Is There A Superior Race?

manu1959 said:
so you are about 6-3 then ?
I know I'm between 6'3" and 6'4". I've had differing measurements for some reason between those two numbers, but the last time I believe I was 6'4"
Kagom said:
I know I'm between 6'3" and 6'4". I've had differing measurements for some reason between those two numbers, but the last time I believe I was 6'4"

must be the pradas
Abbey Normal said:
Actually, those look more like typos done in haste, than spelling or grammar errors. You should not judge intelligence based on typos. In fact, people who type or write many errors are often just fast thinkers.

Oh geeeeezzzzeee Ab... be careful saying anything in my defense. He's all over me for a reason I don't even know. Maybe his dad used to kick the shit out of him and I remind him of him... I don't know. All I know is he's after me like a rabid dog.

And you're absolutely correct. When I'm going fast, sometimes I don't have time to reread my post and mistakes get out. But cryin' out loud, we ALLLL make mistakes here. He was just being a jackass.
Kagom said:
I didn't threaten you. I was merely stating something I had just observed. Don't flatter yourself too much.

What gives you the impression I was flattering myself? Did I say something I missed?
Pale Rider said:
What gives you the impression I was flattering myself? Did I say something I missed?
Don't take it so seriously. You said "Should I be scared?" and I retorted with a facetious comment. I'm not being serious with you at the moment :p
Pale Rider said:
A little history for you jolly, I spent eight years in the military in an active duty fighter wing. I'd be willing to bet I've been to more countries and met more foriegn people than you have. So keep your pias diatribe. You have no idea who you're talking to, my age, or where and what I've done in my life.

Do you mean you were at a war? How can you possibly get to REALLY know foreign people when you see them as ennemies and they see you as an ennemy too?

And you didn't answer me about a white skinned person going under the sun to get their skin browner... Are there being more or less intelligent then?

It has nothing to do with the color of skin or the culture, but with the conditions in which persons grow up... the chances we give them or not.

I have no idea who I'm talking to? Ooh I'm afraiiiid... At least what I know about you is that if you think the skin contains more or less intelligence depending on the color, then that makes you a racist. And if you think there is no black people who can possibly be more intelligent than a white one, then you are racist and ignorant. I guess I should stop wasting my time talking to you then.

And again, all you've purported here is your own brand of castigation. Well, you can give your opinion all day long, but until you can put some facts behind what you say, then you're just blowing hot air.

Find something... ANYTHING to back up what you're saying before you preach your LIBERAL ENLIGHTENMENT. I don't need to hear it.

But I did give you facts... meet more people and... educate yourself!!! In many different ways! The facts are there!! I am not gonna play the teacher with you, it would take months or years to teach you everything. You've got to do it yourself or go back to school, I dunno.

Your only fact is that little article that measure only a little part of intelligency while psychologists themselves assure that this test is not always accurate that it depends on the conditions where you made it and that the intelligency isn't just that.
Jolly said:
Do you mean you were at a war? How can you possibly get to REALLY know foreign people when you see them as ennemies and they see you as an ennemy too?

I've been in different countries under many different circumstances.

Jolly said:
And you didn't answer me about a white skinned person going under the sun to get their skin browner... Are there being more or less intelligent then?

This is an incredibly stupid question. I doesn't deserve an answer.

Jolly said:
It has nothing to do with the color of skin or the culture, but with the conditions in which persons grow up... the chances we give them or not.

Prove it. Don't just blow you horn... PROVE IT.

Jolly said:
I have no idea who I'm talking to? Ooh I'm afraiiiid... At least what I know about you is that if you think the skin contains more or less intelligence depending on the color, then that makes you a racist. And if you think there is no black people who can possibly be more intelligent than a white one, then you are racist and ignorant. I guess I should stop wasting my time talking to you then.

Lets see... you pulled that name calling trick out of your liberal handbook, page 116?

Jolly said:
But I did give you facts... meet more people and... educate yourself!!! In many different ways! The facts are there!! I am not gonna play the teacher with you, it would take months or years to teach you everything. You've got to do it yourself or go back to school, I dunno.

You obviously can't "play teacher" with anyone or anything. You've had multiple opportunities to prove what you're saying has any credence, but you've fallen flat on your ass.

Jolly said:
Your only fact is that little article that measure only a little part of intelligency while psychologists themselves assure that this test is not always accurate that it depends on the conditions where you made it and that the intelligency isn't just that.

Move along moron. The more you say, the dumber you sound.
Pale Rider said:
Prove it. Don't just blow you horn... PROVE IT.

