Is There A Superior Race?

Nuc said:
Oh sorry, if I knew you were Joe Walsh I wouldn't have questioned your manliness. Are the rest of the Eagles a bunch of pissers and moaners as well?

Wouldn't it be a trip if he actually was?
Nuc said:
Oh sorry, if I knew you were Joe Walsh I wouldn't have questioned your manliness. Are the rest of the Eagles a bunch of pissers and moaners as well?

Sorry Pale...Nuc is still a putz...but that was funny.
GotZoom said:
Sorry Pale...Nuc is still a putz...but that was funny.

Yes he is a putz. I would rather not get banned, so I'm going to do my best to ignore him. Since he doesn't seem to want an actual piece of me, we can also see he's only tough behind his computer. A true pussy.
Pale Rider said:
Yes he is a putz. I would rather not get banned, so I'm going to do my best to ignore him. Since he doesn't seem to want an actual piece of me, we can also see he's only tough behind computer. A true pussy.

What are you worried about getting banned for? Are you acknowledging that you started this row? :wank:

You can't handle me ribbing you about your poor spelling and faulty reasoning so you challenge me to a fight? Sure let's duke it out, macho man. Send me a PM and I'll tell you where to send the first class plane ticket. I'd like to see Idaho. Haven't been there for a while.
Nuc said:
Yeah, right, what a whiner. You change peoples names when you quote them to things like "FAG" and then you complain about this? Run to mommy (again).

You know if you can't take it, don't dish it out, pal. You are like a typical whining liberal. Where does your sense of entitlement come from?

Is there anybody else here who thinks this guy is a pansy?

You know I would love to do just what you're doing here. Follow someone I didn't like around the board and relentlessly give them shit. Then top it off with some HARRASING PM's. Sound familiar? And I DID. Long ago. But I got BANNED for twenty four hours for doing it. So you're not going to suck me into your personal vendeta against me because you don't like me. I wan't to stay on this board. You obviously don't give a shit.
Nuc said:
What are you worried about getting banned for? Are you acknowledging that you started this row?

You can't handle me ribbing you about your poor spelling and faulty reasoning so you challenge me to a fight? Sure let's duke it out, macho man. Send me a PM and I'll tell you where to send the first class plane ticket. I'd like to see Idaho. Haven't been there for a while.

I can handle anything you got boy. You picked the fight, not me. Want some? Come and get it. Don't be a pussy.
Pale Rider said:
I can handle anything you got boy. You picked the fight, not me. Want some? Come and get it. Don't be a pussy.

I have been pursuaded by a board member I respect to let this one go. You know what started this. If you don't want a repeat, then don't make the same mistake again. Ciao, :beer: :69: :boohoo: :cheers2: :cry: :whip:
Nuc said:
I have been pursuaded by a board member I respect to let this one go. You know what started this. If you don't want a repeat, then don't make the same mistake again.

That's quite a display of arrogance... thinking I'll listen to one of your threats. I'll do as I please, and you'll never change that.

You get what you give from me. You keep that in mind.
Depends on what you think of as intelligence. I have known autistic kids who memorized the phonebook. Could rattle of the names and numbers in alphabetical order. They had extreme difficulty relateing and communicating with others. Put one of those kids on the math portion of an IQ test and he would destroy it, put the kid in a social situation and he would break down.

Likewise if you took an aboriginal and you compared his IQ test to mine, I would rate much higher. Put us both in the middle of the outback, who do you think is going to survive. There is no racial or cultural superiority, we are simply dealing with the circumstances allotted to us at birth.
Nuc said:
I judge IQ by spelling skills. And I usually think that people who spell pious "pias", or who spell guard "gaurd" are pretty low in IQ. Not to mention people who claim to be members of some sort of "gaurd" are probably posers. Because if they were they would know how to spell it.

Unless English is not your first language, in which case I apologize in advance. :tank:

Actually, those look more like typos done in haste, than spelling or grammar errors. You should not judge intelligence based on typos. In fact, people who type or write many errors are often just fast thinkers.
BaronVonBigmeat said:
I think there are superior cultures, which are often very closely correlated--but not caused by--race. ie, people with asian ancestry tend to have absorbed the asian ethic and culture, blacks tend to be influenced by the "urban" culture, etc. I wonder if anyone's ever done a study of kids raised in a different than usual culture.

It's comforting to think that "culture" has more to do with it than race, but this isn't true. It's the other way around. Race is the biological template for culture.

There are studies of children raised in different cultures. Blacks always end up on the bottom, intelligence-wise. Asians, always on top. Whites, in the middle. If there's a superior race for intelligence, it's the Ashkenazi Jews, followed by northern Asians.

Sorry, gang. Them's the facts.
William Joyce said:
It's comforting to think that "culture" has more to do with it than race, but this isn't true. It's the other way around. Race is the biological template for culture.

There are studies of children raised in different cultures. Blacks always end up on the bottom, intelligence-wise. Asians, always on top. Whites, in the middle. If there's a superior race for intelligence, it's the Ashkenazi Jews, followed by northern Asians.

Sorry, gang. Them's the facts.
*Looks around*

...and those studies would be where, exactly?

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