccination scene will be a cattle call. There will be people trampled and fights breaking out when EVERYONE ELSE suddenly becomes eligible, like the Biden Admin is itching to do..

Or if you live in Vermont ( I shit you not) if you're WHITE -- youre shit of luck because those HONKIES up there decided they that THEIR next group would be "anyone but white people".. Which IN VERMONT for fucksake is like 20,000 people... It's crazy and insane and would be funny if it wasn't so serious,...
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If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...
So all of those who are vaccinated are going to turn into swamp creatures.
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...
So all of those who are vaccinated are going to turn into swamp creatures.

Use common sense:

18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine
By Christian Elliot


Full Article:
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...
So all of those who are vaccinated are going to turn into swamp creatures.

Right! well the millenials have been dreaming of the Zombie Apocalypse! this is the big chance!
stock up your twinkies and toilet paper... hunker down in the bunker!
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...
Great info. I will add that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were tested on humans pruor to being authorized for emergency use. More than 75,000 people each.

Unlike the J&J, they were tested prior to the increased prevalence of variants. What this keans is that neother would like hit the percentage of efficacy from their first round of trials, should they ne tested today. This may fully explain the lower reported efficacy of the J&J vaccine, as compared to Moderna and Pfizer.
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

The 2 shot recommendation was to avoid OVERLOADED reactions by the body to produce the antibodies and start fighting the stuff RECENTLY injected. So -- there is that 2 week or 3 week period to cool off the body reaction in between. And at the 2nd shot -- you are ASKED for adverse symptoms from the FIRST injection..

Was REALLY REALLY BALLSY to haul this out of academic theory and apply it to humans on an emergency basis. But there was some genetically modified" animal tests done where the animal has a "human-like" immunity response in place before the authorization and clinical trials..

With all that said -- a couple countries (France and maybe one/two others) are pondering or enacted a path to using these mRNA vaccines ON a one shot basis. Check the news for that. And Fauci (usually wrong at first) made some noise today about the needs for "booster shots".. Because NO ONE actually knows the endurance of the immunity that ANY of these vaccines will provide against prime variants and CV-19...
Great info. I will add that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were tested on humans pruor to being authorized for emergency use. More than 75,000 people each.

Unlike the J&J, they were tested prior to the increased prevalence of variants. What this keans is that neother would like hit the percentage of efficacy from their first round of trials, should they ne tested today. This may fully explain the lower reported efficacy of the J&J vaccine, as compared to Moderna and Pfizer.
That is a reasonable theory. What I am still poking at is the continued guidance for taking two Pfizer shots when one would most likely be nearly as good as the one shot J&J. I base that on the theory that most people who were tested did not have the variant, but rather the original form of the virus. Now add to that the recent suspension of the J&J vaccine there would seem to be even more reason to at least delay the second Pfizer/Moderna shot.
Now add to that the recent suspension of the J&J vaccine there would seem to be even more reason to at least delay the second Pfizer/Moderna shot
That was done out of an abundance of caution. When the Astra Zeneca vaccine was paused (over blood clots), and the data surveyed, it was unpaused a couple days later

Cant fix all the misconceptions here. Let's just do a few.

Even the PRINCIPLES of the clinical trials -- dont have access to "the raw data".. That's the definition of "blind study".. So I dont know what the gripe is here. because we know how MANY, how LONG, and the percentage of the VAXXED group that died or hospitalized vs the placebo group.. EVERY REACTION NOTED in the clinicals is ON THE SHEET OF PAPER THAT THEY GIVE YOU when you show up for the jab.. If you want to know the EXACT percentages of those reported reactions -- they ARE AVAILABLE.. Quit whining about the "raw data"..

Vaccine makers have immunity.. But there is a HUGE "Settlement Fund" that Uncle Sam keeps in his hip pocket with all the bills he already cant pay.. Some cap like $250Bill.. So -- if you're injured by a vaccine, you apply thru the Settlement Fund..

What "UGLY HISTORY of Attempts to make the CV Vaccines"? The history was about ONE YEAR and that was miraculous in itself. And most of companies who signed up for the "fly off" successfully created one and got emergency approval.. There never WAS a CoronaVirus vaccine for the common cold or SARS -- the latter of which is CLOSELY related to CVid-19. The UGLIEST virus vaccine INITIAL roll-out was for H1N1 --NOT a CoronaVirus.. It was late for approval. The epidemic was almost over and there was a 1 in 100.000 reported contraction of Gullain-Barre Syndrome which halted the vaccinations. No DIRECT LINK to the vaccine was found, but by the time the investigation wrapped up -- there was NO NEED for that version of H1N1 vaccine.. A newer H1N1 vaccine is part of MOST year's "normal flu" shots that are given to more than 1/2 the population EVERY YEAR SINCE..
If you are a virologist or have detailed knowledge about the various Covid-19 vaccines, then please answer this question. If you do not have detailed knowledge, kindly refrain from responding to this thread.

Given that the Pfizer vaccine is showing over 80% efficacy after one dose (CDC report), J&J vaccine is about 70% effective and is delivered as a single dose why is the Pfizer vaccine STILL being pushed as a two dose vaccine with so many people still waiting for their first shot of any vaccine?

Both Pfizer and Moderna (Biontech) vaccines are BRAND NEW technology.. They do not rely on the time tested method of using "killed virus" or "vector host" vaccine that in one way or the other introduces a benign version of the actual target virus..

Instead they use the body to create antibodies based on introducing a "messenger RNA" for a PIECE of the virus. The body then "learns" how to destroy virus from a totally MAN-MADE snippet of the virus DNA..

Excellent! Thanks, so I think I got all that. But the crux of my question is, now that we have a fair amount of datat that shows a SINGLE SHOT of PFIZER IS MORE EFFECTIVE than a single shot J&J vaccine, isn't it wasteful to continue administering the second Pfizer shot when so many people haven't gotten a shot of any vaccine?

Mod Edit: Fixed blown quote-back formatting to make post response visible..

These vaccines are all designed to murder and maim people. It looks like they have already killed about 400,000 people according to the VAERS numbers. Wait a year because they are not made to kill people immediately. It will take some time for the numbers to skyrocket and they will assuraedly keep this out of the mainstream media.
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