Having not done a comprehensive study I can only provide you with my personal experience. I am white, my folks are white (both of them have PhDs). My little brother is black. He does very well in school, his standardized test scores rank him in the top 10% of the country in several subjects and in no subject is he ranked lower than the top 30%, and he makes straight A's. I personally attribute the fact that he does well in school to the fact that he was raised in an intellectual environment, not to either his race or cultural heritage.
deaddude said:
Having not done a comprehensive study I can only provide you with my personal experience. I am white, my folks are white (both of them have PhDs). My little brother is black. He does very well in school, his standardized test scores rank him in the top 10% of the country in several subjects and in no subject is he ranked lower than the top 30%, and he makes straight A's. I personally attribute the fact that he does well in school to the fact that he was raised in an intellectual environment, not to either his race or cultural heritage.

You mean where learning and studying was encouraged? Where parents were involved in their child's school work and made sure they did their homework and studied for tests?

You mean where parents congratulated their child for doing a good job, and scolded them when they didn't?

You might be on to something here.

Parently responsibility has a direct effect on their child's performance in school?

Can it be?
GotZoom said:
You mean where learning and studying was encouraged? Where parents were involved in their child's school work and made sure they did their homework and studied for tests?

You mean where parents congratulated their child for doing a good job, and scolded them when they didn't?

You might be on to something here.

Parently responsibility has a direct effect on their child's performance in school?

Can it be?
Holy shit! You're right! This is a shocking discovery!
GotZoom said:
You mean where learning and studying was encouraged? Where parents were involved in their child's school work and made sure they did their homework and studied for tests?

You mean where parents congratulated their child for doing a good job, and scolded them when they didn't?

You might be on to something here.

Parently responsibility has a direct effect on their child's performance in school?

Can it be?
Nope...IT TAKES A VILLAGE! or so we've been told.
GotZoom said:
You might be on to something here.

Parently responsibility has a direct effect on their child's performance in school?

Can it be?

Not if you ask the eugenesits.
deaddude said:
Having not done a comprehensive study I can only provide you with my personal experience. I am white, my folks are white (both of them have PhDs). My little brother is black. He does very well in school, his standardized test scores rank him in the top 10% of the country in several subjects and in no subject is he ranked lower than the top 30%, and he makes straight A's. I personally attribute the fact that he does well in school to the fact that he was raised in an intellectual environment, not to either his race or cultural heritage.

Well.... I'm puzzled about one thing.... how are your both your parents white, you're white, and you have a black brother? Adopted?

And I'm glad to hear he's doing well... really, and I'm glad you've provided an example. That's what we need. But 'one' example ramped against the 'many' tested to provide that data in the article I posted? Yes it may contradict the results of said test, but does is prove anything, that can be applied to the whole?
deaddude said:
Not if you ask the eugenesits.

Did you mean eugenists? I'm thinking you did.

eu·gen·i·cist ( P ) Pronunciation Key (y-jn-sst) also eu·gen·ist (yj-nst)
An advocate of or a specialist in eugenics.

eu·gen·ics ( P ) Pronunciation Key (y-jnks)
n. (used with a sing. verb)
The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding.

Hitler and the master race right?
if there is a god.... and if god created man from adam and eve ..... there can be no superior race as we all came from the same two
manu1959 said:
if there is a god.... and if god created man from adam and eve ..... there can be no superior race as we all came from the same two

Good point.

But we can quantify superior in many different ways I guess. I've heard blacks can withstand more heat than whites. Does that make them superior to whites? And the asians, supposedly, are more intelligent than all other races. Does that make them superior? Those two examples put whites under the curve. Does that make whites less valuable in the global community? No. I think all races have their qualities. Some are better at things that others are not, either by geographical location, cultural environment, religon, breeding, heritage, customs, whatever. No race is "superior" to another in a complete sense.

So do I believe asians 'may' be more intelligent than all other races, on average? Yes. I think it's completely plausible. But they may lag behind other races in many different things. So even if they are more intelligent, that surely doesn't make them the "supreme race". Intelligence alone does NOT constitute superiority in any shape, way or form.
Pale Rider said:
Well.... I'm puzzled about one thing.... how are your both your parents white, you're white, and you have a black brother? Adopted?

Yes he was adopted.

And I'm glad to hear he's doing well... really, and I'm glad you've provided an example. That's what we need. But 'one' example ramped against the 'many' tested to provide that data in the article I posted? Yes it may contradict the results of said test, but does is prove anything, that can be applied to the whole?

Yes on average black students given an IQ test preform more poorly than most other racial categories. However this does not cover all of the variables. There are several possibilities as to what could cause this preformance. 1. Blacks are geneticly less inclined for intelligence (a contreversial possibillity but sadly one that must at least be acknowledged in a scientific study). 2. African American culture actively discourages intellectualism(this actually does occur in some schools, especially with males). 3. It has been shown that a disproprotionate number of black people live in poverty, it is possible that there is a correlation between poverty and lower IQ scores. 4. The test itself is biased (this has happened in the past, I beleive one early IQ test showed that the contemporary mayor of chigago was retarded).
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